The early morning sunlight shone into the room, and Luo Zhen immediately opened his eyes.


As Luo Zhen moved, the petite girl lying in his arms suddenly whimpered in dissatisfaction from her sleep.

"You hit my hair……"

Kasugano Qiong pushed Luo Zhen in a daze and said with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, I'll get up right now……"

Looking at a girl who was so passionate yesterday but suddenly as cold as ice today, Luo Zhen could only give her a loving kiss on the forehead.

Who told her that this was his sister... He had no choice but to continue to pamper her

"Remember to get up early and don’t just spend every day in bed……"

Luo Zhen got up and put on his school uniform. Looking at a girl who was still lying on the bed, he casually warned

"Got it, got it, Onii-chan, you’re so annoying……"

Kasugano Qiong, a certain otaku girl, directly covered her head with a quilt and said depressedly

"You girl……"After Luo Zhen got dressed, he came to her side, patted her butt a few times and said

"Just wait until you go to school next year, and you won't be able to sleep like this anymore."

"Let’s talk about next year’s matters next year……"

A small white hand stretched out from the quilt, Kasugano Qiong said in a daze.

Luo Zhen looked at a sleeping girl and didn't bother to care about her anymore. After all, Kasugano Qiong's IQ was still very high, and her scores in self-study at home were not inferior to those of the students in Shuchiyuan Junior High School.

So he prepared the relevant things for today's class, washed up and had breakfast before leaving the house.


Hearing the sound of the door closing, Kasugano Qiong, who was still sleeping soundly, suddenly got up. His skin as white and smooth as milk was particularly eye-catching under the long silver hair.

Kasuga Noqiong stuck out his head, A pair of eyes stared at Luo Zhen who walked out of the house.

"Damn's true."

Looking at Luo Zhen who walked onto the street, accompanied by two graceful blond girls, Kasugano Qiong's pink cheeks were slightly bulging, and he said somewhat angrily.

"There are too many vixens around Onii-chan, it’s so hateful and annoying……"

Her silver eyes were staring at the two graceful figures with dissatisfaction.

It's no wonder that Kasugano Qiong is so vigilant. After all, the girls around Luo Zhen are no less beautiful and stature than her, and some girls are even far superior to her in some aspects.

Her only advantage is probably that she can live with Luo Zhen.

But looking at the Shiina sisters who went to school with Luo Zhen, a certain Kasugano Qiong also felt a sense of crisis.

"Damn it, what should I do?"

Kasugano Qiong seems to have a headache. After all, as a home girl, she is born 403 weaker.

Even if she goes to class next year, she will still be one year behind others.……

"By the way, you can find her......"

Then Kasugano Qiong's eyes lit up, she put on slippers on her white silk legs, ran to the study and turned on the computer

"Master, are you there?"

Looking at a certain chat account, the girl asked expectantly.

A certain girl's already gray avatar also lit up again at this moment, and then replied

"Here, girl, are you confused about anything?"

"That's right, Master."Kasugano Qiong nodded. She had no doubts about the master who guided her.

"Thanks to your advice last time, I bought a few sets of cosplay costumes that were really great."

"Onii-chan, he likes the nun uniforms, nurse uniforms and jk uniforms. He has used several of them......."

Recalling the last experience, Kasugano Qiong seemed a little shy

"very good!!!"

When the chat account on the opposite side heard Kasugano Qiong say this, he suddenly became excited and put three exclamation points in a row.

"So can you tell me what you usually like to use?......"

She asked quickly and slightly excitedly, and those excited words made Kasugano Qiong's mouth twitch.

If he hadn't seen her live broadcast and the two parties had private chats and could confirm that the other party was a woman, then Kasugano Qiong would have suspected that the other party was a lunatic. otherwise......

"How can a girl ask other people such embarrassing things every day? How could such a thing be spread?"

She replied somewhat unhappily, her cheeks slightly bulging.

"Ahem, ahem, Miss Kasugano, don't worry, I'm just asking you for relevant knowledge to facilitate my collection of information."

"After all, you don’t want to see all kinds of weird bugs in my comics, right?"

"I usually don’t have many friends outside, so the only one I can communicate with is you."

The girl on the other side of the computer was obviously a little aggrieved, and she said pitifully.

"I have helped you so much. If you didn't have me in your previous decisive plan, do you think your brother would be soft-hearted?"

"Alright alright......"

Seeing the aggrieved look of the girl opposite, Kasugano Qiong could only sigh, and then she replied on the computer.

The more the two communicate, the more exciting it becomes, and the more they communicate, the more unexplainable it becomes.......

In the end, I could only hear the strands of people's hair exclaiming.

"Is this the case?"

"It turns out that the three minutes others said were all false......."

"Wow, that's really eye-opening for me."


Seeing the exclamation from the girl on the other side of the computer, Kasugano Qiong's face turned a little crimson.

"Of course, this is just my personal experience. I don't rule out other men, after all, my brother is the strongest."

The girl said with some confidence.

"Indeed, this is completely different from what I heard from other channels. Either your brother is very powerful, or they are all lying......."

The girl on the other end also nodded in agreement.

After all, what Kasugano Qiong said really refreshed her outlook and made her a little unbelievable.

"By the way, what do you want to see me for?"

The girl on the other side of the computer seemed to have thought of something, and asked quickly

"Ahem, I just want to ask you, master, what method can I use to get my brother to pay more attention to me."

Kasugano Qiong looked at the inquiry on the other end and said with some embarrassment.

"My brother is a super playboy and a scumbag. There are so many girls around him. It’s really annoying."

Recalling the scandals related to Luo Zhen in the Xiuzhiyuan forum, the girl said angrily.

"I understand this best. Isn’t this what the Shura field in comics is like?"

"you listen to me......"

The girl over there vowed to send Kasugano Qiong a set of sure-win tricks. This set of tricks made Kasugano Qiong’s eyes sparkle.

"So that’s it, there’s this method, it’s great! Master, you are my guiding light!"

Kasugano Qiong said sincerely.

"Ahem, it doesn't matter. It would be nice if we communicate more usually, and it would also give me more source material for collecting materials."

The girl on the other side of the computer said nonchalantly.

"No more, no more, I'm going to bed too. You just got up, but I'm not asleep yet."

Then the message from the girl over there made Kasugano Qiong's mouth twitch.

"Master, you should always take a good rest, otherwise sooner or later you will have to practice immortality and ascend to heaven......."

"Cough, cough, cough, I will pay attention. I won’t say it any more. I have to go to bed, so I’ll get off first."

Then the girl's avatar over there also dimmed.

"Goodbye, Mr. Eromanga."

Although the girl on the other end chose to get off the plane, Kasugano Qiong still sent a text message gratefully, and then read the relevant winning strategies. On the other side of Tokyo

"boom! boom! boom!"

Looking at the silver-haired young woman who was gradually approaching, the silver-haired girl carefully shrank into a ball.


She blinked hard and looked at the seductive young woman in front of her.

"So, Sagiri, are you not going to sleep? Mrs.

Izumi, who was holding her waist with both hands, looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her with a half-smile and said.

"Well, I haven't finished collecting the materials yet......."

Looking at the closed computer, Izumi Sagiri let out a sad cry.

"I've said goodbye to your friends, so just go to sleep."

I directly carried Izumi Sagiri to the bed with one hand. Mrs. Izumi covered her with a quilt and said with a chuckle.

"If I find you secretly drawing comics again, don't blame me for locking all your comics tools."

She looked at the silver-haired girl lying on the bed covered with a quilt in front of her, shook her head and said

"Well, no!"

The girl wailed for a while, then covered herself with the quilt and closed her eyes.....

Not long after, the girl who had been practicing immortality all night quickly fell asleep

"Will this Sagiri really not be able to sleep without my supervision?"

Mrs. Izumi glanced helplessly at Izumi Sagiri, who was trapped in a dream, and couldn't help but shake her head and sigh. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


She recalled the chat history of the girl who just chatted with Izumi Sagiri, and her face suddenly turned red.

"Are there really men that powerful?"

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.




"Strange, why are they all looking at me with such strange eyes?"

Luo Zhen looked at the boys around him who looked at him with admiration, and thought with some confusion.

Even Yukinoshita Yukino and Shinomiya Kaguya, who had always been aloof, looked at him with strange eyes.

This He was a little confused

"Luo Zhen has become famous again recently......."

Chitanda Eru, who was sitting behind Luo Zhen, looked at Luo Zhen with her amethyst eyes and said with a smile.

"What's the meaning?"

Luo Zhen was puzzled.[]

"It is on the campus forum that Luo Zhen has become famous again recently."

Kitagawa Kaimeng, who was sitting in front, heard the discussion between the two and waved to Luo Zhen with a smile.Said the mobile phone in his hand.

Kitagawa Uimu is worthy of being the representative of hot girls. Her nails are glittering with little stars and diamonds.

But Luo Zhen’s attention was completely focused on the campus forum on her mobile phone.

"So that's it......"

Looking at the post sent by that person, he said with a bit of laughter and tears.

"Luo Zhen will be my male god from now on, please don’t confess to me. I'm afraid my boyfriend will misunderstand me——Snake Ghoul Yumeko."

Looking at the last poster, Luo Zhen's mouth twitched.

This message received thousands of replies in the school forum. In this internal campus forum, it is already one of those posts with a very high number of replies.

No wonder Everyone is so happy. The person who posted this is the famous second-year co-student Yumeko Snake.

As soon as she entered the school, she attracted everyone's attention because of her beautiful figure and almost perfect appearance, and her perfect pair of black stocking legs The level is even as high as that of the second-year chief, Kasumigaoka Shiha.

And on the surface, she is also an elegant and dignified lady with a smile.

Compared with a woman like Kasumigaoka Shiha, who looks cold but actually has a poisonous tongue, she is simply world of difference......

Many second-year boys who had lost confidence in pursuing Shiha Kasumigaoka suddenly regarded Yumeko Snake Gho as the goddess in their hearts.

But at this moment, the goddess in their hearts took the initiative to confess her feelings to a man.

How could this not break their hearts?......

What makes them even more heartbroken is that there have been scandals more than once between that man and the last goddess they pursued, Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

No wonder the school forum became such a sensation after the news came out.

Most of the boys couldn't help but moan.......

"These guys clearly have not recognized the true face of Yumeko Snake Ghoul......."

Looking at the group of boys who denounced him as a scumbag under the post, Luo Zhen touched his nose and said with a bit of a wry smile.

"In other words, can Luo Zhen recognize the true face of Yumeko the Snake Ghoul?"

When Luo Zhen said this, Chitanda Eru's eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly asked

"I'm curious......"

Listening to Chitanda Eru's question, Luo Zhen suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Actually, I'm not too familiar with her, it's just that she's relatively familiar with her......."

"Despite her dignified appearance, she is actually a person who likes all kinds of pranks. This is just a prank on her part."

He quickly clarified.

At this moment, he only felt a headache for a certain Snake Mengko who was causing trouble.

He could already think of how many inquiries he would have from various girls on his mobile phone.......

"So this is ah......"

Chitanda Eru said with some disappointment after hearing this.

"It looks like it's more than just a prank......"

However, Kitagawa Uimuo, who was looking at his phone at this moment, suddenly looked a little strange.

Luo Zhen:? ? ? ? ? ?

Chitanda Eru:? ? ? ? ? ?

Kitagawa Uimome then handed the phone to the two of them.

"Dear students, please stop slandering Junior Luo Zhen like this. Regardless of whether Junior is the kind of person you say he is or not, I will pursue him as always.——Snake Ghoul Yumeko."

With Yumeko Snake's reply, the forum suddenly fell into a deathly loneliness.

Luo Zhen seemed to be able to hear the heartbreaking voices coming from various classes in Shuchiyuan.

"It certainly doesn't look like a joke......."

Chitanda Airu looked at Luo Zhen meaningfully and joked

"This crazy woman......"

Looking at a certain reply that caused silence in the forum, Luo Zhen suddenly rubbed his temples in distress.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to imagine the scene where the dignified snake ghoul Yumeko was actually gloating in her heart.

There is no need to think about this matter. It was definitely done deliberately by a certain Snake Ghoul Yumeko, just to avenge him.

"Alas, Mengzi still doesn't have a long memory, and she still needs a good education from me. Luo

Zhen sighed softly and thought silently in his heart.

"Ah sneeze!"

A girl in black stockings with her legs crossed suddenly sneezed.

"This must be him thanking me......"

The elegant and dignified girl stroked her long hair and said with a slight smile.

In the first-grade classroom, as the bell rang, the eyes of the students also shifted.

Luo Zhen also breathed a sigh of relief......

He subconsciously picked up his phone and started playing. After all, he was already familiar with the teacher's lessons.

As soon as I turned on my phone, a message from a certain silver-haired girl jumped in.

"good morning."

Looking at Kong Yinzi's profile picture, and then looking at the 99+ news in 1ine, Luo Zhen suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Are you here to ask about this news too? Has this news reached Kyoto?"

"What's the meaning? Kong

Yinzi asked confusedly.

"I just want to tell you, Luo Zhen, that I may have to go to Tokyo with my teacher this weekend."

"The teacher heard about you and wanted to pay you a visit."

"So that's it......"

Luo Zhen breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Kong Yinzi's explanation.

But then he was stunned, he was a little busy this weekend.

The arrival of Sora Ginko and the meeting of Winter Horse mother and daughter. Fortunately, he has nothing else to do this weekend.......

"I think should not be......"

He guessed slightly expectantly..

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