After the dinner was over, after returning to his room, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

After staying in the last quest for so long, he couldn't remember if there was anything he hadn't done before he entered the dream quest and was waiting for him to come back

As he thought to himself, his gaze fell on the desk beside him

...... Oh, and I haven't written my homework yet.

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Zhi still chose to put it on the ground.

Because it's so tiring to save the world, it's understandable that you forget to do your homework...... That should be understandable to Mr. Madong, right?

Xia Zhi sat back on his bed and looked down at the back of his right hand

Although the original engraved pattern is no longer visible, the power from the elven girls has not disappeared, and I can still feel my connection with them.

As for why it can't be seen...... Because he lowered the "visibility".

Otherwise, if you are seen by Teacher Zhendong tomorrow, you will be talked about again, and then the homework will be even more difficult to pass.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Solstice pulled his thoughts back.

In fact, it's not just the elves' power.

After completing the main quest, the Divine Tree achieved Sublimation 11 under the setting of the dream game, completely replacing the original god system and determining the new facts.

The four directions are the universe, and the ancient and modern are the universe

The Divine Tree, which was supposed to exist only for the last three hundred years, has been sublimated to the root system of every corner of the universe, and the entire universe has been completely reshaped based on the history that has been saved and changed in the past three hundred years.

Under this irresistible force, reality was distorted, the rules were modified, and the original god system was completely erased and replaced, which for that world was equivalent to that god system never existed in the first place...... If it weren't for the fact that Touna's power was still connected to the Sacred Tree, I guess no one in that world would remember the existence of such a group of gods.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart.

It stands to reason that a god system with so many elements should not exist in the first place, in other words, the dream game creates a whole new god system out of thin air

That is...... Two Creation Gods?

He hesitated.

Forget it, that kind of thing doesn't matter.

The important thing is that there is only one god in that god system today.

In other words, Cong Yun is the only god in that world.

And Cong Yun's power is also deeply connected with himself through the engraving, coupled with the power of Mio from the original

In other words, his hands are equivalent to a whole god system at the moment, right?

Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still gave up the idea of experimenting here.

Although Cong Yun was the only god in that world, he still didn't choose to stay in that world in the end, but came back with him.

Does this count as turning back the only god in that world?

...... It's not counting, Cong Yun is originally from this world.

Xia Solstice shook his head and looked in the direction of the door of the room.

Now, the girl should be taking a bath in the bathroom with Cong Yu.

Besides herself, her favorite is Cong Yu. I haven't seen her for so long, so I want to spend more time with her.

In addition to Cong Yun, there is another girl who was also "abducted" by herself.

"Juya. Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and shouted softly to the air in front of him.

The next moment the words fell, the girl's familiar voice came from her ears

"I'm here. "

Dreamlike points of light converged in the void, and a silver-white girl figure appeared in front of Xia Zhi.

It can be seen that her strength has not been affected in any way here, and she can still show her body normally.

"How does it feel to be here?" Still, Xia Zhi asked her about her feelings with concern.

Ju Ya tilted his head slightly: "Ju Ya is originally a product of this world?"

That's right

Probably because of the special birth method and Ju Nai, who is also an elf, Xia Solstice always unconsciously associates her with elves

Having said that, from just now, since she came back to the present, she has not chosen to appear in front of Natsuori and Ailuko.

Could it be ...... Are you shy and nervous?

“...... No. Juya looked away slightly.

Sure enough, I'm shy. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I didn't expect to see her like this, it's really rare.

"Knock Knock Knock ......"

Just as Xia Zhi was sighing in his heart, there was a knock at the door, which attracted their attention.

Holding the hand of the girl who subconsciously wanted to hide, Xia Zhi said "Please come in" to the door.

With his permission, the door was gently pushed open, and a small head entered.

"Huby?" Xia Zhi called out the girl's name in confusion.

"Xia Zhi said, let Huby find time to come to you after dinner. Hughby replied.

It seems that there is such a thing

Xia Zhi was about to say something, but saw her eyes fall on the silver-haired girl who was holding her hand.

Being looked at by her like this, Ju Ya showed a somewhat unusually nervous and cramped expression, and after taking a deep breath, he said, "...... First meeting, Lord Hughby. "

Huby glanced thoughtfully at the mobile phone on the side, seemed to quickly understand something, and looked at Xia Zhi with a slight tilt of his head and asked:

"Summer Solstice, what did you do to your phone?"

Don't talk like I'm some kind of pervert.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart...... Although she seemed to have understood, she briefly told Hughby about Juya's situation.

"Or Shouju Ya......"

Huby whispered the girl's name, Ju Ya's expression on the side became more and more nervous, and the hand holding Xia Zhi unconsciously clenched slightly.


Xia Zhi recalled that apart from herself, Juya cared most about the other person who created her, could Huby admit her existence?

I had promised her that I would definitely help Hughby recognize her.

Although in Xia Zhi's opinion, with Xiubi's character, he actually doesn't need his own help.

Just as he thought, 307 After a while, Huby raised his head again, glanced at Xia Zhi, and nodded lightly to the silver-haired girl: "My name is Huby, it's nice to meet you." "

As if acknowledged, Ju Ya was visibly relieved, and his expression relaxed.

"Is that what Summer Solstice called Huby for?" Huby asked, looking at the boy.

"Not really. Xia Solstice shook his head

He had wanted Hughby to help analyze something else...... After all, there are a lot of new abilities this time, and there may be a little more experiments to do.


Hughby thought for a moment, stepped forward and sat down on the bed, kicked off the slippers on his feet, and then began to undo his coat as if nothing had happened

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned

Wait, what are you doing?

"I haven't seen Huby for a long time on the summer solstice, so I must miss Huby very much, right?"

Huby asked with a wink

That's right......

Wait, Juya is still there

Xia Zhi glanced at the side and seemed to realize something, and the silver-haired girl with a slightly flushed cheek thought to herself.

"Even if she cancels the manifestation of her body, isn't her body always there?" asked Hughby rhetorically.

That being said...... I know you've accepted her, but isn't that a little too much?

"Hebby also wants the summer solstice. "

Hughby leaned into Xia Zhi's ear and said softly

"I'll talk about the rest later......"


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