After knowing that this was a misunderstanding, Gun Qianjing's cheeks immediately became even redder...... This is the first time Xia Zhi has seen her so shy.

But it's a pity that before she had time to take pictures, she forcibly regained her expression calmly, which made Xia Zhi a little regretful.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it feels like she's more silent than she was at the beginning?

In the following lunch, the girl was also silent the whole time.

"That kid seems to be a bit introverted. "

Mio feels the same way.

"It feels a little like me. Xia Zhi also sighed.

Hearing this, a trace of doubt appeared in Mio's eyes, and she asked uncertainly, "What does the summer solstice mean...... Hair color?"

"I mean character. Xia Solstice said.

Is it?

Mio tilted her head slightly, and her heart was even more confused.

She didn't feel that aspect of the teenager at all...... People who take other girls to visit the bridal shop when they meet for the first time can't be regarded as introverts, right?

Summer solstice:......

Didn't they go on a wrong path?

After shaking his head, Xia Zhi continued: "And I feel that she should be more just shy." "

Of course, it also has something to do with the girl's originally somewhat withdrawn personality 150

Xia Zhi didn't care much about this.

Some people are naturally more difficult to fit in, and some people just like to be alone, or only socialize with a few friends, these are all normal things.

Xia Solstice will not force girls to integrate into the group and meet more friends...... After all, forced socialization is something he hates in the first place.

He didn't bring the girl here to do that kind of thing, but just to take her to the world three hundred years from now to see it, to relax, and to verify the correctness of his original idea by the way.

Just when he was wondering if he should go out with the girl alone, he saw Mio suddenly come close to him, and his jewel-like pure blue eyes looked at him curiously, and asked

"Summer Solstice, have you done anything to make people shy?"

Ah, this......

Xia Zhi subconsciously turned his gaze, but suddenly caught a glimpse of the petite black-haired girl figure standing on the balcony not far away......


Jun Qianjing propped her hands on the balcony railing, looking at the scenery in the distance, which was completely unfamiliar to her, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

Sanju City, Kagawa Prefecture, Shikoku...... A city that was called Kannonji City three hundred years ago.

Familiar space, strange time.

Three hundred years have passed, and not only the scenery has changed, but even the name of the city has changed.

Everything in front of her was so strange to her, but it gave her a feeling of inexplicable connection with the time and space in her memory

This is the world in 300 years......

The girl's eyes gradually became a little distracted

Are they fighting for such a future?

At this moment, a sound of footsteps behind her woke her up from her thoughts, and she quickly turned around, and when she saw that it was the figure of a young man, her expression relaxed slightly.

"How do you feel?"

Xia Solstice walked up to her and asked.

Hearing the young man's question, Jun Qianjing pursed his lips slightly, understanding what he was asking.

She had heard that the people of this era, living in a society built by Amnesty and well protected by the Sacred Tree and the Brave, were completely unaware of the threat of Batik and the Celestials, and had completely forgotten the pain caused by the Celestials three hundred years ago

Such a life......

“...... It's too cozy. Jun Qianjing commented.

"Really?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Solstice raised his head, looked at the scenery in the distance, and continued: "I think, to a certain extent, this is what they deserve. "

Hearing this unexpected answer, Jun Qianjing was slightly stunned.

Deserve...... Target?

Faced with the doubts expressed by the girl, Xia Zhi continued: "The people of this era have also made their own efforts, and they are well protected by the sacred tree and the brave. "

But that's not all

Their comfort is also based on the achievements of their predecessors.

Whether it's the sacred tree, the heroes of the previous generation, or the elves who gave everything......

"Because of the sacrifice and hard work of the predecessors, this long-term peace has been won for the people who came after us...... They deserve to enjoy this comfort, and it is the result of your hard work. Xia Zhi continued.

If, after all that great sacrifice, you find that the people who come after you are still living in disaster and war, that's a sad thing, isn't it?

"Therefore, the comfort of people now is the greatest affirmation for you. He looked at the girl and said.

"......" Jun Qianjing pursed his lips.

Again, for the first time, she had heard this perspective expounded.

Can one's own existence be affirmed in such a way?

The girl couldn't help but reach out and touch her left ear, the place where she started was smooth and delicate, and the pain in the past seemed to have long since disappeared. The only thing left is the warmth that still remains in the body......

Seeing that the topic seemed to have become a little heavy and serious, Xia Zhi, who remembered that he didn't seem to be here to do such a thing, shook his head and pulled the topic away

“...... I'm sorry I was a little embarrassed just now. "

Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for an introvert to participate in a dinner party where most of the people were strangers?

Jun Qianjing shook his head

"No, I'm happy. "


Why did Xia Zhi feel that he didn't believe it?

However, the girl didn't lie, she was actually really happy.

After all......

“...... For the first time. "

Kiri-chikage muttered softly

After taking a slight breath, she raised her head, looked at the boy and said

"This is the first time I've been invited to someone's home. "

And, for the second time, I got the affirmation of myself from him......

The girl thought to herself.


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