Tasks in progress

[Side quest 1: Become Lilia Asprey's guide and lead her on another path that deviates from her original unfortunate fate].

[Reward: 500 Dream Points].

[Side Mission 2: Kill 20 Beast Creatures (9/20)].

[Reward: 120 Dream Points].

[Side Quest 3: Collect Five Extreme Ancient Swords (0/5)].

[Reward: 750 Dream Points].

[Side Mission 4: Defeat the Exiled Fallen Ghosts Outside the Empire's borders].

[Reward: 60 Dream Points].

After briefly checking the side quests he was currently working on, Xia Zhi took his eyes back.

In addition to the first Lilia's quest, the second and third quests were triggered when he came into contact with the literature on the Beast and the Holy Sword, respectively, and the fourth side quest was triggered by him after he took the Adventurer's Guild's quest for the Fallen Ghost Clan.

Simply adding up, if all these four side quests are completed, he will be able to get about 1,004 Dream Points reward, which is not inferior to the reward for completing a main quest.

It's just that the second and fourth tasks are not very difficult, as long as you spend some time, you can always complete them.

The only thing that is a little troublesome is the side quest to collect the holy sword.

As a weapon created by humans to fight against enemies that they are beyond their power, the Holy Sword is one of the most precious in the world.

And those legends, the extreme ancient holy sword born from the wish is even more precious, it is very difficult for ordinary people to see one, but the task requires themselves to collect all five and make up a full illustrated book, the difficulty can be imagined.

Therefore, this task can only be put aside for the time being, and wait to see if there is a chance to complete it later.

Compared to these, what made Xia Zhi a little curious and puzzled was that Lilia's task had not yet been judged.

Obviously, she has already been taught the six swords, and with her current strength, even if she is self-reliant, there is no problem at all, and there is no need to learn the swordsmanship of the brave system and become a brave.

Or is it that in the judgment of the game, even if Lilia is like this, what kind of opportunity will she take the path of a brave man in the future?

Xia Zhi couldn't help but turn his head, looked at the girl who was sitting outside the carriage with him, and thought in his heart.

"Huh, what's wrong with me?".

Seeing him suddenly look at herself, Lilia was slightly startled, and quickly touched her face to make sure that there was nothing strange on it.

"Lilia. Xia Zhi suddenly called out the girl's name: "Have you ever thought about becoming a brave man?"

"Brave?" Lilia tilted her head slightly, then waved her hand and said, "No, how can I become a brave, I can't do it." "

It's a denial, but it's not a rejection. The girl's evaluation of the "brave" is that she can't do it, not that she doesn't want to do it. In other words, she still has a certain yearning and longing for the title of "brave".

It's no wonder, after all, according to the definition of this world, the so-called brave is the kind of thing that is easy to make people look forward to.

They are the saints chosen by the Church of Zanguang, the ancient myths awakened in modern times, with the mission of protecting mankind, bearing the fate of fighting against those who endanger humanity, and destined to bring victory to humanity.

He is more talented than anyone else in the world, standing on a battlefield that no one in the world can reach, and fighting alone without the support of anyone in the world, so he is stronger than anyone in the world.

This is how people in this world think of the brave.

Although destined to bear a tragic fate, as long as you sacrifice your own happiness, you can protect people's lives and allow humanity to survive in this unfriendly and dangerous world, and there is always no shortage of fools who are willing to do such things.

But ......

"I don't want you to be a brave man. Xia Zhi looked at the girl's burgundy eyes and said.

"Why, why do you suddenly say such things?" Facing the summer solstice that suddenly became serious, Lilia was a little overwhelmed for a while, and her eyes unconsciously drifted to the side: "I became a brave man...... Is there anything bad about it?".

"Will you promise me?" Xia Zhi didn't answer her, just looked at her quietly and asked.

"Alright...... "Lilia blushed slightly and turned her head to the side, and whispered, "I'll promise you." "

The girl didn't ask why, and when faced with the request of the summer solstice, she just agreed like this, which looked very casual, and it felt like it was just a casual promise from the girl, even if she forgot or regretted it one day, it was not strange at all.

But ......

[Side quest 1 (completed)].

[Reward: 500 Dream Points].

Such a task completion prompt appeared in front of him, which made Xia Zhi himself a little surprised.

"Could it be that the completion of such a task requires the confirmation of the person himself?" he was a little confused.

So, the same is true for Eluk's mission?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look back at the carriage behind him, but saw the red-haired girl looking languid, listlessly lying in Kirisu Mato's arms, looking at himself with pitiful eyes.

Summer solstice: "......".

Who would have thought that as a god of the world, the star god of the creator of mankind, would also get motion sickness.

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