As if waking up from a hazy sleep, Xia Solstice opened his eyes.

What imprints into my eyes is still the dreamlike pure white space.

Xia Zhi sat up, looked left and right, and found himself sitting on the big bed before.

"Ah, it's you!" the girl's surprised voice sounded in his head: "You're here again!".

Xia Zhi didn't answer, just thought in his heart.

He remembered that he had just returned to the campfire to get ready for bed, but not long after closing his eyes, he woke up again and came to this place.

"Is the trigger condition sleep?" he thought to himself.

It's a dream game.,There's a special obsession with sleep.。

Xia Zhi touched the quilt under him with his hand, and found that except for the small piece where the girl was lying was warm, everything else was cold.

In other words, before she came over, the girl had been lying here and sleeping, and she hadn't even turned over.

"Do you just sleep here every day?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

"When Karma is there, she will play with me. Eloke replied, "But they seem to have gone out lately." "

As for who the "Kama" in the girl's mouth is, Xia Solstice can probably guess that it should be the earth gods who came to this world with the star gods and were entrusted with the task of taking care of Eluko after the death of most of the star gods.

To be honest, Xia Solstice was a little unexpected, but I didn't expect that the last star god turned out to be a left-behind child.

"Eluko ......" Thinking of what he saw and heard today, Xia Zhi opened his mouth and asked, "Have you ever thought about destroying the human race?"

He intended to ask him directly.

"Destroy humanity?" Eloke said in a voice full of doubts, "Why?"

“...... Fun?" After thinking for a while, Xia Solstice helped the girl think of a reason.

"Is it fun?" said Eluk's curious voice with a hint of antiquity.

"No, it's pretty average, actually. Out of respect for his main quest, Xia Zhi changed his words: "Ailuke, you will definitely not be interested. "

"Is it so......" the girl's voice became a little low.

Isn't this a helping human race survive a crisis that almost wiped out the race?Xia Zhi thought to himself.

Through this conversation, he was able to confirm that Eluko himself was not hostile to humans. For him, it was enough to know that.

"So, Eloke ......" Xia Zhi asked his second question: "Have you ever wondered what the meaning of your life is?"

"Meaning...... Righteousness?" The girl's immature voice was once again tinged with doubt.

It was too early for the young Star God to think about such a thing.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, the girl finally gave up: "Woo...... Is this kind of thing important?".

"Of course it's important. In order to guide the girl to think about the meaning of her existence, Xia Solstice began to talk nonsense: "Alone...... Ahem, if a god doesn't know what it means to be alive, what's the difference between that and death?".

"Dead?" Al Luk was a little puzzled: "Dead...... What is it?".


Xia Zhi realized that he might have given a wrong example.

The girl could not understand the meaning of "death", not only because she was too young to be exposed to death, but also because as a star god, she was an immortal herself.

Star gods only usher in death in the world they were born into, and when they come to this world and lose their way back to their original world, they also lose the way to usher in death.

The little star god cannot understand death, and naturally cannot understand the meaning of life, let alone think about the meaning of his own existence.

"It seems that the education level of those earth gods needs to be improved. Xia Zhi sighed in his heart.

He finally realized the difficulty of this main quest.

It is precisely because there is a beginning and an end that life needs to be given meaning, and for the star god with an endless lifespan, if she wants to make Eluk think about the meaning of her own existence, she must first understand what death is.

It's a hassle......

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

"Can I just skip this process?" he asked mentally.

[This modification costs 750 Dream Points, do you want to confirm the modification?].

Sure enough, it is not so easy to change the will of a god.

Xia Zhi thought about it and decided that it was better to follow the steps step by step, anyway, he had time.

As for what to do, I'll leave it to him tomorrow to think about it.

...... now

Xia Zhi suddenly thought of something.

Since he is in control of this body now, it means that he can do anything with this body, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Solstice immediately became excited.

He immediately spent two bonus points to exchange for a game console, several game discs, and a lot of snacks and drinks, and by the way, he also exchanged them for a soft single sofa, which was placed next to the bed.

Looking at the pile of well-prepared "combat materials" in front of him, he nodded with satisfaction.

Then, the long-lost all-night life is about to begin!

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