Xia Solstice knew that the garden had told him that there was another elf in this world besides Mio.

He also knew that the other party had actually been observing the situation on his side.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would choose to come out at this time


Looking at the black and red girl in front of her, Xia Zhi frowned slightly, always feeling as if something was missing.

"What's wrong? Brother Xia Zhi?"

Nogi Sonoko noticed the change in his expression and asked curiously.

“...... No. "

Xia Zhi shook his head and replied, finally remembering what was missing~.

He thought for a moment, looked down at the garden and asked, "Do you know how to blow Sa-kos?"

"No, it won't. Nogi Sonoko shook her head, then said, "...... But if Brother Xia Zhi wants to hear it, I can learn it. "

Then don't use it.

Xia Zhi rubbed her head as a thank you.

"Oh, hey, while calling people out, and at the same time hanging people and other girls, Mr. Xia Zhi is really too much. "

On the other side, the girl in the Gothic dress narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at the two people who were close not far away, and said with a smile of unknown meaning.

Her words made Xia Zhi turn his attention back to her.

“...... I can't be counted as calling you out. "

Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly, "After all, you originally planned to come out to see me today, didn't you?"

When the girl appeared just now, he noticed that compared to himself, the garden did not seem surprised by the girl's arrival.

Considering that the garden knew about the existence of the girl in advance, and had said that the reason why it was inconvenient for her to explain the situation of the other elf to herself was what the elf had asked for, combined with the story that the garden had just recounted

Based on the above information, it can be concluded that the two of them should know each other with a high probability.

In other words, the girl should have informed the garden in advance, and she decided to give up what she had been hiding until today and come out to contact herself.

...... It's better to say that the garden deliberately chose to tell herself about her past today, which should be part of the reason for this.

“...... Mr. Xia Zhi, my feelings are really keen. "

The girl's words are equivalent to confirming the guess of the summer solstice.

"Ah, what a rude thing to forget to introduce yourself. "

As she spoke, she lifted the hem of her skirt slightly, and bowed slightly

"My name is Kurumi Tokizaki, and I'm the elf of time~"

Xia Zhi was not surprised by the identity of the girl, after all, before she came out, she had already roughly guessed it

Only, why should she be so vigilant about herself?

In the impression of the summer solstice, the elf named "Shizaki Kurumi" should not be such a "cautious" character, so that he doesn't even have to be cautious about contact, and he has to confirm it again.

There should be other factors influencing her to make such a judgment.

However, she had never been in contact with her before, and she should not know her existence

In other words......

"Is it because of Mio?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. The girl tilted her head and smiled.

Seeing that she didn't seem willing to answer this question, Xia Zhi didn't care, and instead followed her words and continued to ask

"So, this elf lady, why is she not willing to meet me until now?"

"A girl has to maintain a certain sense of mystery to be attractive enough, isn't it?"

"I think you're attractive enough. "

"Ah, I'll take it as a compliment~"

Kurumi said with an unchanged smile

"However, you still have a girl in your arms, is it really good to praise other girls like this in front of her?"

Xia Solstice lowered his head and looked at the girl in his arms, only to find that she was lying on his chest

“...... zzz"

With the sound of gentle breathing, the girl's body rose and fell slightly, and she fell asleep with her eyes closed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

...... You can fall asleep at this time, and it should be said that it is a garden.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

However, it's really because I've stayed up all night and I'm too tired, right?

“...... Heh, hehe"

As if he had seen something interesting, Kurumi let out a different laugh with an incomprehensible meaning, and his expression became interested.

Xia Solstice ignored her and gently stroked the girl's long silky hair.


It seemed that he was sleeping very lightly, and Nogi Sonoko, who was awakened by his movements, rubbed his eyes and raised his head

"Sorry, I fell asleep again...... What were you talking about? I didn't hear you at all. "

"It's okay, you can go back to sleep. Xia Zhi soothed her.

Yuan Zi let out an "oh", leaned his little head back on his chest, and after finding a suitable and comfortable position, he closed his eyes with peace of mind

It didn't take long for her breathing to calm down again.

This speed of falling asleep can envy a lot of insomnia patients, right?

"This kid likes you very much. Seeing this, Crazy San sighed.

Xia Solstice was noncommittal, and while gently patting the girl's back to coax her to sleep, she continued to ask:

"You seem to know the garden well?"

"Ahh "

Kurumi replied.

"That's why you're going to help them go back in time and save their friends?" Xia Zhi asked, looking up at her.

"Not really. "

The answer given by the elf girl is no.

"I didn't think about the friend who saved her. "

Kurumi narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued

"Well, I had expected that outcome. "

She didn't seem to want to continue the topic, and seeing that the young man had the intention of continuing to ask, she changed her mind and said

"So, let's get down to business. "

"Mr. Xia Zhi, don't you wonder why I took the initiative to find you today?"

Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly: "Come to celebrate my engagement with Mio?"

"Gee, have you gotten to that point?"

"Not really, but it's going to be soon. "

"That's a big congratulations. "

Kurumi said, pulling the topic back

"I'm sorry, but it's not about you, even though it's related to you. "

The girl retracted the smile on her face, looked him in the eyes seriously, and said:

"Actually, I hope you can ...... Save the world. "

... Towel....

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