The place where the summer solstice is at the moment is still the same town that was reduced to ruins in the collapse.

That day, after rescuing the little girl, they wanted to leave there, but soon found a dozen other surviving children in a basement under the collapsed house.

Later, Xia Zhi learned that it was originally an orphanage, and it was taken in by some abandoned children in the city. After the disaster, the orphanage teacher let the children hide in the basement, and it was because of this action that the children survived.

As a result, things immediately get into trouble. If it's just one or two, but with a dozen children around, it's obviously impossible to continue the adventure.


best way to do this is to take the children to the next city and give them to the orphanage there for adoption.

But I don't know for what reason, Kirisu Mado firmly asks to take them in and take care of them.

In the face of her insistence, Xia Zhi thought about it, anyway, there was nothing particularly important to do next, so she agreed.

Due to the children's own wishes, the inconvenience of traveling, and the high housing prices in the city, they finally decided to stay in this town that had been reduced to ruins, found a few relatively intact houses, and lived in them after simple repairs.

During this period, Kirisu Mado even cleared a vacant lot, moved some tables and chairs, and dismantled a door panel to serve as a blackboard, and returned to his old business to teach the children.

"I just hope that when they grow up, they will have the ability to make a living, so that they don't end up knowing anything and not knowing what they can do. "

Regarding the doubts about the summer solstice, Kirisu Madong explained it this way.

"If my teachings can help them change their lives, it will be great. "

What a teacher.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart.

So after a moment of simple thought, he exchanged two Dream Points for a full set of primary and secondary school textbooks, as well as a large box of tutorial papers, which were given to Kirisu Mado as teaching resources.

"Where did these textbooks come from?" asked Kirisu Mato, of course.

"I bought it online. Xia Zhi replied casually.

Kirisu Madon naturally didn't believe the boy's nonsense that he obviously said with his eyes open, but she also knew that since the boy didn't want to say it, even if she insisted on asking, it was estimated that she would only get a vague answer like "I can do it" in the end, just like before.

Fortunately, she is somewhat accustomed to the fact that Xia Solstice can often do some unbelievable things, although she still cares a little in her heart, but she doesn't continue to ask.

But not to mention, after having the textbooks, the quality of her teaching has been greatly improved, and teaching is much easier than before, which is really helpful.

It's just that I don't know why, Xia Zhi seems to be very keen on assigning homework to children, and has assigned a lot of tutoring papers for three days in a row, which has led to some subtle changes in the children's attitude towards him, and it seems to be a little more...... Resentment?

Kirisu Madong was a little unclear, but she could see that the boy's intentions were good, so she didn't say anything to stop it.

And this morning, when she got up and planned to wash up and go to class for the children, she suddenly noticed that the sky was a little overcast, and it looked like it was about to rain.

But the "classroom" she cleared for the children was in an open field, which meant that if it rained, today's class would have to be suspended.

"So Mr. Zhendong, you are going to let them go to your room for class?" asked Xia Zhi.

Kirisu Mado nodded, she didn't want to interrupt the class for that reason.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better if you just took them over?" Xia Zhi was a little puzzled, did he need his own help in this matter?

"No...... Kirisu Mado bit his lip and said with some hesitation, "...... Anyway, you'll find out if you come here first. "

Xia Zhi followed Mr. Mado to her room for some unknown reasons, and the first time he saw the scene in the house after opening the door, he immediately knew why Mr. Mado said he needed his help.

The pens and books on the table were placed haphazardly, the whole table was in a mess, the stools were crooked, the quilt on the bed was curled up in the corner, and the floor was also a mess, full of scratch paper and changed clothes and socks, and there was almost no place to put your feet.

"This is too messy, isn't it?" Looking at this messy scene, Xia Zhi couldn't help but complain: "How did you do it?".

Seeing such an unbearable scene by his own students, Kirishu Madong also felt very shy and embarrassed, and some didn't dare to look at Xia Zhi's eyes, and turned his head with a slight red cheek and whispered, "Unknowingly...... That's it. "

Being able to do this level unconsciously is also a great skill in a way.

Just when Xia Zhi was sighing in his heart, he suddenly remembered something.

If Teacher Zhendong's housekeeping ability is really zero, then how did she take care of her life in those days before?

Looking at Kirisu Matoshi, who turned his head and was silent, Xia Zhi quickly realized something, and silently sympathized with the girl who was far away in his heart.

Thank you so much, Lilia.



Lilia sneezed a little and looked up at the sky in confusion, feeling as if someone was talking about her.

"It's a delusion......

Thinking to herself, she withdrew her gaze, pressed the gray hat on her head, and walked on.

The spacious streets are deserted, and the once bustling city now seems dead silent. This is a matter of course, after all, most of the people in the city have already taken refuge, and only a few people have chosen to stay for some special reasons, and Lilia is one of them.

The reason why she stayed here was simple, because she had come to this city for the impending disaster.

And now, she was ready to face the ...... The First Lawgiver.

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