Gunqianjing once went to the boy's house.

Although the only thing she really counted in was the apartment of the Eight Dances that she had been to in the name of cleaning, she knew something about whether it was Yokote Jasmine or Miku House...... At least from afar.

It's just that strictly speaking, those are not the boy's home, just a place where he temporarily stays.

Here it is...... Is he at home in this world?

Standing behind the young man, looking at the small villa in front of him, Jun Qianjing thought in his heart.


The sound of a soft call from beside her woke her from her distraction, and when she turned around, she realized that the young man had opened the door at some point, and pulled the Divine Tree Master into the door with him.

She shook her head and hurried to keep up with the boy.


Seeing the teenager who came back from outside the entrance, Mio, who had just come out of the kitchen, said hello to them, and then looked at the two girls who came in behind Xia Zhi, and tilted his head slightly

These two ...... Hinata she knows, but who is the other one?

On the summer solstice, I didn't say that there were guests at home?

She couldn't help but be a little worried, shouldn't there be enough food to cook at noon?

"It's Hinata!"

After washing and changing clothes, Nogi Sonoko, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, saw the familiar figure of the girl and greeted her happily.

When Hinata heard this, a smile appeared on his face: "It's been a long time, garden~"


Sonoko nodded...... Although for her, it was only a few days.

It looks like Hinata has been going through it for a long time.

She thought to herself and responded with a smile: "Long time no see, Hinata~"

On the other side, Jun Qianjing's gaze also fell on this cute girl with long pale blonde hair.

Before coming, Kamisato and her gave her a general introduction to the situation here, and by the way, briefly described the people in the boy's family, so that she could identify them at that time.

In fact, even if she didn't need an introduction, she could quickly recognize it by the traits that were very similar to those in her memory.

The girl in front of her seems to be the junior of Nogi Wakaba.

...... Is this the brave man of this era?

Jun Qianjing frowned slightly, thinking in his heart.


Facing the scrutinizing gaze of the black-haired girl, Nogi Sonoko tilted her head in confusion.


After trying to think about it for a moment, it seemed to correspond to some of the characteristics in her memory, and Sonoko put her hands together slightly, revealing a happy smile.

Small, small county?

Faced with this sudden intimate title, Jun Qianjing pulled the corners of his mouth

When did I become so familiar with you?

She glanced at the boy beside her, then shook her head.

Compared to this, she cares more about ...... How did this person meet her?

"When Brother Xia Zhi told me about his past experience, he specifically mentioned that there was a very cute girl who helped with special care, and was very attentive to his affairs, and gave him a lot of help~" Yuan Zi continued happily.

Hearing this, Jun Qianjing's expression instantly stiffened, and then his momentum suddenly weakened, and he slightly deviated his gaze

"I ...... I'm just doing my job......"

That's not what I said at the time...... At least not that exaggerated, right?

The summer solstice on the other side thought.

At this moment, the garden feels like saying good things for your family in front of others and helping to maintain interpersonal relationships.

And obviously, this trick is very effective for girls.

Glancing at the black-haired girl beside him who turned her head and no longer had the same stiff expression as just now, Xia Zhi sighed in his heart.

In just two sentences, he successfully got closer to others, which is worthy of being a garden.

He rubbed the girl's hair, helped to ease her emotions, and led her into the living room.

There was still some time before lunch started, and Mio also said that because the guests came, she wanted to add two more dishes, so she went back to the kitchen.

"That's ......"

Looking at the back of the girl who turned away, a trace of thought appeared in Jun Qianjing's eyes

According to the previous introduction of Shangli, the silver-haired girl who is so beautiful that she can't do it is his ...... Girlfriend?

Jun Qianjing was a little unsure, after all, in her cognition, there should only be one such thing as a girlfriend at the same time, so she was not sure, in the case that the teenager had obviously made other girlfriends, should this original partner be called a "girlfriend" or an "ex-girlfriend"?

...... According to the subjective time of the teenager, she should be the first one, but if you look at the normal timeline, she seems to be the last?

Jun Qianjing felt that his mind was a little confused for a while.

Just then, a sweet smell wafted in, pulling her mind back from her contemplation.

Jun Qianjing raised his head and met a pair of pale golden eyes that came to him at some point

"Let's have a snack first, shall we?"

Yuanzi handed the dessert on the plate to the girl, winked at her and said (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

"The peony cake made by the little eagle is very delicious~ It is the top of the list of desserts highly recommended by the garden!"

It's the first time that Xia Zhi knows that she still has such a leaderboard over there.

It can't be made up on the fly, right?

While complaining in his heart, his eyes fell on the dessert that Jun Qianjing reached out to take after stiffly saying thank you.

The peony cake was delivered by Dongxiang this morning, and she made it for several people to serve as a snack for breakfast.

But because the garden had risen late this morning, some of it was left.

Eat dessert before the meal, and you're not afraid of making your sister Mio angry.

If it had been for her before, Xia Zhi would have been angry, right??

"How's it going?" asked Sonoko expectantly.

"Hmm...... Delicious. "

Somewhat unaccustomed to the girl's enthusiasm, Jun Qianjing nodded, and replied in a slightly stiff tone.

When people come to a strange environment, they will always subconsciously look for things they are familiar with as a support, and girls are no exception.

Her eyes subconsciously looked towards the summer solstice, but she saw that the young man was looking at the dessert in his hand (Nuo Wang Hao) and walked away, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Brother Xia Zhi, do you want to eat it too?"

When she hesitated, the garden asked the question in her heart.

"Uh-huh. "

Xia Zhi, who was distracted, nodded subconsciously.

"That's ......"

Sonoko nodded thoughtfully, and couldn't help but look at the black-haired girl

However, there was not much left of the peony cake, and now only the piece in Xiaojun's hand remains.

She blinked.


Facing the girl's gaze, Jun Qianjing's cheeks flushed, but then he didn't know what he remembered, and after hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and handed over the dessert in his hand with a red face


Xia Zhi, who came back to his senses, looked at the black-haired girl in front of him who turned his gaze away and handed the dessert to him, and a question mark appeared on his head.

What does this do?

We don't have to pay taxes on what we eat here, huh?

... Pick....

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