The world has been destroyed.

This is a fact that Nogi Sonoko told about the summer solstice, and it happened in the past.

Summer Solstice is not surprised by this.

Unlike the original book, because of the existence of "elves" in this world, the attitude of the gods towards humans is not limited to "punishment", but more of a "hostile".

While it is unknown why Amnesty insisted on protecting the elves even at the risk of being considered an "enemy" by the gods, even if the world was destroyed, their friendly attitude towards the elves was unquestionable.

In this case, it is normal for the world to be destroyed by the gods.

Just like what I saw in that dream before the summer solstice

However, here's the problem. If the world was destroyed in the past, why is Shikoku still intact now?

"Brother Xia Zhi, do you want to hear a story?"

Nogi Sonoko turned around, leaned gently into the boy's arms, looked at the sparkling sea in the distance, and asked softly.

"Is it related to the garden?"

Xia Zhi gently stroked the girl's soft long light blonde hair, helping her to take care of her wind-blown hair, while asking.

"What if not?" Nogi Sonoko tilted her head slightly.

"Then I don't want to hear it. "

"Ah, I've been treated specially~" The girl smiled happily.

Xia Zhi touched her head...... In fact, he was just joking, trying to ease the inner emotions of some girls, even if it wasn't a story related to the garden, only if she was willing to tell it, he would listen patiently.

But it doesn't seem like she needs to be comforted by herself.

Nogi Sonoko turned around, arched her body into his arms, found a comfortable position, narrowed her eyes slightly, and continued

"That's the story of the garden when he was young......"

"You're 637 young now, too. "

"That's a younger story. "

Nogi Sonoko paused for a moment, regained his senses, and continued:

"A long, long time ago, in order to protect this world, three pure girls were chosen by the gods and became brave ......"

Xia Zhi didn't complain, the "long, long" in her mouth was only a matter of two years at most, and she continued to listen quietly

"When I first knew that I had been chosen by Lord Shenshu, I didn't have any real feelings, and although I was called a brave man, I didn't feel like I was being attached to this title...... It's just that when you know that the enemy is coming to destroy the world, you have to fight. "

"It's better to forget about me, or if you don't have time to think about it so much...... In short, it somehow turned into a battle to protect the world. "

"But I'm glad I became a brave man...... Because during that time, I met two very good friends. "

A smile appeared on the corner of Nogi's mouth, and she continued

"One of them is a little eagle, and the other child is called Sannowa Silver, a very cute girl~, Brother Natsuchi, you will definitely like it if you see it. "

Xia Zhi didn't quite understand what this had to do with him.

"Hmm, doesn't Brother Natsuchi like the little eagle?" Nogi Sonoko tilted her head slightly.

"I like it. Xia Solstice replied.

"What about the garden?"

"Of course I like it. "

"Then you're sure you'll like Mino-san~"

Is this a group method? Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

Nogi Sonoko propped her hands on her knees, her feet together shook slightly, and pulled the topic back: "Because we are classmates and both (ajdf) braves, we will be together every day, and we will become very good friends, studying, training, sleeping together, hiking, soaking in hot springs, going to the food court in Ines, and talking about love-related topics......"

"It was a really happy time. "

When talking about this memory, the corners of the girl's mouth couldn't help but have a faint smile, and it seemed to be very nostalgic

"Brother Xia Zhi, when I was a child, I also met a very good friend who I hoped to be together for a lifetime, right? "

Summer Solstice: "...... I don't have any friends. "

"Ah, sorry......"

Nogi Sonoko stuck out her tongue and didn't continue the topic of "friends", but continued the original topic:

"Although the training days were very hard, and the injuries during the battle were very painful, I didn't feel that there was anything I couldn't do because I was with my friends. "

"The three of us helped each other together, supported each other, defeated one enemy after another, and survived one difficulty after another,"

"Little eagle, and Sanzhi's classmates, I thought it would be ...... No, I want to go on forever and ever. "

The girl's voice became muffled

"But then, the boy died to protect us. "

Xia Zhi, who already knew the result, didn't speak, just gently stroked her hair to soothe her mood

Nogi Sonoko shook his head slightly, quickly adjusted, and continued, "Because we were too weak at that time, we couldn't even do it at full bloom. "

"We became so powerful that we couldn't do anything about what had happened in the past. "

She looked up, looked at the boy and asked:

"In this case, Brother Xia Zhi, what would you do if you got an opportunity to change the past?"

The answer is obvious.

Everyone has regrets about the past, and everyone has thought that it would be nice if they could make up for their regrets

Such an emotion is commonly referred to as regret

If only I could...... If I had known it earlier......

Almost all of them have said or thought something similar at one time or another

So, when one day you can go back to the past, what choice will you make in the face of such an opportunity?

The girls' approach is self-evident.

It's just that...... Do you interfere with the past

If the dream game hadn't made other magical changes to this world, the sacred tree in the summer solstice memory would not have this kind of power.

And those who have such abilities......

Xia Solstice thought of an elf

He shook his head, not asking the question for a moment, and instead thought about something else

If what Sonoko said was true, despite the opportunity to change the past, he still hadn't seen the girl named "Sannowa Silver".

This means ......

"You've failed?"

"Hmm. Nogi Sonoko nodded, lowered her eyes slightly, and continued

"Again and again, again and again, again and again

In order not to be exposed, we can only go back at the level of consciousness. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't save her life. "

Her tone did not change, and she continued to speak softly

"At that time, ours did not have a full open system, and we were powerless in the face of a strong enemy......"

So, in the end, they chose to take the risk, in order to save her with more power.

"But in the end, none of us could save it. "

"Our actions have led to the ultimate evil consequences and almost destroyed the world"


Listening to the emotions hidden under the girl's softly spoken words, Xia Zhi sighed softly in her heart, and didn't say anything, just hugged her body tightly into her arms

Close to the boy's arms, Nogi Sonoko closed her eyes gently, and finally brought a trace of inner emotion in her words

“...... Brother Xia Zhi is not a brave man. "

"I can't protect my friends, I can't protect my favorite people"

"In the same way, I can't protect your ......"

She turned around, her eyes glistening with tears, but she looked at him with a smile on her face and said apologetically

"I'm sorry...... Nogi is not your brave man. "


Looking at the brave girl who was crying in front of her and felt sad for some reason

Xia Zhi stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes for her,

"You are my brave. "

As he spoke, he took the girl's body into his arms again and gently stroked her head

"You said it yourself, and all of yours already belongs to me, don't you?"

“...... I lied. The garden in his arms said sullenly.

"But I took it seriously. "

Xia Zhi lowered his head, looked into her eyes and said seriously

"So, you are my Nogi Garden. "


The girl didn't speak, just leaned quietly on his chest, felt the warmth that clinged to her, pursed her lips, and gently closed her eyes.

It was a long time before her voice came back from her bosom

"Brother Xia Zhi......"


The girl raised her head and winked at him: "...... Was this a confession?"

The mood adjusts quite quickly.

"Don't let your sister Mio hear this. Xia Zhi rubbed her hair again and said.

"Is it okay to go behind her back?"

Did I mean that?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

After calming the girl's emotions, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It stands to reason that the next thing to think about what the garden just said about changing the past

But, until then......

Xia Zhi's gaze looked in one direction

"Can I ask that lovely young lady over there, if you don't want to leave after listening to it for so long, can you trouble it?"

"Ah, I thought I'd give you some more time to warm up...... Won't it bother you?"

The words fell, and the unfamiliar girl's voice followed.

The distorted shadow spread, and emerging from it was a black-haired girl in a double ponytail in a red and black gothic dress

"However, the first time we met, I said that other people were cute or something...... No wonder Mr. Xia Zhi is so popular with girls. "

Facing the gaze cast by the summer solstice, the girl smiled, gently lifted the hem of her skirt, and saluted gracefully

"Gui'an~, this ...... from another world God-sama"

Summer solstice:......

No, I didn't actually let you out......


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