...... Miscalculated.

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

Returning to the past branch through Artifact, his mind was completely focused on the affairs of Kujouto, but he forgot that April 17 was also a special day

Today is the day he moves into his new home, and at this point in time, he should have just gotten the keys to the apartment from the landlord, and he was watching that boring animation at home to pass the time.

So, he said that he invited the girl back to his home, but strictly speaking, he didn't have a home at this time.

It wasn't until he came to the door of the single-family apartment and saw that the door number next to him was not his last name that he remembered this incident.

It's so dangerous, I almost broke into a private house.

With Juya's help, Xia Zhi regains ownership of the apartment again and takes the girl into his new home.

What kind of house deserves to be bought twice in the same way?

Looking at the flaxen-colored long-haired girl who was sitting on the sofa in a novel way and testing the elasticity of the cushions, Xia Zhi suddenly remembered something

Speaking of which, the reason Megumi insisted on coming to her house with Kujo last time was because she said she wished she would be the first girl to visit her new home...... At least one of them.

And now, with the time going back, from the perspective of the world itself, this matter has probably been reset......

On the other side, noticing the young man's gaze looking at this side, Kujou coughed a little embarrassedly and changed the subject

“...... I didn't expect the summer solstice to come to Shirami Tsugawa City today. "

"Yesterday, to be exact. "

Xia Zhi sat down beside her and took out two cups 22 and drinks and snacks for her own use from her personal universe.

The refrigerator was empty, the tea set on the table had been replaced with its original set, and the home had returned to the state it was in before it was originally furnished.

I'm going to find time to go out and buy it again.

Xia Solstice thought to himself, poured juice into the cups of the two, and then reintroduced the idea of showing the girl to show her abilities.

Hearing this, Kujo was still a little hesitant.

Xia Zhi saw what she was worried about

"Don't worry about hurting me. "

Under his many reassuring assurances, the girl reluctantly nodded and set her eyes on the black ceramic mug on the table in front of him.

She stretched out her left hand, pursed her lips tightly, and looked at the cup in front of her very seriously

The next moment, a blue light lit up from her left hand, and a clearly visible magic-like pattern appeared on the back of her white hand

That's probably what Sophietia called stigmata.

When Xia Zhi thought to herself, the next moment, the black ceramic cup in front of her appeared in her hand.

Seeing that there were no other accidents, Kujou breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head to look at him

"Alright, that's it. "

Has the ability been activated?

Xia Zhi looked left and right, and felt that nothing had changed except for the cup that appeared in the girl's hand out of thin air


However, it's not the same...... He didn't feel any change in space, and it wasn't just the principle of spatial movement.

"Summer solstice, do you still have an impression?"

Kujo tilted his head in confusion: "For this cup." "

"Isn't that cup I just took out?" Xia Zhi replied as a matter of course.

"That's ......"

The girl murmured softly: "It doesn't affect the summer solstice......

However, because Xia Zhi was outside the influence of his own state before, he didn't feel surprised to see him unaffected by his own ability now, but it made her even more determined, the boy was a special idea for herself.

Xia Solstice also reacted, recalling what Kujo had said before, that as the ownership of things was taken away by her abilities, the memory of the original owner should also change.

Because of some of his own settings, the priority of Artifact, which is limited by the rules of this world, is not enough to affect him.

He thought to himself as he saw the girl beside him pick up the cup in her hand and take a small sip of juice.

Ah, this......

"Huh, what's wrong?"

Seeing that he seemed to be a little concerned, Kujou held a black mug with the word "14" printed on it in his hand, revealing a puzzled expression.

“...... It's nothing. "

Xia Zhi shook his head, picked up another cup on the table, and after briefly moistening his throat, he told her about the concept of "stigma" and "awakening".

Sophitia once said that it is impossible for users whose abilities have been rampant to awaken successfully, firstly because they probably do not have that kind of qualifications, and secondly, because in the case of rampage, the user's soul is already in a state of chaos and on the verge of disruption, and it is even more difficult to awaken in this state.

I can't even keep my own mind intact, so how can I dye my Artifact the color of my heart?

Xia Zhi probably agrees with her, after all, she is much more professional than herself in terms of Artifact, but Kujoto's situation is more special.

Due to the forced time rewinding, both her own body, soul, and Artifact itself have been reset to the state before the rampage, but the changed time flow has not yet returned to normal.

Since her heart and soul were whole, there was no need to worry about the second point that Sophietia had said.

And since the girl's current state is caused by her own ability to run wild, then as long as she can fully master this ability, it is not impossible to reverse it back, right?

This is the idea of the summer solstice.

Although with his ability, it is not impossible to correct the girl's time back to normal in other ways.

Merely...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Summer Solstice's gaze looked at the task list of the Dream Game, which showed the main quest that was triggered after realizing Megumi Kato's true ability of Artifact that night and being asked by her:

[Main Quest 1: Wrap up all possible branches and determine the only fate main line]

[Reward: 4,500 Dream Points]

[Main quest 2: Help at least four Artifact users, including Megumi Kato, complete the awakening.] 】

【Reward: 4,000 Dream Points】[]

[Main quest 3: Protect Megumi Kato's safety until the main quest 1 and main quest 2 are completed]

[Reward: 700 Dream Points]

[Achieved in the main story, an additional 1200 Dream Points will be rewarded]

[Special Main Quest: Obtain at least four Awakened Artifact abilities.] (Note: This quest does not count towards the requirements for achieving the whole main story)]

[Task reward: 400 Dream Points, you can choose one of the Artifact abilities to upgrade at will, and give the corresponding absolute characteristics.] 】

Unlike the previous dungeons, this time there is a so-called special main quest...... However, apart from not counting the requirements for completing the main quest and the rewards are slightly different, the situation doesn't seem to be much different from other main quests.

To sum up, it can be seen from the mission requirements that the main quest this time mainly revolves around the two concepts of "Artifact" and "Awakening", which are also the theme elements of this dungeon world.

How to complete this special quest at the end is not mentioned for the time being, according to the requirements of the main quest of this dungeon, she always wants to find the user of Artifact to help her complete her awakening, and there happens to be such a user in front of her, while helping her get out of her current predicament, she can also save a dream point by completing the main quest, which can be regarded as a lot of money, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looking at the flaxen-colored long-haired girl beside him who looked down and seemed to be thinking about something, and tilted her head slightly.

Feeling that she didn't seem to be as happy as she imagined when she heard the news?

Faced with his question, Kujou, who came back to his senses, shook his head: "I was just thinking...... The awakening of Artifact is probably not so easy to do. "

Xia Solstice is not very clear about this, and the description given by Sophitia is too ambiguous...... What should I do if I get the color of my heart or something?

"I'll try, though!"

Looking at the young man who was deep in thought in front of 267, Kujou took a deep breath and said firmly

As long as you can be by my side. She thought silently to herself.

“...... It's just that there may be another difficulty. "

As if remembering something, she showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, looked down at the back of her hand, and explained:

"Today is the first day I got Artifact......"

I see, this is it.

Xia Solstice also remembered that Juya and Sophitia had said that today was the day when the world channel was reconnected.

"Don't worry about that. "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to the girl, "Can you give me your hand?"

Although he was a little confused, Kujouto obediently put his little hand on the palm of his hand.

Is it so easy to obey?

After thinking about it, he tried to change the command: "Wallet?"

Kujo was a little confused, but still took out his wallet from his cross-body backpack and handed it to him.

"What's the bank card password inside?"

"83****......" The girl reported a string of numbers.


You don't have to trust it to that extent. I feel that if I try again, I can't help but feel the urge to kidnap her to work for herself and set up a stall, and try what it feels like to squeeze the daughter of a capitalist.

Looking at the girl's pure and clear blue eyes, Xia Zhi asked her to stop, and then couldn't help pinching her face.

"Summer solstice!" the girl's cheeks flushed, and she asked a little shyly, "This, does this have anything to do with what happened just now?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

Xia Zhi chuckled lightly and put away his playfulness. After returning the purse to her, let her hand it over to herself again.

Despite being "tricked" once, Kujou breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand back on the palm of his hand.

Holding the girl's tender little hand in his hand, Xia Zhi looked into her eyes and said:

"I'm going to need your consent for what I'm going to do. "


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