When I woke up again under the snow, it was already the early morning of the next day.

The rain outside the window was still falling tirelessly, and the raindrops made a "crackling" sound on the glass, and it was this sound that woke the snow from the haze of consciousness.

"This is ......


She sat up from the bed.,Look around.,Found that this is not the school life department classroom she was familiar with.,It's another unfamiliar room.,Judging from the decoration of the house, it seems to be a girl's bedroom.。

The headache and nausea like a fever had long since disappeared, and the girl only felt refreshed, as if she had broken free from a depressing dark space.

She looked down at her left arm, the wounded part was bandaged, and it looked like it was fine.

Don't think about it, you know who did it under the snow.

She moved her gaze to the figure lying on the side of the bed, and looked at the young man's quiet sleeping face, her eyes gradually softened.

But soon, she sensed something was wrong.

Although the boy appeared to be asleep, his breathing was not steady, and he appeared short and rapid. Xue Xia gently touched his forehead with his hand, and immediately felt a hot temperature.

"Got a cold?".

No, no! These symptoms are more like ......

"Huh, are you awake?"

Xia Zhi, who had been sleeping lightly, was awakened by her movements, rubbed her eyes and said hello to the girl: "Good morning, classmate under the snow." "

If it was before, under the snow would definitely correct that the sun had not risen yet, and bluntly asked the boy if he was sleeping, but now she was not in such a mood, and her attention was completely attracted by the bandages wrapped around Xia Zhi's ankles and wrists.

"Are you hurt?" her heart tugged.

Combined with the symptoms shown by the young man just now, Xue Xia already had a vague guess in her heart, but she didn't want to believe her guess, and she still had a trace of luck in her heart.

"What do you say?" Xia Zhi glanced at his wrist, and could see that the skin near there had begun to become as white as paper, and the green veins under the skin also erupted uncontrollably, giving people a hideous feeling when they looked at it.

"Anyway, in the end, it's still inexperienced, and in the end I was careless. He took his hand back and said helplessly: "The result is just like you can see, in general, I missed." "

Why can such a thing be said so lightly?

Xue Xia pursed his lips and asked, "Where's the antidote?"

"I've found it, but it's only one dose, and the amount in it is only enough for one person. Xia Zhi replied.

There is only one dose, so where is this antidote now?

No need to ask, the answer to this question is known under the snow.

"There must be another way. She bit her lip and said unwillingly.

"Perhaps. Xia Zhi yawned, his head was now a little groggy, and even his thinking was much duller.

As for the infection, he wasn't too worried, because just half an hour ago, at the moment when the time crossed zero, a line of subtitles appeared in front of his eyes:

[All main quests have been completed, and the dungeon will be closed in 12 hours, please arrange the remaining game time properly].

Now that the main quest has been completed, it doesn't matter if you die or not, right?

Speaking of which, I haven't experienced what it's like to be a zombie. Xia Solstice thought to himself.

Since the game has allowed him to properly arrange the rest of the time, it shouldn't be a problem for him to spend the last twelve hours playing a zombie simulator, right?

With the idea that "it's in a dream anyway, it doesn't matter if you die", a trace of curiosity in his heart, and the purpose of saving points, he finally gave up his plan to use the reward points obtained after completing the task to clear the virus in his body, and prepared to lie down and die.

"It's okay, under the snow. Xia Zhi barely supported his body, raised his head and said to the girl, "Actually, I ......."

He was about to say something, but a sudden feeling of vertigo in his brain interrupted his words, plunging his consciousness into darkness and chaos.

Under the snow, she hurriedly supported Xia Zhixiang's body that fell to the side, and it was only then that she realized how weak the young man's body was.

Feeling the body temperature of the young man's hot hands coming from under his hands, he bit his lip under the snow, and his heart was already a mess.

"There must be another way. She whispered, more like she had said to herself than the unconscious teenager in her arms.

If you think about it, there must be another way. Xue Xia thought to himself.

She quickly listed all the ways to kill the virus in her mind, removing the few methods that could only be used for in vitro sterilization, and the most effective one was to rely on the antibodies produced by the body's own immune system.

But what if the virus is too powerful and doesn't have enough time for the body's own immune system to produce enough antibodies?

There is only one answer, to inject antibodies directly from the outside.

So, where to look for antibodies?

Under the snow, he looked at himself.

There is no doubt that she has just been injected with an antidote and now has a large amount of antibodies in her blood, and as long as her blood can be transfused into the teenager's body, it can have an effect similar to that of direct injection of antibodies.

But the problem is that she doesn't have a blood transfusion device by her side now, not to mention that she doesn't know if her blood type matches the summer solstice, and rash blood transfusion may cause more serious consequences.

What to do?

Xue Zhishen pondered for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, and after dragging Xia Zhi to the bed and lying down, he found a knife from the next room.

Holding the sharp blade against her wrist, she glanced at the boy lying quietly on the bed, took a deep breath, and slashed hard!

The sharp pain came, and Xue Xia couldn't help but exhale in pain, but after seeing the red blood gushing out of the wound, she bit her lip and endured the sharp pain and stretched her wrist in front of Xia Zhi's mouth.

But it's a pity that Xia Zhi, who has lost consciousness at this time, won't suck, let alone swallow, so he can only let the blood flow away in vain.

Xue Xia gritted his teeth, took his hand back, closed his eyes and took a deep breath before raising his hand and holding the wound in his mouth ......

A few minutes later, the snow sat back in his chair with a pale face, wiped the blood from his mouth with his sleeve, and let out a long exhale.

She raised her head and looked at the summer solstice on the bed, not knowing if it was an illusion, she felt that the young man's face seemed to be better.

Even if it's just a psychological effect, such a discovery made her feel relieved.

In fact, Xue Xia also knows that ordinary antibodies cannot be taken orally, and stomach acid will denature the proteins that make up the antibodies, thus losing their original efficacy, but among all the antibodies, there is an antibody called immunoglobulin, one of which can enter the human body through eating, and the newborn baby obtains initial immunity to the outside world from the mother in this way.

However, compared with direct injection, this method of treatment will be much slower and the effect will be much lower.

But it doesn't matter, if the effect is not enough, just increase the dosage.

Under the snow, he was ruthless and cut open the wound that had faintly shown signs of blood clotting again......

After repeating it a few times, the massive blood loss had already made Xue Xia feel severe dizziness and weakness, and the world in front of her began to turn a little black, but she ignored this, and only used the knife to cut the wound open again......

In fact, even she didn't know if it would work, but she didn't know what else she could do.

So ......

"Please. "

Looking at Xia Zhi's pale face, Xue Xia lowered his head and held his hand tightly in his hand, with a hint of supplication in his slightly trembling voice:

"Don't, leave me alone ......."

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