The distance from the Sun to the Earth is about 149.6 million kilometers, or one astronomical unit, and it takes about eight minutes to travel at the speed of light.

As we all know, under normal circumstances, the speed of light is the upper limit of the speed of information transmission in the universe, which means that even if the sun explodes in situ in one second from God's perspective, the impact will not be transmitted to the earth until eight minutes later.

If the characteristics of the remote control do take effect, and the temperature of the sun is adjusted to 17 degrees Celsius set on the summer solstice, the brightness will indeed be reduced a little compared to the original surface temperature of 6,000 degrees.

However, this phenomenon reached the Earth only eight minutes later...... This also means that the moment the remote control is pressed on the summer solstice, the sun cools down synchronously, and there is no time delay, or the time delay is so small that it is almost imperceptible.

In other words, the effect of the remote control is faster-than-light.

"Xia Zhi, put out the sun. Looking at the "night sky" outside the window, which was still bright just now, and now you can see the starry sky, Megumi Kato couldn't help but sigh.

Not only the sun, but even the moon, which had risen in the afternoon, was now gone

But that's understandable, because the moon reflects the sun's rays.

"That's really it......"

Yukino muttered softly.

Although in this world, anything that happens will not affect the real world, and she is more or less accustomed to the outrageousness of these anomalous items, but she still didn't expect the teenager to really extinguish a whole ~ star without saying a word.

It is worthy of the ultimate version of the air conditioning remote control, which completely solves the problem of summer heat from the root.

"So, what now?" she asked, turning back to Xia Solstice.

...... At this point, will the experiment continue?

She originally wanted to ask, and the next moment


Hughby turned on the light, and the fluorescent lamps on the ceiling cast a soft light that brightened the room instantly.

Facing the girl's gaze, she blinked, as if to say, "You're welcome."

Yukino: ......

That's really bothering you.

Xia Zhi thought about it for a while, and tried to press the switch again in the direction where the sun was just now.

The effect of the remote control is not impossible to cancel, just like the air conditioner at home, as long as you press the button to turn off the air conditioner, the temperature in the room will naturally gradually rise back to normal levels.

It's just that...... On the sun, can a star that has been forcibly extinguished be ignited again?

After waiting for about eight minutes, the sun in the distance did not return to its original brightness, but only faintly lit up a glimmer of light, and after a while, the glimmer of light suddenly increased countless times in vain, turning into an extremely dazzling point of light, and then the white light instantly bloomed, illuminating the entire sky and everything around it, making the world seem to be submerged in a sea of light.

The light blue magic array instantly unfolded, enveloping the entire club building, which blocked the intense light radiation and the high-energy rays that followed, as well as the damage caused by the violent earthquake shaking to several young girls.

Obviously, it is difficult for the shock wave of matter to be so fast to cause such a strong earthquake at such a long distance, in other words, just the first light pressure to shake the entire earth.


Feeling the strange gaze cast by the girl on the side, Xia Zhi turned his head slightly, pretending not to see it.

It seems to be more than superficial, because he subconsciously chose the entire sun as the target, so the remote control also forcibly lowered the core temperature inside it to more than ten degrees Celsius.

Such a low temperature is of course not enough to maintain its own fusion reaction, and at the moment when the effect is lifted, because it can no longer use the radiation pressure of fusion to fight its own gravity, the sun collapses, directly crossing the red giant stage and entering the new star explosion stage that gives birth to white dwarfs.

It's just that, it stands to reason that such a collapse should have started the moment the star went out. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Or is it that because of the characteristics of the remote control, it is regarded as a whole, and in order to ensure the accurate effect of the characteristics, it is forcibly maintained as an original whole?

Xia Zhi thought in his heart, and then shook his head

"Anyway, let's get out of here. He said to the girls.

It is foreseeable that if it were placed in the real world, the planet would not allow life to survive for a long time.

"Can I take a picture as a souvenir?"

Before leaving, retracting her surprised gaze from the scene in front of her, Konatsuori looked at the boy with some excitement and asked for permission.

Xia Solstice doesn't quite understand, this piece of white expanse, what is there to take pictures of?

"It's a sun explosion! It's rare to see such a rare sight, right?" argued the girl.

Xia Zhi thought about it, and it seemed that it was true, so he didn't stop her...... By the way, I also took a photo with my mobile phone, and sent it to Suwako when the time came, so as to tell her that the wish she made back then had really come true.

After Xiao Natsuori finished taking the photo and pulled him to take a few more photos, at the urging of Xia Zhi, he was reluctantly held by Megumi Kato and left the world with her.

Xue Nai noticed that Xia Solstice didn't seem to have any intention of moving, and after hesitating for a moment, he didn't ask anything, and after whispering to him, "I'll wait for you over there", he also turned around and walked into the mirror.

Translated, it probably means, "I'm worried about you, so I'll come back soon."

Looking at her figure disappearing behind the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Xia Zhi thought in his heart, and after breathing a sigh of relief, he lowered his head and said "hard work" to Hughby beside him, and touched her head.

Well, only one last experiment remains.

As briefly introduced earlier, after the Big Bang, the average temperature of the universe has been reduced from the original Planck temperature cooling to only about three degrees above absolute zero, becoming a "cosmic microwave background radiation", a touch of afterglow left over from the Big Bang.

So, what would happen if you zoomed in a little bit and increased the current average temperature of the universe from 3 Kelvin, which is close to absolute zero, by a factor of nearly 100 to 293 Kelvin, which is equal to 20 degrees Celsius?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, picked up the remote control in his hand again, aimed at the white void in front of him, and gently pressed the button......

... Nine....

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