With a slight cracking sound of "click", as if shattering a thin and fragile barrier, the sudden disappearance of the obstruction made people's bodies light, and their steps almost did not stand firm.

Fortunately, being held tightly by the young man, Xiao Xia Ori did not fall to the ground.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around curiously.

The spacious and bright classroom, the tables and chairs placed by the window, the books and test papers on the table that were pushed aside and placed messily, all the arrangements were no different from the room just now

The only difference is

...... It's so quiet.

School is supposed to be noisy after school, with the sound of students talking in pairs, the noisy chases on the way home, the sound of playing football and sports on the playground, the activities of classmates in the club next door, and the sound of cars passing in the distance......

These voices may not be of particular concern in normal times, but they are real, and when they are gone, the whole world suddenly becomes deserted.

Not only that, but even the sounds of birds and bugs disappeared.

Looking out the window at the world that was no different from the one in her impression, the girl's heart was filled with a strong sense of disobedience at the moment, and she couldn't help leaning towards the boy and hugging his arm a little.

"The temperature inside the room is gradually rising......

Hughby said as he turned to the boy.

In other words, the mirror world only replicates the state of the room at the moment of entry, but does not also copy the room affected by the characteristics of the remote control?

Xia Zhi pondered in his heart.

However, it was clearly verified last time.,The mirror world can be copied together with the fantasy of the anomalous item 203.,There shouldn't be a situation where the anomalous properties can't be copied.。

Or is it ...... Because the characteristics of the remote control are in the designated area, although it is exactly the same mirror world, but this room is not judged by the remote control to be the area originally designated by the remote control, so the characteristics do not continue to take effect?

...... Forget it, we'll talk about this kind of thing later.

Xia Zhi shook his head and thought to himself.

"So, what are you going to experiment with?"

Yukino asked, looking back at him.

"You should have guessed this a long time ago, right?" Xia Zhi asked back.

The girl was noncommittal about this, and just looked at the white remote control in Xia Zhi's hand.

The so-called "room" is the space area that people divide themselves, although when the windows are closed, the whole room will be a relatively closed space, but their windows are still open at that time.

In this case, how can the remote control accurately determine the scope of the room, as if there is an invisible wall, just to reduce the temperature in the room, without affecting the world outside the window?

One guess is that the remote control's choice of "area" does not follow objective physical separation, but is determined according to the user's subjective will.

And it's easy to verify such a thing.

Xia Zhi rubbed the hair of Xiao Xia Ori beside her, and after briefly calming her, he walked to the window, as if he was turning on the air conditioner at home, pointed the remote control in his hand (ahaf) at the city in front of him, and gently pressed the on/off button


An insignificant sound came.

After just waiting for a moment, the temperature around me quickly decreased, and even the breeze blowing outside the window had a slight coolness, as if it had suddenly moved from summer to autumn.

Seeing this, Yukino tried to reach out of the window again, but unlike before, she didn't feel a significant temperature difference between inside and outside the house

"Did you really do ......?"

She muttered incredulously, although she had seen such a miraculous phenomenon more than once, but if something similar happened again, it would still make her already subverted three views be shocked again.

"How big of an area have you chosen?" she asked, turning back to the boy.

"The whole city of Chiba. Xia Zhi replied.

Because it was a preliminary experiment, he didn't choose too much of a range...... Now it seems that even a completely open environment will not affect the effectiveness of the characteristics of the remote control.

Xia Zhi thought to himself and looked at the other girl beside him.

Hughby nodded, and under the dark orange iris, there seemed to be a series of data streams flashing, dyeing her jewel-like eyes with a faint layer of gold

"The altitude of the effect is approximately 35 kilometers...... Ground Range...... Completely integrated with the map of Chiba City......"

35 km is the current default airspace altitude

In other words, the scope of effect is a perfect match for the Chiba City area.

On the other side, seeing that Hughby didn't do anything, but the color of his eyes changed a little, and he came up with the answer to the question, Xiao Natsuori blinked, looked at the boy and asked, "Can I learn this?"

"What are you doing here?" Xia Zhi asked suspiciously.

"Don't you think it's terrible that your eyes can change color?" replied the girl.

I see...... Natsuori-chan is almost the age of the second year of secondary school. Xia Solstice thought to herself.

But...... Give it up, it's a racial talent, you can't learn it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Feeling that saying this might disappoint the girl too much, Xia Zhi thought about it and chose to change his words: "Next time I'll buy you a contact lens." "

I'm not sick in the second year, what do you want that thing for?" Natsuori thought unhappily.

After briefly comforting the girl's emotions, Xia Zhi thought about another thing.

The effect of the remote control can almost be confirmed, and it is indeed determined by the subjective will of the user.

As for what's next......

He looked at Hughby again.

Hughby, who received the boy's signal, nodded slightly, raised his hand, and aimed at the opposite school building.

As a pale blue magic array unfolded in front of her palm, a white beam of light flashed

The next moment......

"Boom ——!"

The blazing fire suddenly burst open, the building and the ground instantly disintegrated and shattered, and the school building that accompanied Xia Solstice through most of his high school career was reduced to fragments and wreckage in the impact of the explosion, and then was engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

The impact caused by the explosion spread rapidly, and Xiao Natsuori exclaimed in surprise, and hurriedly hugged the young man's body tightly, barely ensuring that he was not blown away in this strong wave of qi.

Despite this, even if the shock and wind did not abate, the slightest heat was felt in it, as if it were a storm with a cold snap instead of an explosion.

"Airflow temperature...... Within 0.0139 seconds of leaving the blast range, it quickly reduced to the same level as the environment......" Hughby quickly came to a conclusion.

Xia Solstice looked at the school building that had been reduced to ruins opposite, and the flames burning there still showed no signs of being extinguished.

No wonder......

Although it forces the temperature in the area to adjust to the adjusted range, it does not change the temperature of the human body in it, and it has no effect on the flames generated by the explosion.

Other words...... Will it only apply to the Environment?

"It's a very subjective anomaly. Yukino concluded on the side.

After all, the concept of the so-called "environment" itself was created and defined by humans themselves. In other words, this aspect is also determined entirely by the subjective will of the user.

"Do you want to continue to expand the range?" she asked, looking at the boy.

For example, try to select the whole earth and try it out?

Anyway, no matter how much the world is tossed here, it will not affect the world outside the mirror, and if you don't have to worry about the consequences, even she will let go a lot.

Xia Solstice shook his head.

It was enough to test the scope alone, and what he wanted to experiment with now was something else

If the judgment of the "environment" by the characteristics of the remote control is really determined by the subjective will of the user......

He thought to himself, and looked up at the glowing orb in the distant sky.


This one...... Wouldn't it be too much?

Megumi Kato, who noticed his gaze and hadn't opened his mouth to disturb them since just now, thought to himself with some hesitation at the moment.

However, before she could say this, she saw that the boy had already picked up the remote control, aimed at the sun at the end of the sky, and gently pressed the button


The same soft sound sounded

However, unlike the previous situation, as the sound fell, after waiting for a while, nothing changed

Xiao Natsuori tilted her head slightly: "...... Did it fail?"

"Wait. Xia Zhi rubbed her hair and replied...... It's a little early to tell.

The truth is just as he thought.

About eight minutes passed

The sky darkened in vain


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