Xia Solstice wanted to retract the previous sentence.

It's not that I'm too late, but I'm too early.

This period of history has also not been interfered with by itself.

According to the original historical trajectory, the brave and witches in this time and space didn't know themselves until they synchronized their memories, and it was normal to change their mobile phones and residences, right?

Xia Zhi put away the mobile phone in his hand that said "The number you dialed is down", and gave up the idea of going to sleep with Jasmine tonight.

Why don't you just find a girl to get together all night?

Just when Xia Zhi was hesitating about this matter in his heart, Shizaki Kurumi mistakenly thought that he was worried about another matter, and kindly reminded him:

"It's not easy to find that witch lady. "

"She can easily hide her spiritual power even when using angels, and rarely appears in front of others.

...... It took a lot of effort for me to find her. 06"

"Uh-huh, yes. "

Xia Zhi nodded absently in response.

It wasn't that difficult for him to find someone, but he wasn't prepared to go looking for the Seven Sins right now.

After all, unlike Yusaki and Miku's situation, according to Kurumi Tokizaki, this is also the point in time when the Seven Sins have just come to this world, and there is no doubt that there is no place to live.

Even if you find each other now, you still have to find a place where you can rest and sleep, otherwise you will take it directly to the hotel when you meet for the first time?

...... It's not impossible, but I always feel weird.

Wait, so to speak...... She should be having the same headache about housing as she is?

"The ......"

When Xia Zhi was thinking like this in his heart, a pair of white sneakers appeared in his field of vision.

Speaking of which, according to his impression, it seems that high school and middle school girls are more accustomed to this style of sneakers, and Xia Zhi has also bought a few pairs to put at home, but she has rarely been seen wearing them, after all, that girl usually doesn't like sports, and I don't know who she learned from.

Of course, it's also possible that you're mistaken, after all, sneakers look pretty much the same.

"The ......"

The girl's voice pulled Xia Solstice's distracted thoughts back, and he raised his head, and what caught his eye was a delicate face with a hesitant expression.

"Are you...... Lord Summer Solstice?" she asked, hesitantly.

Looking at the familiar red-haired girl in front of him, Xia Zhi smiled and nodded

"Hello, Takashima-san. "

Yuna Takashima was obviously relieved and patted her chest: "I was scared to death, I thought I recognized the wrong person." "

Why do you say that?

Am I a public face?

Xia Solstice has a few black lines hanging from his head.

"Because, in the middle of the night, there is a figure sitting on a roadside bench without street lights, and there is still a smell of blood on his body, don't you think it's weird?"

Yuna Takashima said as she sat down next to the boy with a "hey" sound, took out an energy bar from her pocket and handed it to him

can actually smell the faint smell of blood on his body, should it be said that the senses of the brave are a few points beyond ordinary people?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and after taking the energy bar handed by the girl, he looked at her current outfit in a sportswear, and asked curiously:

"Are you exercising?"

"Uh-huh, night run!" Yuna Takashima nodded

"Isn't the exercise program in the school enough for you to exercise?" Xia Zhi couldn't help but want to complain.

When he was an ordinary person, he was almost exhausted after half a day of physical education class.

"There will always be days when there are more cultural and theory classes. "

Yuna Takashima said, swinging two punches at the air in front of her, looking full of energy.

Then, she turned to look at the boy and asked curiously (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lord Xia Solstice, what were you worried about just now?"

Obviously, she had already seen the scene that Xia Zhi had been meditating on just now.

Xia Zhi didn't hide anything, and replied: "My royal cooker can't be contacted." "

Yuna Takashima thought about it and quickly reacted: "Ah, you said Jasmine." "

After trying to remember for a moment, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment: "...... Sorry, I don't know where she lives now. "

You used to be good friends, right?

Xia Zhi sighed helplessly.

"In that case!"

As if she had thought of a good idea, the girl rose from her seat, clasped her hands together, and proposed to him with great interest:

"Lord Xia Solstice, will you come to our dormitory for a while?"

Summer Solstice: "......?"


The girl let out a long breath and sat down on the edge of the roof of the building.

I finally confirmed that I had indeed returned to the point in time when I first came to this world.

But why?

Looking at the brightly lit city below, she thought to herself in confusion.

What you saw before was a dream or reality?

...... No, 937, in fact, it is already certain, that is the reality.

After all, human dreams cannot dream of concepts that they are not aware of, and there is no function of foresight.

And in the short verification just now, she has confirmed that part of the development of this world is completely consistent with the "future" in her memory.

In other words, I have really returned to the past, and the "future" in my dreams will also happen.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but lower her head again and look at her chest......

The original scarred body has returned to its original state at this moment...... Is time going back in its entirety, or is it just a memory that goes back in time?

No, in fact, these are not the most important things, the important thing is the previous question...... Why did you come back to this point in time?

She couldn't help but think back to the boy she had seen at the last moment


After taking a deep breath, Seven Sins stood up from the ground.

"—Fake Witch!"

As the girl's voice fell, a faint light shone from her hand, and a broom appeared in her hand.

The girl stepped on a broom and soared into the air like a witch, flying towards the city in the distance

The small figure disappeared into the moonlit night......


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