“Well, the air is so fresh.”

Because Shizuka Hiratsuka had not smoked since the morning of the drive, the first thing he did after getting off the car was to smoke. He exhaled a puff of cigarette. After being satisfied, Shizuka Hiratsuka started to smoke like a violent man. , raised his head, looked down at the three people and said:

“If you want to take it with you next, you should take your luggage out of the car first.”

“Teacher, don’t you think that the way you look like this will damage the image of the teaching profession in people’s minds?”

While holding the luggage, Hayata teased Shizuka Hiratsuka.

“So I disillusioned you?”

Hiratsuka Shizuka took another deep breath, completely unmoved.

“That’s not the case. On the first day I met you, teacher, there was no such thing.”

Shunta’s counterattack was very powerful, making Hiratsuka Shizuka’s fist hard again.

“Then I’m really sorry for you.”

Although he said apologetic words, his tone was full of murderous intent.

“It seems that, teacher, you are still……”

This time, before Hayata could finish his words, a van entered the parking lot and parked next to them.

「Really good at stopping somewhere.”

As soon as Hayabusa finished complaining in his mind, the door of the van opened and a group of people filed out.

As for the van, it seemed that it was just bringing these passengers here and drove away immediately.

I have to say that when this van came, it was really packed. After all, there were seven people getting out of the van.

Including the driver, there are eight people in total. I don’t know if it is overloaded.

Looking at the seven people who got out of the car, Hayata realized that they were all acquaintances.

The blond sunshine boy among the seven boys and girls immediately waved and greeted him after seeing Hayata:

“Hi Busujima”

“Hayama? It’s you.”

Shunta pretended to be surprised.

After all, he had known for a long time that Hayama and others were coming.

Not only Hayama, but also Miura, Ebina, and Tobe.

As for the four of them coming, it was Hayabusa. It was already known through the plot.

However, it was said that the other three people were coming, but now because of Hayata’s intervention, he was not sure whether they would come. Teacher and Komachi.

It seems that because there are not enough people, Hiratsuka Shizuka was recruited.

This is not surprising, after all, Hiratsuka Shizuka doesn’t have many choices.


Hiratsuka Shizuka. When I called, I was told that this is a dormitory owned by a service club. In fact, I asked them to come over to help, which can also be said to be volunteers.

In this way, it is indeed in line with the principles of the service club. Anyway, they are all about helping others.

“Why are you here? Are you here to play?”

Shunta pretended not to know anything.

Before Hayama could answer, Shizu Hiratsuka had already put out his cigarette and clapped his hands.

“bang bang bang……”

When everyone’s attention was focused on her and looking at her, she said:

“Well, it looks like everyone is here. So, do you know why I came to you?”

Hearing this question, everyone except Hayata looked at each other.

“I heard there are volunteer activities to be held”

“Um, so we’re here to help. Yukino answered first, and Totsuka nodded in agreement.

They seemed to know what was going on.

Danzi on the side asked in confusion:

“Huh? Isn’t it a club dormitory?”

“I have no idea at all……”

“What Komachi heard was camping.”

O-Sensei and the others were completely deceived.

Well, in fact, Hayabusa can be considered as one of their group. After all, Hiratsuka Shizuka and him were talking about club dormitories.

“I heard that participating in volunteer activities can give you extra points when applying for college.……”

Ye Shan smiled bitterly

“I heard there was a free camping event and came here”

“Right, free events are great!”

Miura fiddled with her curly hair, while Tobe lifted up his bangs because he thought he was handsome.

“I heard that Hayama and Tobe were coming to camp, so ha~~his~~ha~~his~~”

Finally something seemed to sneak in.

Mr. Hiratsuka sighed helplessly:

“Well, at least it’s basically not wrong. In the next few days, I want to ask you to help with a volunteer activity”

“So what is the content of the event?”

Shunta asked

“The principal inexplicably gave me the responsibility of supervising the activities here, so I brought you all here to serve as a staff member for elementary school students’ camping activities.

To put it simply, it is to help the employees of Chiba Village, as well as teachers and children, and to help them. To put it bluntly, they are slaves.”


Hayata suddenly remembered that the principal seemed to have reported this matter to him.

“Teacher, is it really okay for you to say this?”

The great teacher complained in a low voice.

Hiratsuka Shizuka pretended not to hear at all and continued:

“This matter can be regarded as a gathering of the service club. After all, the service club is a club that helps others.

In addition, as Hayama said, based on your performance, I will not hesitate to add points to the review materials for further studies.

And in your free time, of course you can go camping or something and play around.

So what you said is correct.”

It has to be said that Hiratsuka Shizuka still has two skills. She only tells everyone what they like, and then deceives people first.

When she gets here, she doesn’t just do whatever she wants. It’s up to them.

“So, let’s set off quickly. Put your luggage in the hotel and start working immediately.”

It seems that Shizuka Hiratsuka didn’t want to waste time and immediately led everyone to set off.

She walked at the front of the team and led the way, while the others followed.

Following Shizuka Hiratsuka were Hayata, Yukino and Dango, and behind them were It’s Hayama, Miura and the others, and the last three are O-sensei.

At times like this, everyone will walk together with people they are close to, and then chat while walking on the road leading to the main building. On the asphalt road, Yukino asked slightly depressed:

“Excuse me…why are Hayama and the others here too?”

“Um? Oh, you’re asking me a question.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked back at Yukino.

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