In the early morning room, the breeze blows through the windows and gently blows the curtains, the sun shines through the tulle curtains, and the warm orange and yellow light spreads through the room.

With the warmth of the sun, the slightly itchy touch came from the face, so that Xia Solstice slowly opened his eyes, and what greeted him was the cute sleeping face of the girl curled up in her arm.

The early morning sun gradually brightens, casting delicate points of light through the yarn of the curtains. Gently touching the girl's face, outlining her silhouette is extraordinarily moving.

The silky hair scattered like ripples on Xia Zhi's chest, and the slight itch he felt just now must have been brought about by them.

Unlike organisms that have metabolism, as a girl of the machine species, it should be said that there is no body odor.

However, Xia Solstice smelled a special and good fragrance from Hubby's hair, not just the smell of shampoo, but another unique fragrance that could not be said and had not been smelled anywhere else.

"Good morning, summer solstice ......"

While Xia Zhi was thinking in his heart, Huby in his arms had opened his eyes at some point, and a pair of bright and crystal eyes were staring at him.

She woke up just after she woke up, making people wonder if she hadn't slept at all

She didn't need to sleep, though.

Xia Zhi gently stroked the soft ends of the girl's hair with his thumb, feeling the pure fragrance emanating from each strand of hair, making him feel the urge to lie down and sleep for a while.

Hughby narrowed his eyes comfortably, hugged him slightly, and buried his head in his arms like a coquettish.

If you go on like this, you really can't get out of bed, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and looked to the side, the other silver-haired girl from yesterday night had disappeared.

Unexpectedly shy in front of Hughby.

"That's right, Hughby. "

He remembered something and asked the girl in his arms.

"Huh?" Hughby didn't look up.

Xia Zhi glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside, and continued to ask, "Why didn't you want to create intelligent AI before?"

Originally, according to Juya, Huby thought that she did not fully understand the mind, so she did not have the qualifications to create the mind.

And Xia Zhi also guessed that part of the reason why the girl never created an existence with an independent personality should also be influenced by herself.

The girl did not deny either of these points.

But in addition to this, Hughby also gave another reason that was somewhat unexpected

There was a blush on her cheeks

“...... Because, the first life, Hughby wants to create ...... with the summer solstice"



"Good morning, silver, hard work~"

Natsuori saw the light blue-haired girl coming down from upstairs and happily thanked her.

"Nothing. "

The empty silver shook his head.

Because it had been raining last night, and her leg injury had not completely healed, she was still staying at Natsuori's house.

It's always troublesome for them like this, and I'm a little reluctant to go, plus I should get up late and help tidy up the room.

Although the leg injury still affected the movement a little, it was much better after a night of rest, and it was more than enough to do some non-strenuous movements.

If she could, she also wanted to help prepare the morning meal, but unfortunately Natsuori refused.

"That's right, I'll help prepare the silver lunchtime lunch~" The girl said at the time.

This made the empty silver even more embarrassed.

"It's okay, I was going to prepare a bento for my brother too. Natsuori comforted her intimately.

Lively and cute, considerate and generous, it's no wonder that Xia Ori is so popular in school.

It's just that, thinking of the girl's words, Empty Silver can't help but think of the first time she boarded here, and she accidentally got the wrong lunch box in the morning.

At that time, it was just a pity that I couldn't eat Natsuori-san's lunch, and I was a little angry with that guy, but now that I think about it, somehow, a strange feeling rises in my heart.

Kuyinzi shook his head vigorously again, and came to the living room, only to see an unknown girl with long silver hair on the sofa.

Across from her, Hughby was sitting on the couch with her, with a chessboard in the middle of the two, playing chess as if to pass the time.

As for what kind of chess...... In Xia Zhi's house, in addition to the flying chess that Ai Luke usually likes to play, there is only shogi brought by a certain Snow White.

said that it was to pass the time, as if the two of them had no thought process, the speed of the fall did not stop at all, but they were only slightly stunned, and they took more than a dozen steps in a row.

Coupled with their young and overly cute appearance, if it were to the uninformed, they would probably think that the two children were messing around.

But the empty silver who has played chess with Hughby knows that the girl is definitely not at the level of an ordinary child, or even among the professional chess players she knows, there is no one who can compare with her, right?

She couldn't contain her curiosity and stepped forward, and then she found out

Although the two of them fell very quickly, every step they took looked back and seemed to be the best coping decision.

Just thinking about it just now, the two of them walked a dozen more steps, and she couldn't even keep up.

The empty silver couldn't help but look stunned. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The voice of the girl behind her pulled her back from her stunned stupor.

Kuyinzi turned his head, glanced at the silver-haired girl opposite Hughby, and hesitantly looked at Xia Zhi who was passing behind him and asked, "Xia Zhi, who is she ......?"

"This ......"

Natsuori looked hesitant. []

In the morning, Juya had already introduced herself to her.

What kind of super-intelligent AI is said to be my brother...... It's true.,Even AI is a beautiful girl.,Brother's pervert of the heart.。

Natsuori wrinkled her nose and thought to herself.

However, even the last time my brother wanted to treat Yinzi, he stopped it, and this time her true identity obviously can't be revealed to Yinzi, right?

“.. She's mine...... Distant relatives!" After thinking for a moment, Natsuori nodded and replied, "Recently, you came to our house to play." "

Distant relatives?

Ku Yinzi frowned slightly, he had never heard of any distant relatives of Xia Zhi before?

"Didn't Yinzi never hear that I had an older brother before he came to our house?"

Xia Zhi gave an example with confidence.

Empty silver thought about it, and it seemed to be too.

Summer solstice coming down from upstairs: ......

Is this something to be proud of?


"Then, I'll ask my brother today~" At the entrance door, Xia Zhi said to the young man.

Xia Zhi glanced at the light blue-haired girl beside her, seemed to remember something, and shook her head:

"I'm sorry, I don't have anything to do today, so I won't send it to you. "

"(King Zhao's) I'll help you get a taxi. "

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned, except for some special circumstances, this was the first time that her brother refused to go to school with her

Could it be ...... Stomach ache?


Although he didn't want the young man to help again, after all, he had almost recovered, but when he heard Xia Zhi say this, somehow, a faint loss rose in the empty silver's heart

"Let's go. "

She said in a stiff tone, turning around and staggering slightly towards the door.

"Eh, Silver, wait for me!" Natsuori hurriedly followed.

It's a pity.,It's rare to "find" the bike.,I still want to take Natsuori to school with me for a long time.。

I'll talk about it next time.

Looking at the backs of the two of them disappearing outside the door, Xia Zhi thought to himself.

“...... Summer solstice, chaos and abandonment?"

Hughby behind him tilted his head.

Summer Solstice: "......"

That's not how this idiom is used, right?

Speaking of which, have you forgotten something......


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