How many times does a man have the opportunity to enter the girls' dormitory in his life?

...... It's not fairboard, though.

Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

Although he had visited the girls' dormitory, it was the first time he had come to live in it.

When you think about it, it's actually quite exciting...... Ah no, novelty.

It's just,Although it's a girls' dormitory building.,But as a school specially set up for brave girls.,The whole dormitory building is actually just a few of them.,Plus a shrine maiden Kamisato Hinata lives.。

Speaking of which. "

Xia Zhi seemed to remember something, looked at the brave girl who was walking in front with him, and asked curiously:

"How long has it been since the last time I came?"

"Hmm...... Think about it. "

Hearing this, Yuna Takashima pressed her finger to her chin and tried to think for a while

After all, the two memories overlap together, and it takes a lot of effort to sort out the timeline from it and organize it.

"Probably...... It's been a few years. The girl said with some uncertainty.

How many years are years?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and looked at Yuna Takashima in front of him with his eyes.

No matter how many years have passed, at least it has been more than two years. But the brave girl at this moment, compared with her in the past, has no signs of growing up at all.

Just like the last time the sun said, not only the memory, but also the physical state is also in the range of synchronization.

Eternal youth or something, it's easy to achieve.

...... It's just that there are a few side effects

While he was thinking this in his heart, Yuna Takashima also led him to the door of a room.

"This is it~"

She opened the door and turned back to the boy.

Xia Zhi noticed that she didn't use the key when she opened the door.

Come to think of it, there are only a few of them in the whole school, and everyone is still good friends with each other, so there is really no need to lock the door.

It's just that......

Xia Zhi glanced at the room that was displayed in front of him as the door opened, and although the furnishings were simple, it was obvious that the girlish style could be seen.

...... Are you sure I'm going to stay here tonight?" he turned to the girl, and asked with the look in his eyes.

"Hmm, what's the problem?"

Yuna Takashima tilted her head slightly and asked suspiciously.

Because there is enough space and there is no need to think about logistics at all, the accommodation that provides daily accommodation for the brave girls is not a traditional single dormitory, but more of an apartment-like structure.

In addition to your bedroom and living room, the extra room can be used as a storage room, a study and other function rooms, and of course, it can also be used as a guest room.

For Takashima Yuna, it's not that she hasn't "cohabited" with a teenager before, so it's not a big deal.

"Or does Lord Xia Solstice already have other candidates for Xinyi's cohabitation?" she asked, tilting her head.


Although Xia Zhi believes that what this brave girl with a straightforward and friendly personality should say should be literal, but why does this sound so strange?

He couldn't help but wonder if the girl had a natural black attribute.

After shaking his head, Xia Zhi looked at her and changed the subject and asked:

"What about Hinata?"

"Hinata-san's words, I just happened to go to the Amnesty Headquarters two days ago. "

Takashima Yuna replied, thought for a while, and said, "By the way, then her room will be vacant, and it is okay for Lord Xia Solstice to live there if she wants." "

She believes that if it was Lord Xia Solstice, Hinata would definitely not mind, right?

“...... No, forget it. After hesitating for a moment, Xia Zhi still shook his head and refused.

After all, I went to live in someone else's house without the consent of the people.,Although I know that the girl will definitely not mind in the end.,But it's not very polite after all.。

Just when Xia Zhi was thinking about this, the corner of his eye suddenly caught a glimpse of green, and he paused slightly

...... Is that?

"What's wrong?Lord Xia Zhi?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing the boy's abnormal reaction, Yuna Takashima asked suspiciously.

"Nothing. "

Xia Zhi shook his head and followed the girl into the room


"Huh...... Whew......"

The girl curled herself up behind the fence of the rooftop, trying to suppress her gasps.

Almost, I was discovered.

After trying to calm down for a long time, she finally let her breathing return to normal and let out a long sigh of relief.

Originally, he just walked aimlessly around the sky, trying to sort out his messy thoughts and find a place to spend the night along the way

Unexpectedly, when I passed by this school, I didn't know if it was a whim, or I looked down as if I had a feeling, and I happened to catch a glimpse of the figure deeply engraved in my mind.


The seven sins are almost certain,

He was the boy he had seen before.

...... Also, if you can see him in the "future", it means that he is also a person in this world, and it is a matter of course to meet him in the "past".

It's just that what the girl didn't expect was that this moment would come so quickly.

She pursed her lips

Since just now, my heart has been pounding and beating, and it is beating very fast

Yourself, are you excited?

Why are you excited?

Be...... Does it have anything to do with him?

Seven Sins shook his head vigorously, recalling the picture he had just seen, and a question couldn't help but arise in his mind

What is his relationship with that girl?

That girl is so much better than herself, whether it is her figure or her appearance...... Obviously, it's going to be more likable, right?

Thinking so, Seven Sins grabbed the broom in his arms.

After a long silence, she let out a soft breath, and was just about to stand up and turn to leave, but suddenly she seemed to remember something, and her body stiffened

Cautiously poking her head out from behind the rooftop, she finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the figure of the young man in the corridor in the distance had disappeared, and the door to the original room had been closed, and then fell silent


There is no doubt that others are much better than themselves. If you want to talk about merit, no matter what aspect it is, you can't compare to the girl just now


I remembered the embrace I felt in my previous memory, the affirmative words from the teenager...... And that one, fill the warmth of the heart......

Seven Sins pursed his lips slightly, as if he had made a decision, turned around and picked up the broom, and the figure disappeared on the rooftop... Pull...


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