Comprehensive comics about the daily world

"Junior, do you have time on the weekend?"

In the garden of Xiuzhiyuan, the slim girl Kasumigaoka Shiyu was leaning against Luo Zhen with her black stocking legs crossed. Her burgundy eyes were shining with splendor.

"ah......Are you busy this weekend?"

Luo Zhen listened to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's words. He was stunned for a moment, and then said with some surprise.

"certainly......"Listening to what Luo Zhen said, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's rosy cherry lips gently outlined an arc, and she glanced at Luo Zhen rather charmingly.

"But I'm not inviting you......"The girl's red high heels were slightly lifted by her toes, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu's white ankles were faintly visible against the translucent black stockings.

As if she thought of something, she covered her mouth in a funny way and said,"It's Yuanzi. She happened to have something to ask you, so she just asked me to date you.""

"Turns out it's her...~..."

Luo Zhen, who originally looked a little weird, now looked even weirder.

"What's your expression?"Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the strange-looking Luo Zhen, couldn't help frowning slightly, and said with some doubts

"Yuanzi has helped me a lot before, can't you meet her? Besides, it’s not like you haven’t seen it before."

Her little feet swayed slightly, and the high heels also swayed slightly. Those black stocking legs were even more tempting, making Luo Zhen look away repeatedly.......

Watching this scene, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also pursed her lips and chuckled. After all, she had always been proud of having a pair of good legs.

What's more, being watched by Luo Zhen is something she is willing to do......

So in front of Luo Zhen, she slightly adjusted her sitting posture to better display her beautiful legs in front of his eyes.

"But it’s not like you don’t know that Editor Machida is actually similar to Kirisu-sensei and Hiratsuka-sensei. They are all older single women. Luo

Zhen said with some distress.

"I'm afraid that if I go this time, I'll be chased by that older leftover girl to propose marriage. After all, I'm considered a rich, handsome man......."

Luo Zhen, who was touching his chin, looked quite serious.

"Hahaha, junior fellow student, you are pretty good at telling jokes......."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckled.

"Don't worry about that guy Yuanzi. I'm afraid she will be single until she dies. She has failed in blind dates every time. I don't think she will be able to get married in this life......."

For her, a well-informed older single editor, Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't bear the poisonous tongue in her heart and complained.

"But what you said makes sense......."Kasumigaoka Shiyu touched her chin, looked at Luo Zhen thoughtfully, and said in agreement.

"After all, if that single older woman is really jealous, she might actually do these things.......In that case, let me protect you."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu clapped her hands and said with a serious face.

"Are you going to protect me or are you greedy for my body?"

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was rubbing her calf with her black stocking feet, Luo Zhen twitched the corner of his mouth and complained.

"Don't I get paid? After all, I am also a well-known teacher Xia Shizi on the Internet. It is only right that I ask you to receive some compensation."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's face turned red and he said a little stubbornly.

"So, you haven't told me yet, why is Machida Enzi looking for me?"

Looking at the shy Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Luo Zhen quickly changed the topic and said

"Very simple......"Talking about this matter, a certain Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a bit of gloating.

"When was the last book by a major author published?"

Listening to what Kasumigaoka Shiyu said, Luo Zhen was suddenly stunned. He touched his chin and thought hard for a long time before suddenly saying,"That seems to go back to my junior high school days......."

"Yes, when a talented writer delays releasing a new book, the editorial department is under great pressure."

As a deadline madman who is often pushed for manuscripts, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Luo Zhen's slightly troubled expression and seemed particularly happy at the moment.

After all, it is rare to see Luo Zhen like this.......

"So the entire editorial department spent a long time selecting from top to bottom, and finally chose Machida Enko, who has the best relationship with you, to come over and urge the manuscript."

Kasumigaoka Shiu felt a little unhappy as she spoke. She recalled that when she was dragging out the manuscript, Machida Enko was watching her with an angry look. But now it was Luo Zhen's turn to drag out the manuscript, and the entire publishing house was filled with excitement. No one in the world was willing to be this vent.

In the end, it was because of the relationship between Machida Enko and Luo Zhen that she was pushed out to be this annoying guy.

Thinking of the huge difference between her and Luo Zhen, Kasumigaoka Shiu felt a little sour in her heart.

This is the difference between light novel writers and traditional literature writers.

After all, most light novels involve buying illustrations and giving away toilet paper. Unless your light novel really reaches a certain level, editing is fundamental. I won’t care about you.

But traditional literature is different. Every master of traditional literature is a figure respected by editors, and even in the local area, he will be particularly respected.

In the island country, various traditions can often be spread There are strange news or scandals about literary writers, but the public is still very tolerant of such geniuses.

They even think that these traditional literary writers themselves should be like this......

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu further confirmed her dream of transforming from a light novel writer into a traditional literature writer.

But at this moment, recalling Machida Enko's pitiful request before, the soft-hearted Kasumigaoka Shiu finally sighed, looked at Luo Zhen in front of him, patted his shoulder and said

"Her purpose is simple......Boy, it’s time to submit your manuscript"

"Is this what she asked you to do?"

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was urging him in front of him, Luo Zhen said slightly helplessly.

"That's right......"Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly showed a sweet smile, leaned next to Luo Zhen, and said with a smile

"Who made Yuanzi my editor, and she had helped me for so long before, so it was really hard for me to refuse her request."

Xia Zhigao Shiyu then rubbed his temples and said rather distressedly.

"Of course, my task is to help her bring her words to the world. Whether or not to publish a book depends on your own choice. I definitely respect you."She then said quickly

"If you say this, Yuanzi will probably cry. Are there any lobbyists like you?"Luo Zhen looked at the enchanting and alluring girl leaning against him and said, dumbfounded.

"How not? Aren't I the one?......"Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu leaned against Luo Zhen, and she said with a sweet smile.

If those suitors of Kasumigaoka Shiyu saw this scene, their hearts would be broken. The senior sister, who is vicious and cold in front of others, is passionate and proactive around Luo Zhen. Fortunately, the two of them are now in the corner of the garden. There are usually few people here, otherwise it will cause a sensation on the campus forum.

"Yuanzi also knows that I am a person who forgets friends after seeing sex, so I believe she will understand me."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyebrows are curved, and her vermilion cherry lips are alluring.

"But I happen to have a new idea, and I can give her the relevant outline and content when the time comes......."

Luo Zhen then touched his chin and said

"ah......Do you really have one?"Kasumigaoka Shiyu was a little stunned.

You know, traditional literature is not as productive as light novels. It is already very difficult for some traditional literature writers to publish one or two classics in their lifetime.

Luo Zhen is not far away from the publication of his last book. After two years, a new book was prepared. No wonder Kasumigaoka Shiyu was so shocked.......

Her original purpose for coming this time was actually just to get closer to Luo Zhen.

However, what Luo Zhen said shocked her even more.

"Why are you so fast?......"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Luo Zhen in disbelief and said

"Shiyu, don’t you know? Men can't speak fast......"

Luo Zhen listened to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's words, looked at her seriously and said

"Cough cough cough......I know you don't......Driving is not allowed."Kasumigaoka Shiyu subconsciously wanted to confirm, but quickly changed her words and complained.

"I can only say that I was inspired, so I wanted to write it out......."

Luo Zhen disagreed with this, after all, this time was his own real masterpiece.

Although he had mastered the talent of literary master through Kasumigaoka Shiu before, as there was no supernatural power involved at that time, he naturally had to choose the simplest route in order to make money.

That was the literary highway line that countless time-travelers had long proven, and the facts were just as he imagined. He easily became a well-known literary figure in the world.

But now, in the daily world of comprehensive comics, he has become a native of the motherland and can basically do whatever he wants.

So this time, he also plans to write something of his own

"Then when I tell Yuanzi this news, she will probably go crazy with joy.......After all, she just came here to urge the manuscript as usual, and she didn't expect you to give her such a big surprise."Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help complaining.

"Maybe she will commit herself to him as soon as she is happy. Although Yuanzi is said to be an older leftover girl, her figure and appearance are indeed great."

She said as if nothing had happened.

"Shiyu, you are jealous."

Looking at a certain sour girl, Luo Zhen put his arms around her weak and boneless waist in a funny way and said

"joke......How could I be jealous of that older leftover girl?"Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly said a little unhappy.

"But I'm going to go anyway. It's not that I don't trust you, I just want to have a good chat with you in the evening......."

She seemed to remember something, quickly patched herself up and said.

Luo Zhen looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu with some dumbfounding. In order to cover up her jealousy, she even took the initiative to defile herself.......

"By the way, is it true that time cannot be changed?"

Luo Zhen looked at the shy girl in front of him and asked casually.

"Of course not......"

The girl, who was a little shy just now, suddenly raised her head, her wine-red eyes now revealing cunning.

Asking for flowers

"Could it be that my junior brother already has an appointment for the weekend, so he wants to shirk my invitation?......"

Seeing that Kasumigaoka Shiyu in front of him had guessed everything, Luo Zhen couldn't help but rub his temples with a headache.

He was about to say something, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu gently blocked his mouth with his jade finger.

"I won't listen......"

She was leaning next to Luo Zhen and put on her high heels, put her hands behind her back and walked out of the garden.

"Although I can accept the speech of a certain playboy, I also want to see, at the weekend, who is more important in the heart of a playboy, me or them?"

When she walked to the door of the garden, she looked back at Luo Zhen and said with a playful smile. Then she turned and left.

"Then you look down on me a little bit."

Luo Zhen felt the faint fragrance that still seemed to remain on his hands, and he suddenly smiled confidently.

"The family's surname is Luo and he lives in Baodao. Nicknamed by people: Time Management Master." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Let Shiyu take a look at the high-end operations of the time management master......"

"As long as there is nothing new, it is just a third-line operation, which is trivial."

Luo Zhen's mouth evoked a confident smile. Although this is a bit difficult for him, it is not impossible.

"So, can you please ask Mr. Luo Zhen for help during the weekend?......"

Shiina Mahiru looked at Luo Zhen with a bit of shyness and helplessness and said


Luo Zhen looked at the two blond girls standing in front of him, and his brows suddenly jumped.

"Mashiro has just arrived in Tokyo, and there are still many things he doesn't understand. I'm going to take her shopping next"

"But this kid wants you to follow him, and I'm a little helpless."

Shiina Mahiru looked at the cute Mashiro next to her with some distress and said.

"If you have something to do, Mr. Luo Zhen, then we can go by ourselves."

She then said thoughtfully[]

"How can you refuse me?......"Luo Zhen looked at Mashiro Shiina, who had an expectant look on his face, and rubbed his temples helplessly and said

"This weekend? Is the time set?"

"The specific time has not been determined yet, but it is basically confirmed to be this weekend."

"We can come on your time, Mr. Luo Zhen......."

Shiina Mahiru breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Luo Zhen agreed to her invitation. She quickly said with a smile

"In this case, let’s confirm it on Friday......."

Luo Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the two people in front of him had not determined the time yet.

"No problem, see you there then."

Shiina Mahiru said with a bright smile.

After the two of them left, Luo Zhen rubbed his temples in distress.

"I'm afraid this weekend won't be easy to spend......."

Thinking back on several things he faced this weekend, Luo Zhen realized at this moment that he was also quite busy.

The arrival of Sora Ginko, the meeting between Touma mother and daughter, the appointment of Kasumigaoka Shiu and Machida Enko, and the appointment of the newly confirmed Shiina sisters.......

Facing these few things, Luo Zhen could only clasp his hands together and pray sincerely.

"Mr. Luo, as a master of time management, please bless me."

The eldest lady (administrator):"Go, go, go!""

Soft-bone Charming Rabbit:"Come on, Shuiqun, Shuiqun."

Bujima Shura:"I'm rushing for the sake of the group members."

Miss (Administrator):"Come on everyone, let's work together for group activity."

Ice Queen:"It's so boring. Do you think I will be like you?

Pipixi:"Aren't you also in the water group?""

The forever seventeen-year-old girl:"It looks like fun, please add one of us."......"

An ordinary time traveler:"What are you doing?"

Luo Zhen, who had just joined the group to relax, looked at the people who were scrolling and asked in shock.

Miss (Administrator):"Isn't it been a long time since we saw new people join the group? In the past, the chat group would automatically invite new people once the chat reached a certain level. So we are trying to increase the activity of the chat group."

The mediocre time traveler:"Is this useful?"

The soft-bone charm rabbit:"I don't know, but everyone is working hard."

【It is detected that the activity of the dimensional chat group has increased, and invitations to new people have been started. ]

Eldest lady (administrator):"Look, isn't the newcomer coming soon?"

Lu Qianran said with excitement..

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