Half a minute ago, I had just jumped carefully from a wall more than one person high under the snow.

The half-human depth of the water cushioned the impact of her fall, but the resistance that changed in vain after falling into the water made her almost unable to stand still and fall into the water, but fortunately, even if she held on to the wall next to her, she was able to stabilize her body.

Xue Xia looked up at the place where the truck was parked in her memory, but the next moment she saw what was happening in front of her, her body instantly froze in place.

In the field of vision, a half-human-tall canine creature was standing at the top of the truck, its cloudy eyes staring at this side, apparently the sound of falling water that had just attracted its attention.

"It's a zombie dog ......".

Under the snow, I only feel that my body is not only the body now, but also my heart is soaked in cold water. She gritted her teeth, trying to control the fear in her heart, and clenched the pistol in her hand.

Be calm, not timid.

She said this to herself in her heart, but her mind went blank for a moment when she saw the zombie dog leap off the roof of the car and pounce on her.

"Puff ......


The sound of falling water came, and under the snow, she only felt that she was being pushed into the water by a strong force, and the cold rain drowned her whole body, and the sounds around her seemed to be isolated by a membrane, becoming hazy and unreal.


feeling of cold water choking into her nose pulled her consciousness back, and she struggled to get up, but it always felt like something was pressing her into the water, making it difficult for her to stabilize herself in the water.

But soon, with the sound of an indistinct gunshot, the presence that had been pressing on her immediately lost its strength, and then a hand pulled her up from the water.

"Are you alright?".

Xia Zhi asked with concern while patting the girl's back to help her cough up the water that had choked into her lungs.

After coughing for a while, he finally recovered under the snow, shook his head with a pale face, and said a little weakly, "Get in the car first." "

She didn't ask why Xia Zhi was one step too late to follow, the two of them had been delayed in this place for a long time, and if they didn't leave, they would be in danger of being surrounded by zombies at any time.

Xia Zhi helped her into the car, then sat in the driver's seat by herself, and successfully started the truck after a few attempts.

Listening to the roar of the engine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he have the energy to take a closer look at the girl's condition. It was also at this time that Xia Zhi noticed the girl's unusually pale face and the movement that she had been holding her left arm.

His heart sank slightly, and he realized something.

"It pounced on it from the front, and the body armor helped block the first bite. Noticing his gaze, he gasped a few times under the snow and slowly removed the hand covering his left arm.

On her fair and tender left arm, there was an additional piercing wound at some point, and the bright red blood slowly oozing from the wound was mixed with an ominous black, which was shocking to see.

"I guess I was struggling in the water and accidentally got scratched by its teeth. Under the snow calmly analyzed.

Although she was calm, it was clear from her slightly trembling voice and pale face that her heart was not as calm as she appeared.

"Give me your hand. Xia Zhi stretched out his hand to her and said.

Xue Xia hesitated for a moment, but obediently put his left hand in his palm.

Xia Solstice closed his eyes, thinking in his heart to remove the virus from the girl's body.

[This modification costs 180 Dream Points, do you want to confirm the modification?].

Just to clear a virus, it takes 180 points? Xia Zhi frowned slightly.

He thought to himself again that he would get enough immunity against the zombie virus under the snow, but he was reminded that he needed to consume 210 Dream Points, which was more expensive.

Is it because it involves this person from "reality" under the snow?

He quickly made a judgment in his mind.

So what about making a vaccine directly? He thought differently.

However, a subsequent reminder that 180 Dream Points was also required to be consumed once again declared the failure of his idea.

"Leave me alone, get out of here. Xue Xia took his hand back, shook his head and said.

She knows very well that she has been infected, although she doesn't know how long it will take to become a zombie, but in the absence of a special medicine at the moment, she must be hopeless.

But the summer solstice is different, as long as he can get out of here safely, he still has the possibility of survival.

So ......

Xue Xia bit her lip lightly and said in a slightly dry voice, "Don't let me be a drag on you, Xia Zhi-san." "

The girl who said this was basically equivalent to giving up hope of her own life, and no one knew what kind of mood she was in to say this.

"Remember what I told you that day?".

Xia Zhi didn't answer, but just turned the truck around while hitting the steering wheel, and asked in a calm tone.

"What?" the snow froze for a moment.

Then she quickly noticed that the truck that Xia Solstice was driving was moving a little differently than she had imagined. He's not driving away from the school park.,Instead,He's heading towards the place where the zombies gather the most.。

What does he want to do!?

Before he could figure out the answer to this question under the snow, he heard the roar of the engine pulling up to the power limit, and the firm words of the young man

"I said, I won't let you die!".

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