Lilia Asprey, the fallen princess of the Knights of Dione.

As a small, idyllic country, Dionone had always been involved in power struggles. Peace, as a symbol of the country, is transparent and pure, so when she was still a princess, Lilia was required and taught to be a puppet who didn't know anything and just smiled.

And Lilia, she, is a very straightforward girl. She has been very silent and intelligent since she was a child, but she understands this matter and accepts it.

It's not that difficult for her, and if she can make the adults around her happy just by smiling, then keep smiling all the time within the limits of her facial muscles......

The girl thought like this.

She had thought that peaceful days would last forever, but by the time she was nine years old, the world had completely changed.


The girl gently stirred the fire with the firewood in her hand, and her eyes stared directly at the constantly dancing flames in front of her without focus, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Can I sit here?".

A voice in her ear drew Lilia's attention, and she looked up to see a teenager standing beside her, looking down at her.

Although there were some doubts in her heart, Lilia did not refuse, nodded and moved to make room for him.

Xia Zhi was not polite, and sat next to the girl with a "hey".

"Thank you so much today, I heard from the teacher that if you hadn't found us lying on the side of the road, I guess we would have been sleeping in the wilderness tonight. "

"You're welcome. Lilia shook her head and said with a habitual smile, "That road is not remote, and there are usually other caravans passing by, so even without me, there will be others who will find out about you." "

"But, after all, you found us, didn't you?"

Xia Zhi picked up a piece of firewood next to him and also stirred up the fire

"People who have given a helping hand to others should be thanked as a matter of course, and blindly showing humility and generosity, or even refusing to accept thanks, will invisibly raise the moral requirements of the helpee to other helpers, which is a very immoral thing. "

This is the first time I've heard of this kind of thing. Lilia thought to herself.

"Also, didn't anyone tell you a thing?" Xia Zhi asked.

Lilia tilted her head, "What's the matter?"

"You're laughing so fakely. Xia Zhi threw the firewood in his hand into the fire, clapped his hands and looked at the girl and said: "A real smile is a pleasure from the heart, which will affect the orbicularis oris muscle around the eyes, giving people a feeling that the eyes are glowing." And when you just smiled, the muscles around your eyes were motionless, and your eyes were dull, making people feel the slightest bit of true affection. "

Lilia: "......


Isn't it all like this when it comes to polite smiles?

The girl suddenly had the idea that the person in front of her was actually difficult to serve.

"Anyway, I haven't asked your name yet. Xia Zhi changed his words, looked at the girl and said, "My name is Xia Zhi, what about you?"

“...... Lilia Asprey. "

After reporting her name, the girl fell silent, quietly waiting for the expected reaction.

As the princess of the dead country, her country was recently destroyed by a monster attack called the "Girling".

Whether it is the attack of the "Ancients" or the destruction of the knightly kingdom of Diogne, it is not a trivial matter, so the story about the girl can now be regarded as a household name.

Since then, Lilia Asprey has lost all her ...... That's what people who heard about it thought at the time.

So after that, as the protagonist of the tragedy, Lilia began to be asked to play a role that had never been played before.


loss of something you love, something you once cherished, something important, something extraordinary, something you don't want to lose, something you want to make disappear, all of these things are turned into ashes in that flame.

Then, it is right to feel sad, it is right to feel pain, it is right to become hopeless, and it is right to feel hatred ......

Whoever thinks so.

They only regarded her, the princess of the lost country, as the protagonist of a tragedy, and asked her to be a "very poor girl".

Human happiness comes from contrast, and when we look at the misfortune of others, we will rejoice in our own luck, just like looking out the window at the snow in a warm room, and compassion is something that only such a surplus person can have.

But it doesn't matter, because Lilia is a very straightforward girl.

For the adults, they will obediently listen to them, just like they asked for a smile before.

The people around her expect her to be such a "poor girl", so it would be nice for her to become such a girl.

So, the girl named Lilia is ready, she will play such a role, whether it is sadness, pain, despair or hatred, as long as the person next to her wishes, she will show him these things as he thinks.

After all, that's all she has to offer.

However, ......

"It's long. Xia Zhi complained.

“...... Huh?" Lilia froze.

"It's too long, can it be reduced to less than three words?" Xia Zhi asked.

It was only then that Lilia realized: this person was saying something rude to someone else's name.

"I'm so sorry, that's how my parents named me. The girl turned her head and said, "Moreover, this is how people in this world are named." "

If you want to cut it down, why don't you just call me by my name?" she thought to herself.

"That's ......" Xia Zhi thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll call you Lily in the future." "

Lilia: "......


Even if the surname is omitted, why should even the first name be omitted? Is it really so tiring to read one more syllable?

I don't know how long it took, but Lilia once again felt the true emotions that came up in her heart...... Although the name of this emotion is "annoyance".

"Well, let's stop here tonight, it's getting late. Xia Zhi stood up, pressed a gray witch hat that came from unknown to the girl's head, and said to her with a smile

"Good night, Lilia, and have a good dream. "


Looking at the back of the young man leaving, Lilia remembered the smile he had just had.

Indeed, as he said, when a person really smiles from the heart, there is light in his eyes.

Lilia thought silently to herself.

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