"Give. "

Juya handed the warm milk to Yaya.

"Thanks, thanks. "

Yaye thanked him and took it carefully, looking curiously at the strange silver-haired girl.

Whether it was the contact she had had in the past few days since she came here, or the information that Amnesty had provided to her before she came, there should be no presence of this girl by the side of Lord Xia Zhi.

I hadn't seen it before yesterday, but today I suddenly appeared at home, and everyone didn't look very surprised......

Am I missing something?

Her little head was full of question marks, and she looked down at the warm milk she was holding in her hand

...... No, isn't it right that you should serve everyone yourself?

Yaye, who was aware of his duty, reacted, and was about to get up from the sofa when he heard the girl's gentle voice coming from his ears

"Here, Xiao Yaye, the cake that has just been baked~"

"Ah, thank you......"

Looking at the sweet cake that was handed to him, Yaye subconsciously took it again

She looked up at the black-haired boy, and sure enough, he already had a plate in his hand.

Although she is very considerate to everyone, in Sister Mio's heart, the first thing that comes to mind will always be Lord Xia Solstice.

"Let's take a break, Mio. "

Xia Solstice beckoned the girl to sit down, and looked at the desserts on the table, is it a little too rich for breakfast?

"Do you finish eating all this stuff?"

Seeing that the cake was still baking in the oven, although the few of them should not waste it if they worked hard, they would not be able to eat lunch after that.

Mio shook her head slightly: "The garden said that today's early morning road sanitation activity of the Brave Department was a great success, and they will come back to eat and celebrate later." "

I see. Xia Zhi suddenly reacted.

I said why I didn't see them early this morning...... It seems that the garden has mentioned such a thing to herself before, and she is worried about whether she can get up by herself, and she has forgotten it a little bit after so long

With the addition of them, it seems that it is indeed a little less.

"Well, I'll help too!" Yaye hurriedly put the cake down and ran into the kitchen.

Looks like they don't need themselves anymore.

Xia Solstice thought to himself and pulled his thoughts back.

He felt that he should plan his next move.

It is said to be planned, but in fact, the next steps should be clear...... There are only two elves left to rescue all the elves trapped in the anomaly

And it just so happens that they should all be on this plane......

Xia Zhi hesitated, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found a familiar number, and tapped the keyboard to edit a message

Have time to meet?

...... I guess I'm used to it.

In the previous time and space, although the number of contacts was relatively small, the girl always replied quickly every time she message.

However, this time, after the message was sent out and waited for a while, the other side did not seem to see it, and there was no movement.

Do you want to just make a phone call?

...... Forget it, let's talk about it later, maybe people are resting too. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi shook his head, put the phone away, and didn't think about her for the time being.

In contrast, another "party" is now by his side.

If you think about it carefully, according to Kurumi Tokizaki, including the origami that she came into contact with in that time and space before, she didn't have a spirit crystal in her body when she grew up

On the contrary, it should be the little origami that I knew earlier, under the influence of the characteristics of the Simulacrum, the spirit crystal belonging to her appeared out of thin air in her body......

Xia Zhi lowered his head and looked at the silver-haired girl sitting in his arms. []

Since the morning, she has been sticking to her side, and she is reluctant to leave, and even Cong Yun's position has been snatched away by her.

Fortunately, although he also likes to stick to himself, Cong Yun, who is a god, has not yet reached the point where he needs to stay by his side all the time, otherwise he will really have to experience what it is like to hang two pendants on himself at the time of the summer solstice, and he will probably be struggling.

It's been a little better before, but it feels like it's changed again.


Noticing his gaze, the little origami tilted its head slightly.

It's so cute. Xia Solstice couldn't help but think.

She has two completely different styles from when she grew up...... Whether it's personality or the difference in appearance brought about by having long hair.

It's just that......

Recalling some of the strangeness that the girl had shown at the beginning of the morning, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and asked her:

"Can you come with me? Origami. "

Although she was a little confused, the girl nodded obediently, jumped off him, took him by the hand and left the living room with him.

However, it was not long before the boy brought her to the door of her room, but she stopped

"Here ......"

"Hmm, what's wrong?" Xia Zhi looked at her suspiciously.

"Well, I haven't had time to clean up my room before 2.2. Little Origami's eyes were a little evasive, and she was reluctant to let him in.

The girl who had to make a video call with herself when she fell asleep also began to have her own sense of privacy.

Xia Solstice was relieved, but then hesitated

In that case, where is the best place to talk?

"Shall I go to your room?" suggested the girl, looking up at him expectantly.

So you hit this idea?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart

...... It's just that, although it sounds like a reasonable suggestion, it may be a little inconvenient for him for the time being

After all...... I tossed around all night yesterday, and I didn't have time to clean up my room......


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