A week ago, a girl who calls herself the Lawgiver led an army of Honkai Beasts to attack the border cities of the Holy Empire.

In less than four days, more than a dozen cities fell and turned into ruins.

This is not aggression, it is not war, the other side does not look at race, does not look at camp, does not accept surrender, but indiscriminately rains destruction and death wherever it goes.

During this period, the empire organized armies to counterattack, but all of them failed, and all the would-be braves who were transferred died in those battles.

The other party seems to have a very special power, able to deconstruct and copy anything she sees, even the extremely complex holy sword, which relies on mana to interfere with each other to affect its abilities. At the same time, it seems that any skill that is used once in front of her will be quickly learned by her.

As a result, after several battles, the empire not only failed to stop the lawyer's girl, but even made her stronger and stronger.

Three days ago, the Lawgiver Maiden, who had completely penetrated into the hinterland of the empire, stopped outside the city and gave the city a ...... Or rather, the people of this country gave an ultimatum:

"Come to me within three days with the remaining four Extreme Ancient Holy Swords, or I will continue to advance until half of the empire is destroyed. "

After saying this, the Lawgiver Maiden left with her army of Honkai Beasts.

No one doubted the veracity of her words, for less than two hundred miles behind the city was the capital of the Empire.

The lawgiver girl was only given three days, and today is the last day.

Lilia didn't know if the empire had prepared the four holy swords, she only knew that the empire didn't seem to intend to compromise like this. Because she had just heard that the only regular brave man had also come to this city today.

"Since that regular brave man is here, there shouldn't be a chance for me to make a move, right?" thought to the girl.

The regular brave is strong. No martial arts can be touched, all spells can't be touched, and all monsters can't be beaten. Therefore, if you fight, you will win. This is a well-known fact.

There is no one who can match this combat power, and there is no one who can fight alongside him, or even anyone who can match it.

Even the current Lilia didn't think she could help that regular brave man. Therefore, she actually went out to watch the battle between the regular brave and the legal girl out of curiosity.

And by the time she walked out of the city and into the battlefield, the battle was almost over.

"Boom ——!


The blue sword light shot up into the sky, connecting into a curtain of light that seemed to be substantial, separating the world in front of him.

At this moment, the earth was divided, the clouds were torn apart, and under this unstoppable force, the world began to be divided from near and far, as if it had been cut by the whole.

When the impact wore off, the light faded, and a huge canyon crack appeared in front of Lilia that nearly tore the earth in half.

And at the beginning of the "canyon", two figures are standing.

"Tick, tick, tick......


Drop by drop, blood slid down the blade and dripped to the ground, soaked in dirt.

The gray-blue sword pierced deep into the girl's chest, and with a strange and deep brilliance, the curse of "kill" was activated.

Seeing the vitality in the girl's eyes gradually disappearing, the brave man named Nils finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He was well aware that Senioris's abilities allowed him to kill everything without exception through the Conceptual Tampering Curse, even the immortal Star God.

Hit such a curse, the girl in front of her will not be able to survive no matter what.

...... That's how it should be.


Pale blue light flashed, and three long swords were constructed from the void, piercing through his body and severing the arm that held the holy sword tightly.

"I see, ......".

Enduring the sharp pain of her body being torn apart, Nils stared at the blonde girl who seemed to appear next to her out of thin air, remembering the moment when she was pierced by her own sword, and she seemed to be holding something tightly in her hand, and a trace of clarity flashed in her heart.

"At the last moment, I transferred the core, and then reconstructed a body with my ability......."

In this way, he circumvented the curse of "nirvana" of Senioris.

Nils smiled bitterly, it was the first time he had encountered such a reckless enemy.

In this way, the person who is at a disadvantage and is about to die will become himself.

"Can I save my life if I hand over the remaining three holy swords now?" he asked the blonde girl in front of him after thinking for a moment.

Atilaide didn't answer him, just held out his hand to him.

The next moment, a pale blue glow lit up from her side, condensing, and constructing a holy sword of different shapes, without exception, aimed at the human brave.

Looking at the blades that reflected the cold light, Nils couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on his forehead.

"It's really not negotiable, I think it's ......."

Before he could finish speaking, the hundreds of holy swords constructed fell down in unison under Atilaide's orders.

Just when Nils thought that he was about to be pierced by the falling rain of swords, a petite and unfamiliar figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Who is it?".

Before he could utter his questioning words, he saw a frenzied storm of countless blades descend on him.

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