April 16 is the first day that Summer Solstice and Megumi Kato came to this plane.

But that's not entirely right, because the day is also divided into different times.

To be precise, the summer solstice came here on the evening of the 16th. Megumi's words were earlier, but not earlier than that morning.

His Artifact could only read the history he had personally experienced, so the timeline before they came to this world should not be accessible with this ability alone.

Considering that it may take a lot of time to jump in the future, this Artifact, which can save files at will, is the most convenient ability

So, Xia Solstice thought of a solution

At the time, he didn't experience Megumi's history, but he was still able to read her archives. According to the current information and Juya's analysis, it should be the reason why he has a special connection with Megumi's soul in this world, causing his Artifact to regard them as the same being.

If you can read other people's historical archives in this way, wouldn't it be better to duplicate the same operation and add a state of soul harmony with Kujo as well?

Logically speaking, just like the intrinsic properties of matter, properties like this should be unaffected by any external factors and cannot be changed.

However, for the summer solstice, it's just a matter of adding a setting, and you don't even need to really change the original attributes, just let your Artifact determine that they are the same existence.

It's just that, after all, it involves the soul level, and if you want to read the other party's past, you need to get the consent of the other party first.

However, after listening to the boy's explanation, Kujou agreed very easily, without even asking the reason behind it.

"Let's get started...... Is there anything I need to do?" she asked, taking a deep breath and very cooperatively.

How does it feel like she can't wait.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart and replied, "Please close your eyes." "

Kujo heard this, and gently closed his eyes in compliance. The world in front of him was dark, and the room was very quiet, and all I could feel was the warmth of the young man holding his palm.

What would it be like to be connected to his soul? Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and at the same time, a trace of anticipation rose.

I don't know how long it was, maybe it was just the next second, and the sound of "okay" came from Kujouto's ears.

She slowly reopened her eyes, and was greeted by the familiar face of the young man, and the warm touch still came from her hands. Compared to what was expected, it seems that not much has changed.

But she soon noticed something different.

When did you become a lying position?

Kujo looked around a little confused, and found that he was not in the original living room, but in a room that looked very familiar.

Here it is...... Own bedroom?

Did Summer Solstice bring herself back to her house?

No, it doesn't seem like that......

"Is it already done~?" she looked at the boy suspiciously.

"It's over. "

Xia Zhi took his hand back, and helped her pull the quilt over and hand it to her.

Kujouto was a little puzzled at first, but when he looked down and saw that it was probably because of his sleeping position, a large patch of fair skin exposed under his light pink pajamas, his cheeks immediately flushed, and he quickly pulled up the quilt to cover his body.

"I, I don't usually like to kick on the covers!" she stammered, as if trying to justify something.

So you care about this?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"And ...... It's not that I like this childish style...... It was sent by my mom. The girl blushed slightly and explained weakly.

I don't care about that, either.

Speaking of naivety, though......

He looked at the girl on the bed who was shyly covering the quilt in front of him.

Although Natsuori's height is occasionally teased at home about her development, in fact, she is only slightly later than her peers, which is considered normal.

Compared to his sister, Kujouto is even more petite. Although she is a high school student, she is only half a head taller than Hughby in terms of figure, and if she goes out with Natsuori, she will probably be considered the younger one.

As the chairman of a large multinational company, it stands to reason that there should be no lack of nutrition when she was a child...... So is it a genetic cause? Or is it not yet developmental?

"What, what's wrong?"

Seeing the boy looking at him like this, Kujou asked a little nervously and shyly.

“...... I feel like I might need to spend a little more money on myself. Xia Zhi thought for a moment and reminded him tactfully.

"I've planned my use of my funds...... I just feel that the pajamas can still be worn, and there is no need to change them. She seemed to have misunderstood what Xia Solstice meant, and explained with a slight blush.

In fact, Xia Zhi was a little curious about how long ago her mother gave her this pajamas, but in the end she didn't ask.

Kujou suppressed the shyness in his heart and turned his head to look out the window.

Through the gaps between the curtains, you can see that the sky outside is still not bright, but it is not the darkness of the night, but the gray feeling of approaching the early morning.

A guess arose in her mind: "...... Now, is it the next day?"

"The day before, to be exact. "

Xia Solstice gave an affirmative answer.

Just as expected, after establishing a state of harmony with the girl's soul, he tried to read the Kujo Archival for this early morning, which was originally impossible to choose the moment, and it succeeded.

Looking forward along the time branch, I can probably go back to the moment when she was born at the earliest.

In other words, I don't know if when she was still in her mother's womb was considered to be in the category of her own Artifact's judgment?

“...... Summer solstice?"

Not knowing that someone was thinking about the strange question of whether or not he was human as a baby, Kujo withdrew his gaze and looked at the pensive boy beside his bed, and tried to call out his name.


Xia Solstice came back to his senses, interrupted those chaotic thoughts, and shook his head to look at her. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


After receiving a definite response, the girl pursed her lips slightly, and there was a wonderful feeling in her heart.

The first encounter between himself and him was supposed to be on the morning of the 17th. Today, in history, their fates should not have been intertwined.

In other words, fate was truly changed from this moment on.

"That's right, here's for you. "[]

Xia Zhi took something out of his pocket and handed it to her.

Kujou subconsciously took it, lowered his head to look at the silver-pink hair ornament in his hand, and blinked.

This is, own Artifact?

"Why is it ......?"

She is naturally familiar with this object that also changed her fate.

However, according to his memory, he should not have obtained this artifact at this point in time.

"Have you forgotten?"

Looking at the doubts on the girl's face, Xia Zhi tilted her head slightly and reminded her, "This is the relic you entrusted to me." "

"Relic ......"

Kujo remembered that he had indeed left a "last word" and handed over the ownership of this artifact to Xia Zhi after his death.

The relics entrusted by myself have returned to my own hands through other people's hands, which feels a little weird.

Looking at the silver-pink hair ornament in her hand, she blushed slightly and thought to herself.

What Kujo didn't know was that from the perspective of the summer solstice, this artifact was not always what she was familiar with.

Artifacts have the ability to take on different shapes depending on the owner they are contracted with.

Based on the experience of the previous student who used fire, the Artifact should revert back to its original silver-white metallic liquid after being forcibly unbound, or after the original owner died.

However, this artifact, which once lost its shape with the death of the girl, immediately regained its shape as a hair ornament after returning to this point in time with the summer solstice.

In other words, it still chose Kujo to be its master, and established the contract again.

The fit is quite high.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart and stood up from the side of the bed: "Then I won't bother, let's rest for a while." "

Kujo came back to his senses, looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Xia Solstice, where are you going?"

"I'm going back to rest, it's still early. "Summer Solstice returns.

After all, in order to verify the feasibility of the experiment, I chose the time a little earlier, and the sky outside was not yet bright.

The summer solstice jumped directly to this point in time, and the time was still late for his body. Compared to him, the girl was slightly better, but for her today, her body should have only slept for four or five hours...... It doesn't matter if Xia Zhi hasn't slept yet, but during the time when the girl is resting, she can't stay in her room all the time.

Kujo knows this too.

Only, that being said......

After a moment of hesitation, she asked:

"However, there shouldn't be a place to live on the summer solstice, right?"



Only then did the summer solstice react.

Although I bought a house in this world, it was a "tomorrow" thing, and for today, this thing has not happened.

...... Could it be that during this period of time, I have to find a new place to live every day?

"So, the summer solstice...... Fly"

While he was deep in thought, the girl's cheeks flushed slightly, and she proposed:

"Would you like to rest here first?"


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