In the early morning in the wild, the sunlight shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves, reflecting a little bit of golden light, casting a little bit of crystal light on the grass after the rain in the forest.

After a baptism of rain last night, the sky this morning seems exceptionally clean and fresh, and even the air has become extraordinarily clear.

Lilia stood under the treetops covered in crystal dewdrops, bent slightly, clipped the knight's sword under her armpit, and remained motionless, as if waiting for something.

"Hey ——!


The red-haired Star God Maiden ran over and jumped up, slamming her whole body directly into the thick trunk of the tree.

In an instant, the dew fell from the treetops, as if it were raining.

Just as the first drop of water came into the sword's reach, Lilia suddenly moved.


tide of white sword light pierced the early morning mist, and along with the sword light, there seemed to be a runaway tornado.

No, it wasn't a tornado, it was a storm of countless blades!


raindrops shattered into countless finer fragments in an instant, exploded into a fine white mist, and were quickly blown away by the spreading storm of blades.

When the storm ended, Lilia withdrew her sword and breathed a sigh of relief.

If you look closely, you can find that there is no sign of wetting on her body, and the hundreds of drops of dew that fell like raindrops just now have not been able to break through the barrier of the sword storm just now, and she has been completely defended by her!



Compared to her, the red-haired little girl looked much more miserable, her hair and clothes were all wet with the dew that fell, and her nose turned completely red from the act of hitting the trunk of the tree.

"It hurts. Eluko ran back to the boy for comfort.

Xia Zhi touched her little head as comfort, and her gaze returned to Lilia not far away.

The third sword, Xia Lan.

By swinging the 666 sword in an instant, it sets off a storm of blades like a tornado on the summer sea, and the all-round attack without the slightest flaw will kill all the enemies around it in an instant, and it is a must-kill sword with fewer enemies and more enemies.

Compared with the previous two swords, "Death" and "Insect Song", the complexity of "Xia Lan" has increased by more than an order of magnitude at once.

666 ways to make swords, even if you just memorize the sword score, it is an extremely time-consuming thing, not to mention the corresponding standing and footwork, its difficulty is so high, it can be said that the vast majority of people who learn the six swords will be stuck in this trick for the rest of their lives.

Lilia was also at the beginning, she couldn't grasp the essence of this move, no matter what, she couldn't swing the 666 sword in an instant, and even asked Xia Zhi at one point later, can this kind of thing really be done.

"Don't look at how violent its sword intent is, how arrogant it is with fewer enemies, but it is the true sword of the six swords. "

Faced with the girl's doubts, Xia Zhi at that time made such an answer.

After being reminded by him, Lilia put on a thoughtful expression and went back to study for another night.

Then, the scene just appeared.

"Even if it's open, you don't have it like that. Xia Zhi sighed in his heart, not realizing that he was actually the one who hung up the most.

"Master, I've already practiced!" Lilia happily announced to Xia Zhi as she trotted all the way to Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi thought about it for a moment, pushed Ai Luke into her arms, and shared with her the right to touch the young star god as a reward.

Lilia tried to touch the girl's little head, and the excellent feel made her like it at once.

It wasn't until Eru shook her head vigorously and broke free from under her to hide behind Xia Solstice that she coughed twice and returned her gaze to the boy.

"When can we start learning the Fourth Sword?" Lilia asked, slightly expectantly.

"Not right now. Xia Zhi shook his head and said.

"When, then?" the girl tilted her head, a little confused.

Isn't it going to ask me to lay the groundwork again?," she thought to herself.

It's completely too late to learn and play that kind of thing.

Lilia is a little incomprehensible, does the basic thing still need to be specially exercised?

"Wait until you're eighteen. Xia Zhi replied after estimating it in his heart.

"Isn't that going to take years?" Lilia dissatisfied.

It only took her less than two months to go from the first sword to the third sword, and now she has to wait so many years at once before she can start learning the fourth sword, how can she accept it.

"Why wait so long?".

Also, why eighteen years old?

"Even if I teach you now, you won't be able to learn it. Xia Zhi said in a declarative tone: "There are some things, it's too early for you. "

Lilia was a little unconvinced, she admitted that she may not be as good as her master, but her talent is already stronger than ordinary people, I don't know how many times, this can be seen from the fact that Sister Zhendong has consulted her so many times, but she still hasn't learned the first sword.

Kirisu Madong, who was watching the fire by the stove, suddenly sneezed, and inexplicably had the illusion that someone was talking about himself behind his back.

"That kind of thing, you have to learn it to know, right?" Lilia and Xia Zhi discussed, trying to impress the boy with words: "Can't you be accommodating? I'm your only student." "

“...... All right. After thinking for a moment, Xia Zhi nodded and compromised: "Then wait until after this mission is over." "

Lilia: "......


It's too accommodating all of a sudden.

The effect of the bargain was completely unexpected, and she didn't know for a moment whether she should be happy or not.

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