Just when he hesitated on the summer solstice, he only felt a "buzzing" vibration on his mobile phone, and when he took it out, he saw a line of information displayed on it

The bedroom is already packed

The signature of the message was "Juya, a lover who is as warm and bright as the sun".

Xia Solstice was a little confused

Wasn't she giving herself a knee pillow at the time......

Oh, and multi-threaded operations are normal for intelligent AI.

By the way, some time ago, she marked herself as "clear and bright as morning dew", "untouchable bright starlight" and "the princess of the vast sea".

I don't know what she changed the notes according to, after all, the latter one doesn't correspond to her...... Is it possible to change it at will according to the mood?

Xia Solstice thought to himself and brought the small origami to his room.

When you open the door, you can see that the bedroom is very clean and tidy, and the clear sunlight shines through the window on the neat bed, counting every fold. The curtains hanging quietly 11 were gently stirred by the breeze, and there was a faint fragrance, and there was no strange smell at all.

Before I knew it, I made the room so tidy, and I deserved to be Juya.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart, put his mind at ease, and took the girl to the small sofa by the window

Originally, I was going to signal the little origami to sit down on the side, but I didn't think that she didn't seem to see it, and naturally sat in her arms.


Xia Solstice glanced at the empty space on the side.

Noticing his movements, Little Origami looked up, looked at him and cautiously asked, "No...... Is it?"

“...... No, it's fine. "

Xia Zhi touched her little head.

The little origami narrowed her eyes slightly, and her originally nervous expression softened

"Summer Solstice, what do you want to ask?"

After enjoying it for a moment, she asked with some curiosity.

Xia Solstice does have something she wants to confirm with her, but not until then

"How about calling me brother?" he asked, thinking for a moment, trying to suggest.

The girl shook her head.

"The summer solstice is the summer solstice. "

She seems to be particularly insistent on this.

Obviously I'm willing to call Mio "sister".,Why haven't you been willing to call yourself "brother".。

Where is the difference between himself and Mio?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looking down at his chest

...... Never mind.

He shook his head, not dwelling on this kind of thing anymore

Looking at the girl's silver-white hair swaying in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but pick up a small bunch and play with it in his hand, while asking casually: "Speaking of which, I have never asked, how old is Origami this year?"

"Sister Mio said that the age of a girl is always a secret. Feeling the faint touch of her hair, the little origami blinked and replied.

That's just what she said to avoid being asked about her real age.

After all, even if being young is an advantage and capital for a girl, she is too "young".

Xia Zhi thought to himself like this, and briefly checked the body of the girl in his arms by the way

Just as he thought, except for the spirit crystal in his body, whether it was the degree of compatibility with his divine power, or the part that had nothing to do with the elf, as if he had a deep connection with the essence of existence, the other manifestations were exactly the same as another origami

In fact, there is no need to check, the fact that the girl is her own brave is a fact that she knew earlier than when she grew up.

This means that the same will happen to her with another origami, right?

So, how should I ask her?

Xia Solstice pondered the language in his heart

"Just ask. "

Just as he hesitated, the girl's whispered words came from his arms

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, and then heard the little origami continue

“...... Just like you did with her. "

Why, the attitude towards herself is different from that towards "her"? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is it because you think I'm too young?" she asked, looking up again into the boy's eyes.


Looking at the blue eyes that were close at hand, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief,

"You remember those things. "

"Hmm. The little origami nodded lightly and pursed her lips. []

After waking up, the dream was not quickly ignored and forgotten like other dreams, but became clearer and clearer, as if I had actually experienced it myself.

With the clarity of "memories", I no longer wonder why I can get these memories.

After all, it was explained to "myself" long ago on the summer solstice in another time and space.

Not only that, but she also "remembers" the bits and pieces of getting along with teenagers......

“...... And the things she did to you in that world. There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the girl's eyes.

The "she" in memory is herself, but not exactly the same

"She" has her own memories, similar but different feelings, and has made different choices

What's more, there is no age barrier

"She" was more decisive than herself, and she was braver than herself, and she took the initiative to confess her heart to him, and she also got a response from him

Everything that 830 experienced in ...... "dream" was just like what he occasionally fantasized about

It is precisely because of this that the girl is dissatisfied.

I haven't even done it yet.

It gave her a feeling that she had been cut off, especially since that person was another self

"Don't count what she said!"

The little origami childishly asserts itself and "repents" for another self

"Summer solstice, you can't be deceived by bad women. "

"That's the future you. Xia Solstice reminded her.

"That's not going to work!" the little origami puffed out her cheeks angrily.

How can anyone eat their own vinegar.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart

But soon, the figure of a certain dark-haired sister came to his mind...... Oh, it seems to be true.

Little Origami took a deep breath, turned around, sat on Xia Solstice's lap face to face, and looked into his eyes seriously as if to prove something

"I can do that too!"

What to do?

Xia Zhi came back to her senses, and when her head was full of questions, she felt that while the girl held her hand, she also raised her head to meet her......

"Ahh "

Just then, a familiar girl's voice came from the other side of the room

"Looks like I'm not here at the right time?"


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