The next morning, it was a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine, cloudless and clear sky, which was perfect for going out.

Hayabusa arrived at the appointed station ten minutes earlier than agreed, and glanced around, looking for Shizuka Hiratsuka and others.

Hiratsuka Shizuka discovered him earlier than Hayabusa

“Poison Island, here.”

A figure got down from the driver’s seat of the car and waved to Hayata.

Hiratsuka Shizu tied her long black hair into a ponytail today and wore a khaki hat. She wore a black T-shirt on her upper body, with the hem rolled up and tied She was wearing a pair of blue jeans and sneakers similar to hiking boots.

In addition, Hiratsuka Shizuka wore sunglasses, which looked like an urban beauty.

Hayabusa walked over and came. In front of Shizuka Hiratsuka

“The teacher’s dress today is really tempting. If you do this every day, you should have no worries about finding a boyfriend.”

“It’s so early in the morning that you feel uncomfortable.”

Facing Hayata’s teasing, Hiratsuka Shizu took off his sunglasses with his right hand and looked at him sharply.

“No, I’m just praising you.”

Of course Hayata will not admit that he is teasing the other party.

“Hayabusa~ You came so slowly.”

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind Hayabusa.

Hayabusa turned around and saw that it was Dango and Yukino.

Dango was holding a bulging plastic bag in both hands. It looked like it was a big purchase.

Maybe it was because he knew he was going to buy something. She was going to the mountains, so today she was wearing a pink sun hat and a short T-shirt, with her cute belly button exposed.

Her lower body was in a pair of hot hot pants, which completely exposed her beautiful legs. In front of Hayata.

But behind Danzi, Yukino is a little different.

She is wearing a stand-up collared top and rarely wears jeans on her lower body

, but she looks very fresh and cool overall.

“You were looking forward to it too much, so you thought I came late.”

Shunta walked over and naturally took the bag that Danzi was carrying.

“No way.”

Tuanzi pouted dissatisfiedly

“Ha ha……”

Amid everyone’s laughter, Shizuka Hiratsuka helped open the trunk. After Hayata put everything away, the four of them got in the car.

Shizuka Hiratsuka drove, Hayata sat in the passenger seat, and Dango and Yukino sat in the back.

In this way, they set off towards Chiba Village.

In the car, Hayata and Hiratsuka Shizu chatted.

“How was your summer vacation?”

The first person to speak was Shizuka Hiratsuka. This was the concern from the teacher.

“It’s good. I invite Yui and Yukino out when I have time, and I can read books, comics, anime, or play games at home.”

“Your little life is really nourishing.”

Hiratsuka Shizu is very envious.

“It’s okay, just a normal holiday life”

“Is this normal?……”

「Is this normal for hanging out with two beauties a lot?”

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt that her fist became hard again

“Yes, don’t talk about me, what about Mr. Hiratsuka?”

Queen Dowager Falcon realized later, thinking that it was indeed a bit Versailles, so she quickly changed the topic.


Hiratsuka Shizuka spat out these two words feebly.

“ah? Isn’t the school on vacation?”

Shunta thinks this is very inconsistent with Hiratsuka Shizuka’s character. She is such a lazy person and actually works all the time during the holidays.

“Yes, you have to work except for the Bon holidays. Such is the case with social beings. Hiratsuka

Shizuka replied even more feebly.

“Thank you so much for your hard work.”

Shunta gave Hiratsuka Shizu a sad look.

After driving for more than an hour, the car entered the mountains.

“Wow, it’s a mountain, so beautiful”

“Indeed, it is a mountain”

“Oh, the mountains.”

Duanzi’s admiration was just for Yukino and Hiratsuka Shizuka to repeat mechanically.

Because Chiba City is located in a plain area, it is difficult to see mountains, so Danzi was a little excited.

Then, silence returned to the car again.

Hayata and Yukino Looking out the window boredly, admiring the mountain scenery


Not long after, Tuanzi had put his head on Yukino’s shoulder and fell into a deep sleep.

Probably because he got up too early today, and now the excitement of going out has passed, so he is sleepy. It’s a long distance. That’s how it is when traveling, and Hayabusa often falls asleep while riding in the car. The towering mountains squeeze the high guardrails on the highway, and the dark tunnel is filled with bright orange lights.

Just look out the window quietly – for half an hour, the scenery continues to flow backwards, and the flow of the scenery slows down.

——It’s obviously a highway, but there’s a traffic jam.

Today is not the weekend, so I don’t know why there are so many cars going to Chiba Village.

“I didn’t expect so many people to come here today.”

Looking at the endless long dragon in front of him, Hayata sighed.

“Because there are many camps and hot springs in this area, anyone who is a junior high school student in Chiba City must have been to the Sarukyo Hot Spring area.”

“I did come here once when I was in junior high school, but I forgot the specific place name.”

Shayta does have memories of this matter.

“You have such a memory at your age, what will you do in the future?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka took the opportunity to retrieve the scene, causing damage to Hayata.

The car drove for a while and then got off the highway. It continued to drive along the general road to the mountains. After half an hour of flexibly traveling on the somewhat winding mountain road, They finally arrived at their destination, Chiba Village.

When they got out of the car, they were surrounded by green forests, and the parking lot of Chiba Village was very empty. place, there were several buses parked there, and they got off here.

“Mmm~~It’s so comfortable~~”

Tuanzi immediately stretched out after getting off the car.

“……You use other people’s shoulders as pillows and still sleep so peacefully, of course it’s comfortable”

“Um…yeah, sorry!”

Regarding Yukino’s condemnation, Tuanzi immediately clasped his hands to express his apology. Of course Yukino immediately forgave Tuanzi.

After all, if she was really dissatisfied, she would not let Tuanzi sleep all the way.

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