It is clear that it is only one street away from the main street, but the hustle and bustle is like on the other side of the dreamland———— compared to other prosperous urban areas of the royal capital, the existence of a slum will simply make the new traveler can't help but wonder, that is: Are the two worldly different existences really in the same city?

Silent trails.

Dilapidated houses on both sides.

From time to time, pass by the smelly gutters that emit a pungent smell.

And the feeling of depressed mood everywhere.

All of this is what he sees.

Oh...... Almost forgot!

And those "friendly" residents who hide in the shadowy corners that the sun cannot reach, and spy on them with a series of negative emotions such as vigilance, greed, fear, jealousy, etc., if they do not really cross into this world, but come to a certain two-word game, at this moment his ears are all the kind of prompt sound discovered by wild monsters and a red warning of a map, right?

And really... It's as depressing as the atmosphere around you.

Obviously they didn't do anything, but these local residents seemed to see some evil villain, and they couldn't wait to hide from themselves, and their performance even made Li Ziqing wonder if his appearance was very hideous?

Li Ziqing: No... Isn't this still as handsome as ever? The kind that can be woken up by yourself every day?!

I finally met two children standing near the smelly water ditch playing and seeing that they were not yet afraid, just when Li Ziqing was excited and planned to step forward to ask if they knew the location of the stolen warehouse, he saw that the dilapidated house next to him suddenly rushed out of a middle-aged woman with an extremely panicked expression!

"Hibie! Ella! Listening

to this tone, she seems to be the mother of these two children.

I saw that she first ran to the two children, and then opened her arms towards Li Ziqing like an old hen protecting a calf, seemingly intending to use this mantis arm as a car to protect her child.

Li Ziqing can clearly see that the mother's body in front of him is constantly trembling, and the eyes that look at him do not hide the fear in his heart———— but even so, when he saw that his child was about to be "poisoned", the mother still rushed out without hesitation, making people can't help but feel the greatness of maternal love at the same time, but also make people feel a pang of embarrassment... What kind of deep-seated prejudice makes the residents here so afraid of people from the outside world, and how did this prejudice arise?

Seeing this scene, Li Ziqing, who was originally a little annoyed by what happened to him just now, was also suddenly dumbfounded.

He first looked at the vigilant child's mother and sighed slightly, and then noticed that the two hiding behind the mother, were looking at their children with curious eyes, and after saying hello to them with a smile, when he looked at the mother again, Li Ziqing no longer cared about the other party's prejudice against him, but planned to take out his own money bag to make up for the frightening loss he caused to the family... But he felt lonely, and he remembered his original purpose for coming to the slum

: his money bag was still on Firut!

Since the money bag was not on him, Li Ziqing took out a game gold coin from the bone king's backpack and threw it to the child's mother, and then looked at the expression although he was shocked, but still subconsciously took the gold coin handed over in the air The child's mother waved her hand and said:

"Although I feel that I haven't done anything wrong, I just want to ask your child if he knows the location of the stolen property, but the matter has come to this, I have indeed caused you and the child a lot of trouble, you accept this gold coin... Just take it as my apology.

Then, Li Ziqing looked around, especially noticing those hiding in the shadows, after seeing the gold coin in the child's mother's hand, a pair of extremely greedy eyes, he also unceremoniously directly summoned his Anzirgong staff out!


Click, click, ————!click,

This is the sound of the tip of the cane slamming and freezing.

Immediately afterwards, those masters whose eyes showed greed completely dispelled some of their small thoughts just now.

There is no other reason.

Look at the ground that has been struck by the staff, the thick ice that has formed at this moment... That's the legendary Magic Maker! They don't want to die tragically in their own bed just after snatching the gold coins!

Everyone: slipped away~

And looking at the rapidly disappearing sight around him, Li Ziqing also nodded with satisfaction and withdrew the Anzirgong staff... He knew that these people would not act rashly, because he knew that these guys living at the bottom of society were the most judgmental.

But there was no big mistake in being careful, Li Ziqing summoned a high-level immortal whose appearance was covered by illusion in public, and then seemed to communicate under everyone's jealous eyes, and then they saw that the strange guy who had just been summoned by the magic made the adult suddenly disappeared in place... They didn't believe that the other party really disappeared!

And after doing all this, Li Ziqing looked at the child's mother again, and the other party seemed to finally realize that Li Ziqing in front of him did not seem to have malicious intentions, and also saw the intention of his behavior just now. She wanted to thank her, but the words couldn't come to her lips....

Li Ziqing also saw her embarrassment, and he didn't need to thank him for directly shaking his hand again to signal her to leave.

And the child's mother was also immediately amnestied, only to see that she first glanced at Li Ziqing carefully, and after confirming that he had no other requirements, she also tightly grasped the gold coin in her hand, bowed with great sincerity while pulling the two children, and then glanced around, and then returned home with the two children in ten steps.

And Li Ziqing, who witnessed the other party's humble performance the whole time, also sighed again, and then prepared to continue to go deep into the slum, intending to find the stolen warehouse, but at this moment————

"Big brother!" Big brother! Hearing

the shout, Li Ziqing turned his head with some doubt.

Then he saw one of the children who should have left with the child's mother suddenly run back, still waving and shouting for himself... What's the situation? Could it be that something just landed in place? He thought a little strangely.

But he thought about it.

I saw the thin child running in front of him with an excited face, and then said to him: "Big brother, big brother! Are you looking for Grandpa Roma's house! Big brother, listen up, you just have to follow this road all the way, then turn left when you reach the third stream, and then walk all the way to it! I

saw that after the little boy said this in a row, he jumped away again. And Li Ziqing also looked in the direction where the little boy left, and through the blessing of the eyesight of the hundred-level player, he clearly saw that the child's mother was standing in front of the only window of a dilapidated house, looking at this side with a smile.




After a long time, Li Ziqing burst out laughing, and muttered at the same time: "What is this?" Do good people get good rewards?

After thinking about it, Li Ziqing didn't care about what happened just now. Then he followed the direction the little boy had shown, then turned left at the third stream, the stinking gully, and it wasn't long before he saw a huge house at the end of his sight.

There, that's where he's going.

【Stolen Goods Warehouse】——————————————

What appeared in front of Li Ziqing's eyes was a dilapidated two-story bungalow that was integrated with the surrounding environment, the walls were covered with moss and dirt, even the glass on the windows was tattered, and the only part of the whole house that was relatively intact was the gate for entering and exiting on weekdays, but it didn't look much better. And he was standing in front of the door at the moment, looking at the two-meter-high gate, hesitating for a moment or not choosing to knock directly, but using magic that did not belong to the bone king, but the "transparent world" ability of Tanjiro of the stove gate.

With the boiling of blood in the body, the world in front of Li Ziqing suddenly changed———— through the gate, he "saw" a huge humanoid creature sitting on the bar and drinking the beer in the cup, through the subtle taste in the air, he also judged that this beer was still a low-quality product mixed with water...

Well, the Lord is at home.

Li Ziqing immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then knocked on the door.

Knock knock! Knock knock!

Under the unique perspective of the transparent world, Li Ziqing saw that the tall humanoid creature seemed to be startled by his sudden knock on the door, and the beer in the beer glass was also poured into his mouth... Ouch, it seems to be choked? Now he is constantly banging his chest with his fists ... Well, the beer finally went down, and from the other party's body temperature and breathing rate, it could be seen that he seemed a little annoyed now, and then he picked up the wooden stick placed next to him and gradually walked into the door... Then Li Ziqing heard a suppressed rough voice suddenly come from behind the door:

"Deal with the rat?"

Dealing with rats? What to do against rats?

Li Ziqing was slightly stunned at first, and then vaguely recalled that this seemed to be a code password for the stolen property, but where did he remember this detail? So Li Ziqing replied bluntly:

"I don't know ————" "I don't know

what the hell you are doing!" I won't talk about my drinking just delayed my husband! What are you doing here with a raw face? And how do you know here? How did you get here? Who told you that...... Wait, this uniform must have come from the tailor shop on Baker Street that only made clothes for aristocrats, right? No, why are you an aristocratic boy running here? The

gate in front of him was pushed open forcefully, and what appeared in front of Li Ziqing was a bald old man with a red face!

The dirty and tattered clothes wrapped around the huge body that had been exercised, and the smooth and hairless head reflected the bright red of the sunset, and in a word, a huge, bald but super spirited old man stood in front of him and said in an angry look.

It's just that the other party's eyes first narrowed slightly after seeing Li Ziqing's obviously expensive clothes, and then his attitude quickly softened, although it was still very rough and ugly, but compared to the previous tone, he could hear that this giant old man had converged...

And he is none other than Grandpa Roma.

He is an old man in the slum street who handles stolen goods.

It is a race of giants among subhumans.

He took care of Firut since he was a child, comparable to his own grandfather's relatives.

He was also a staff officer of the former Asian-American United Army.

But no matter how brilliant he once was, at the moment he is just an old man hiding in the slums of the royal capital, so Master Rom is very clear that with his current identity, he can't treat a guy who is suspected of being an aristocratic teenager too badly, so he also immediately retracted his temper a little after seeing Li Ziqing, and said in a tone as kind as possible: "Boy! Right now! Immediately tell me your intentions, otherwise even the status of a nobleman will not cover you! "

Well, the attitude is indeed a little kinder than just now.

————But only some.

However, Romye's attitude did not annoy Li Ziqing, on the one hand, he knew the other party's conduct, belonging to the type of knife mouth and tofu heart, on the other hand, he was also concerned about his future cooperation with Firut's camp, Firut obviously could not be the principal, then naturally Roma Ye did it for him, and in the face of collaborators, he has always been very patient... Well, patience.

"Don't invite me to sit down before we get down to business?"

“...... Hum! Come on in. Looking

at Li Ziqing's unchanged expression, Roma Ye also withdrew his intention to scare away the noble boy in front of him, anyone can see that the other party is definitely not the kind of guy who found him with a playful mentality, obviously he came specifically, and what is the job of the stolen warehouse? That is to deal with stolen goods.

Rom Ye felt that he had guessed Li Ziqing's intention.

Since there are fat sheep to slaughter, plus he doesn't think that a weak person like Li Ziqing can pose any threat to himself, so Rom Ye simply let him in... Click!

After Li Ziqing came in, Roma Ye closed the door, and then looked back at Li Ziqing, who had already sat on the seat in front of the bar, blinked his eyes a little suspiciously, and didn't think much, just that the newborn calf was not afraid of the tiger, so he went straight to the opposite side of the bar and sat down, drank the inferior beer that was left before, and then put down the wine glass sharply and said to Li Ziqing:

"Okay?" Now let you come in and sit, don't grind like a, say something quickly and fart quickly! Tell my husband what you mean!

But in the face of Roma Ye's question, Li Ziqing looked indifferent and looked around first, until Roma Ye was about to be impatient, he said unhurriedly:

"My intention is very simple, find someone." This person must be familiar to you, Master Roma, that is... Firut. "


I saw that Master Rom's big hand suddenly slapped on the bar!


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