The roar of the truck engine immediately attracted the attention of the zombies on the road, but the fragile flesh and blood of the zombies were completely unable to stop the advance of this steel giant beast, and it was either knocked away or crushed, and it was forced to open a way out.

The idea of the summer solstice is very clear.,The zombie virus on the isolated island of the school park doesn't take more than a few hours from infection to a complete attack.,It's impossible to last until the end of the next day's copy under the snow anyway.,And the points you have are not enough to clear the virus in the girl's body.。

So, just watching the girl die?

If that's the case, wouldn't all my efforts over the past two months be in vain?

"Summer Solstice classmates ......".

Xue Xia pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but was blocked by Xia Zhi's "You shut up".

"Your life was saved with great difficulty, and the grace of saving your life has not been repaid, so you want to simply pay off the account?

The words of the summer solstice are full of unquestionable meaning.

If you let those 800 Dream Points fly away because of this incident, then wouldn't you have died?

“...... can say that the coercion is so high-sounding, Xia Zhi, your personality is even worse than I imagined. "

Xue Xia said with a little difficulty, and it could be heard that her voice had begun to become a little vague, and her infected left hand had begun to spasm slightly uncontrollably.

Xia Zhi knew that these were all signs that the zombie virus in the girl's body was beginning to attack.

"So I said a long time ago, you are looking at the wrong person. "

Although he was anxious, he did not lose his cool. He tried to keep the girl's consciousness awake by chatting, and he stepped on the accelerator all the way, and with a roar, the truck accelerated towards his mental destination.

The only way to save the infected girl now is to inject her with a vaccine experiment, and the only vaccine he knows so far is the one in the mission prompt, which means that he must return to the place where the helicopter fell.

Nearly half an hour has passed since the helicopter fell, and the sound of the explosion has already attracted the nearby zombies, and when Xia Solstice drove the truck to the vicinity of the crash site, he saw a scene like a zombie siege.

In the torrential rain, thousands of zombies were huddled together, and it could be seen that many zombies had already crossed the breach in the wall and entered the academy. And behind the rain curtain in the distance, you can faintly see more zombies coming towards this side.

In the face of so many zombies, even heavy trucks have lost their advantages, especially when the half-human depth of stagnant water provides great resistance, once the ignition is turned off and stranded, it is equivalent to the death sentence of the two people in the car.

Therefore, Xia Solstice did not get too close to the area where the zombies gathered, but found a distance a little away from the fall point and stopped, and after briefly cleaning up the zombies around him, he helped the girl out of the car.

At this time, Xue Xia's consciousness had begun to be in a hazy state, and an unnatural flush appeared on her pale face, and Xia Zhi had no choice but to carry her on her back.

"Summer Solstice classmate......" The girl on her back murmured softly.

"What's the matter?".

Xia Zhi answered, and at the same time exchanged two Dream Points for a pack of remote control C4, pasted it to the location of the truck's fuel tank, and then walked away from here with difficulty.

"You say...... What does it feel like to be dead?" the consciousness under the snow had apparently begun to blur a little, and even the sound sounded a little muffled, becoming light, like a fragile thread that could break at any moment.

"There's no need to take it out and say it again, right?"

After Xia Zhi came to a private house not far away, he looked back and estimated the distance, and after confirming that he had left the danger range, he took a deep breath and said, "That's how you felt before you were born." "

"......" Hearing his remarks, which were different from ordinary people's thinking, the girl was silent for a long time before she whispered: "That's really ...... It's a very boring thing. "

"Do you still have any romantic ideas about such a thing?"

Xia Zhi complained while pressing the remote control button in his hand.

The C4 in the distance immediately exploded, and the skyrocketing flames stained half of the street, and the powerful shock wave even pushed the rain away, forming a vacuum area of rain in a short time.

Immediately afterward, a second explosion sounded, and although it was not as powerful as the first, it was just as powerful.

The zombies gathered around the helicopter crash site were attracted to the movement and staggered towards this side.

It's a success!" Xia Zhi thought to himself.

Although it has succeeded, it is not yet possible to relax. Even though most of the zombies were attracted away by the sound of the explosion, there were still many zombies who stayed near the fall point either because they were slow or because of the distance, and in the distance, there was a steady stream of zombies rushing towards this side, and they had to hurry!

The only problem left in front of Xia Solstice now is how to get the vaccine on the driver while the remaining zombies are besieged.

He thought quickly in his mind.

Explosive weapons cannot be used, as the loud explosion will attract the zombies that have been attracted away again, and an explosion that is too close may also damage the vaccine.

You can't use a single firearm, the bullet of the firearm is limited, and it will be very bad if you encounter danger during the reload, not to mention that he has a hand to support the girl behind him, which invisibly adds a lot of difficulty to the reload.

In this way, there is only one way.

"Dream game, exchange kendo skills for me. He said in his heart.

[Ask the player to specify the skill level].

"Pull full!".

As soon as the words fell, the dream points immediately dropped a lot, and at the same time, Xia Zhi's mind correspondingly had a lot of knowledge, and even the world in front of him seemed to have become a little different.

He took a deep breath and walked towards the crowd of zombies gathered in front of him.

The outermost zombie sensed the movement and slowly turned around. Xia Zhi put his hand into the rain curtain, and the next moment, a long sword with cold light was slowly pulled out of the rain curtain by him.


The cold light cut through the rain curtain, bringing up a string of black-red blood, and the zombie's body shook slightly twice and fell down, splashing a large splash.

Xia Zhi did not stop, and continued to walk towards the wreckage of the helicopter with the blue smoke in his hand. Ahead of his path were hundreds of zombies left behind.


Another flash of sword light flashed, and the two zombies blocking in front of him were slashed over their heads by the cold light before they didn't even have time to turn around, and they fell weakly into the water.


sound of falling into the water attracted the attention of the rest of the zombies around him, and more and more zombies began to change their original movements and slowly walked towards his location.

"Don't be in a hurry, but be quick!".

Xia Zhi took a deep breath and continued to walk forward.

Although the zombies move slowly, there are too many of them, and no one knows if there are other dangers lurking in the water, and they need to be divided to protect the safety of the girl behind them, so every step must be tense and extremely careful.

Fortunately, the full-level kendo skills are powerful enough, and within the range of the sword light, no zombie can take the lead in approaching, let alone hurting him.

A few minutes later, Xia Solstice, who had managed to come to the helicopter wreckage, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he can use dream points to eliminate the fatigue of his body, otherwise with his body that has basically not done any exercise, it is estimated that his arm would have been too sore to lift after a few minutes of high-intensity sword swings.

There was no time to delay any longer, Xia Zhi carried the girl to the driver's seat of the helicopter and found the pilot who had long since died.

After a brief search, he quickly found a small box next to the driver's seat, and when he opened it, he could see that it contained a syringe filled with a clear liquid.

[Side Quest: Obtain the Initial Vaccine Experimental Pill (Completed)].

[Reward: 150 Dream Points].

The game hint proves in disguise that the liquid in this syringe is the vaccine he wants.

Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but just as he was about to leave here with this hard-won vaccine, he was suddenly grabbed by a hand stretched out from the side

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