In this world, there is a legend that is widely spread in the mainland.

In the distant past, there was only a gray wilderness in this world, and the "primitive beasts" that lived in it.

However, the star gods who visited here from far away have transformed the whole world into something similar to their homeland.

They made the earth green and the sea full of clear water, giving life to people and other creatures, and shaping the world into that form. In the process, they gave their souls to humans and gradually disappeared.

However, although the ancient star gods have collapsed, the last star god who has been sleeping since the age of mythology has awakened some time ago, and for some reason decided to make hostility against all of humanity, and together with his subordinates, the earth gods, tried to destroy the human race.

The former creator has become the worst evil god, and humanity, who does not want to be wiped out, has to unite and decide to kill the last star god before the final destruction comes.

"That's the way the world is. "

Xia Zhi slowly closed the book in his hand and said with a long breath.

After telling such a long story, it really made him feel a little dry.

Kirisu Mato, who was sitting across the campfire, nodded thoughtfully.

Although she has not been in this world for a long time, everything she has encountered and heard along the way has forced her to admit that she has indeed come to a strange world.

That's pretty ......

She rubbed her brows with a little headache, and her mind was a little swollen with too much information at once.

Compared to these, there is one more thing that Kirisu Mado cares about.

"Where did you get this book?".

"It was given to me by a kind uncle. Xia Zhi casually rambled nonsense and focused his gaze on the task interface in front of him:

Tasks in progress

[Main quest 1: Solve the crisis of the imminent extinction of mankind].

[Reward: 3,000 Dream Points].

[Main Quest 2: Give the Star God Al Luke the meaning of existence].

[Reward: 2500 Dream Points].

[Main quest 3: Ensure that Kirisu Madon survives until the end of the dungeon].

[Reward: 700 Dream Points].

[All main quests completed: 1000 additional Dream Points will be rewarded].

Except for the last one, the difficulty of the other two main quests is only literally visible, and it is not a little different from the previous dream dungeon.

Sure enough, the first dungeon is usually a setting similar to the Newbie Village.

Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

The sudden increase in the difficulty of the mission is matched by the equally generous reward for the mission. The rewards of a single main quest can be worth the total number of points earned in the last dungeon, and it's hard not to be excited.

But compared to these, Xia Solstice cares more about the name of the girl that appears in the main quest.

Eloke Hawksden, the youngest member of the Star Gods who created the world, is also the last Star God in this world.

From the appearance alone, it is difficult to imagine that such an innocent and lovely girl will be an evil god that must be defeated in people's mouths, but from the information obtained so far and recorded in the book, it seems that most people in this world have regarded this last young star god as an enemy of mankind.

"Isn't this equivalent to releasing missions for both factions at the same time?" Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

Regardless of what Ai Lu thinks of humans, the human side does regard this star god as an enemy.

It's not easy to give a god meaning to exist, so until then, he must make sure that Eru is not killed by humans.

Isn't it a little too embarrassing to save humanity while asking to protect the young star god?

The only thing to be thankful for is that the upper limit of power in this world is not low, and his full-level kendo skills should be able to exert good results.

Coupled with the more than 600 Dream Points left on his body now, if used reasonably, it is not impossible to complete the task.

What's more, the game didn't help him at all.

Recalling the scene he had "dreamed" before, Xia Zhi thought for a moment and quickly realized that this was a means given by the game to allow him to cross the barrier of that closed world and contact with the star god Elok.

But how to say, isn't this kind of contact a bit too ...... Straightforward?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart while adding some firewood to the bonfire.

At night, the sky is dotted with sparkling stars, like the Milky Way paved with fine quicksand, reclining on the blue sky. Many people in the convoy had already fallen asleep, and even Kirisu Mato, who was sitting opposite him with his legs crossed, was also suffering from sleepiness, and his head was little by little, looking like he would fall asleep at any time.

In the open field, there was no other sound except for the gentle breeze, the slight chirping of insects in the distant woods, and the occasional "crackling" sound of the fire, which seemed extraordinarily peaceful and silent.

Unlike the rest of the convoy, Natsu Solstice and Kirisu Mato, who were picked up halfway, were not very familiar with them, so it was naturally difficult for them to integrate into their group, which could be seen from the scene where no one approached the campfire where the two were located.

There is no doubt that they are isolated.

It's no wonder, after all, they are all strangers who don't have a deep relationship with each other, and it is inevitable that they will remain wary and distance from each other.

It's better to say that this group of people are willing to lend a helping hand to themselves and Mr. Kirisu, and the act of giving them a ride is already a very rare kindness.

However, people in similar situations are not non-existent.

Xia Solstice raised her head and cast her eyes on another bonfire not far away, the girl with the same long fiery red hair in the light of the fire.


ps: I've been stuck in the last chapter.,It's so uncomfortable


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