
"Say! What the hell did you do to Firut?! Almost

subconsciously, I saw that Roma Ye slammed his thick left hand on the bar that could not withstand the toss, and the furious right arm had already grabbed towards Li Ziqing's neck! With the physique of a giant race like Master Rom, if he really catches Li Ziqing, he must be as relaxed and comfortable as a normal person pulling onions, right? About this, not only Rom Ye thinks so, but even Li Ziqing, who is about to be caught, feels so... He can understand the reason why Roma Ye is so angry, if he stands in Roma Ye's position and hears that someone intends to be ill-intentioned towards his most beloved granddaughter, then he will never talk nonsense, and directly punch out!

This is the chaos of care.

However, understanding is understanding, Li Ziqing will not be tied up.

After all, although part of the reason is because Li Ziqing's words sound strange, the bigger reason is because Rom Ye's own temper is too hot-tempered and does not listen to the words at all. For such angry patients, Li Ziqing has always had extremely unique treatment methods to instantly restore his calm————!

Under Master Roma's incredulous eyes, he saw a seemingly weak emerald green barrier suddenly appear on the surface of Li Ziqing's body, but what was outrageous was that this seemingly weak barrier actually blocked the grasp of his four layers of power?

Seeing this, Roma Ye subconsciously used his full strength...!

I saw that the giant's already extremely strong right arm seemed to be injected into air at this moment, the muscles on his arm were like mountains and mountains, and the blue-black tendons were like black dragons exploding! Even the sackcloth shortshirt, which had already extended to the shoulders, emitted a "wail" that sounded like it could crack at any time under this huge force!

Click, click————!

As one of the three generals of the Asian-Asian United Army, Rom Ye's strength can be described as well-deserved, although now because of old age and physical decline, the strength is far less than before, but it is by no means a hard stubble that anyone can bully casually, perhaps it is precisely because of this that he can establish a stolen goods library here, after all, your strength is not strong, and who dares to hand over those unseen stolen goods to you to sell the stolen goods, and how to prevent someone from starting the idea of eating black and eating black?

But today, the hard stubble of Rom Ye has encountered a "super super" hard stubble that is ten thousand times harder than him!

Tenth Order: < Radiant Emerald Green Body

> as a tenth order defensive magic below the super magic, has the effect of reducing the damage of the beating attribute in the effect time, in addition, it can also completely invalidate the damage of the beating attribute once after launching, it is obvious that Rom Ye's grasp belongs to the beating attribute, so Li Ziqing decisively launched its follow-up effect!

Taking advantage of the shock of Master Roma, Li Ziqing was not idle.

Eighth Order: < Angry Absorption >

is like a pumping pump continuously absorbing the life force in the body, and Master Rom was horrified to find that his originally abundant physical strength was rapidly draining with the dark strange mist on the hands of the noble young master in front of him!

With the loss of physical strength, Roma Ye also suddenly felt that the body's functions were gradually becoming fatigued, which was like the feeling that in the Asian war of that year, he fought bloody battles on the battlefield until his physical strength was completely exhausted!


Roma Ye reacted quickly, wanting to fight back before his physical strength was exhausted, trying to break this state!

But the power of the "pump" is simply too great.

Rom Ye forced his arm to smash Li Ziqing, but in the process of falling, he found that his arm began to weaken, and in the end, he even softened, unable to cause a trace of damage at all, it was like tickling Li Ziqing.


This is the sound of a weak arm smashing on the bar.

In the end, Li Ziqing didn't need to use magic at all, and Rom Ye's whole person was already sitting on the bar, his whole head hanging on his shoulders, and even the frequency of breathing was weak... It can be seen that the other party has completely lost the ability to attack, but even so, Rom Ye still stared at Li Ziqing viciously, using all his strength to squeeze a trace of sound out of his throat, only to see him say:

"Put... Pass...... Firut...! "

I... Is...... Your goals... Isn't it! "

Well, apparently our Roma Ye misunderstood something.

Li Ziqing didn't bother to make a long speech, and after pushing away the paralyzed arm in front of him, he used healing magic on Master Rom, and at the same time, he said helplessly to the old man of the giant race who was a little stunned:

"No, who told you that I came for you?"

"That... Could it be...?

"Yes, I'm just for Firut. Don't look at me like that, I came to Firut to get back my money bag that she had stolen. Do you think I'll be interested in that yellow-haired girl? "

“...... Also. "

It seems that these two people have a common understanding of this.

Firut: Offended!

And after learning that Li Ziqing was not for him, a defeated criminal, nor coveted Firut's "beauty", Romye's angry mood also calmed down a lot... Later, in the process of recovery, Roma Ye seemed to think of something suspicious, so he asked:

"Boy, what's your name?"

"Li Ziqing. Why did you suddenly wonder about my name?

"It's not that I'm curious, or I feel a little wrong with the lack of title." Plum... Child... Qing, huh? I'm a little strange, you have this strength, how can you be stolen by Firut's girl?

"Oh, that's a good question! This girl in your house is really powerful, shouting at me as a pervert in the street, and then taking advantage of my stunned opportunity to steal and run. This is also what you teach?

"I don't know! In the dark! Don't understand! "

Huh... Okay, it's all restored. I have some control over the movement when I get up and move, so there should be no problem.

After the healing magic was used, Li Ziqing stood up directly and clapped his hands to signal that Master Luo could get up.

And Rom Ye also stood up, shook the palm that was powerful again, and couldn't help but be a little surprised in his heart———— he really didn't expect that Li Ziqing, an "aristocratic boy", was not only proficient in defensive magic and suspected Yin attribute life absorption magic, but even extremely rare healing magic was involved.

And from the performance point of view, it is not the kind of three-legged cat kung fu.

Such a level of magic was rare even in the Asian wars of that year, if he didn't know that the magic envoy with the title of "Qing" was an atavistic subterranean under the king's chosen, I'm afraid even he would think that the current noble boy was the magic envoy with the title of "Qing", right?

Which genius magic envoy is this noble boy?

Roma Ye thought with some curiosity.


since the misunderstanding has been resolved, then naturally the two sides will not continue to fight each other, and Master Rom simply cleaned up the mess he made just now. Of course, the so-called clean-up is to simply nail the bar that has just been shaken out of a few holes with a wooden plank, and then simply find a barely able chair from the "ruins" on the side for him to sit down on... What the? You said the chair he sat in before? That thing can probably only be burned as wood, right?

Squeak ~ creak ~

With the creaking sound of the worn wooden chair bearing the weight it should not bear, Rom Ye asked Li Ziqing if he drank, and then got the answer to the refusal, he kept muttering some dialects that Li Ziqing couldn't understand, and then took out a wine barrel from under the bar, and then poured a glass of milk and handed it to Li Ziqing, looking at this skillful action, you can know that this is not once or twice.

Rom Ye noticed Li Ziqing's eyes, so he said casually:

"Hmph! Don't look at me like that. It's really that little girl's body is too thin and weak, the old man can't stand it so he bought some milk to prepare here, don't think that the old man likes this kind of thing!

"Okay, I understand."

Li Ziqing forcibly held back a smile and did not choose to debunk it. Then he forcibly changed the subject, asked how long it usually took for Firut to come over, and then got this reply:

"How long will it take to come back?" I don't know, that little girl doesn't live with me, she has her own residence in the slums, but according to her usual style, if she really makes a lot of money from you, it must not be long before she comes over... By the way, how are you sure that Firut will come to me to sell the stolen goods? If it's just those coins in her purse, she can use them herself?

To this, Li Ziqing's answer was very simple.

"That money bag is a shooting star."

His answer immediately made Roma Ye look at him a little sideways.

Even the money bag for money is a shooting star?

What level of local tycoon did Firut provoke?

At the same time, he also agreed with Li Ziqing's idea of choosing to come to the stolen treasure warehouse: indeed, as long as Firut's girl is not blind, he can definitely see the difference in that money bag, since it is an ordinary thing, then Firut will definitely find him here, intending to sell the stolen meteor money bag through his own way.

And Firut's whereabouts are uncertain all day, so as long as you skip the process of tracking the other party and go directly to the destination where she will definitely come to wait for the rabbit, then you can easily catch the other party.

And the location of the stolen goods warehouse is not a secret with the relationship between himself and Firut, so Rom Ye did not doubt why Li Ziqing could choose to find his side so quickly.

However, things were somewhat beyond Romye's expectations. At first, it was just more than ten minutes, and then an hour later, and then two or three hours, Li Ziqing and Roma Ye did not see Firut's figure, this situation was completely inconsistent with Roma Ye's previous inference, so that Li Ziqing couldn't help but wonder if the other party used some special way to notify Firut, asking her not to come over, otherwise why has Firut been missing?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Li Ziqing's index finger kept tapping on the bar, and the speed gradually became faster, and looking at Li Ziqing's somewhat unkind face, Roma Ye also knew his thoughts, so he hurriedly defended: "Boy, don't doubt me." You know, I don't have the position to do this at all, you know, I care about Firut, so I prefer that she can return your money bag to you, kid, instead of letting Firut provoke a strong person of your strength because of this wealth. And

at this moment, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Knock knock! Knock knock!

After hearing the knock on the door, Rom Ye got up instantly, and after giving Li Ziqing a look, he saw him move his huge body to the door of the stolen warehouse, and whispered the secret word.

"Dealing with rats?"

But strangely, there was no response from the other side.

After a few seconds, the knock sounded again... Knock knock!

Not to mention Li Ziqing, even Roma Ye noticed the fact that the person on the other side of the gate was not Firut. But in fact, from the moment the knock sounded, Li Ziqing frowned a little strangely————First of all, the position of the knock was wrong.

Li Ziqing still remembers Firut's height, and if you slightly simulate the height of the other party when you are suitable for knocking on the door and raising your hand, you will find that the position of this knock is much higher than the simulated position.

Then there's frequency.

As far as Li Ziqing's understanding of Firut is concerned, the other party's hairy personality will definitely not be able to knock on such a rhythmic knock, let alone not return the code after Roma Ye spoke.

Therefore, Li Ziqing quietly opened the transparent world again.

At the same time, Roma Ye also opened the door. After seeing the figure knocking on the door, he muttered with some doubt: "What is the situation today?" Why is everyone running towards me? "

And after Li Ziqing saw the comer, he was also a little surprised and thought:

'It actually is... She?


"This is the stolen property?" It really makes me look for a meal~"The

visitor is a black-haired woman with an extremely hot figure and a particularly attractive outfit. The other party was wearing a cheongsam costume with a hollow chest to the navel, the slender long legs were wrapped in a pair of black silk, and behind her, there was a heavy velvet jacket with ultraviolet and red inside. The sharp-eyed Li Ziqing also vaguely saw that there were several sharp weapons hidden in the lining of the black-haired woman's velvet coat.

Such a maverick dress instantly made Li Ziqing think of an important character who has appeared several times in the plot, that is, Elsa Gransilt, who has the nickname "Gut Hunter"!

Can't go wrong! That's her!

However, Li Ziqing knew her identity, but Roma Ye, who had lived in seclusion in the slums for many years and had long been out of the world, did not think of the intestine hunter from the appearance of the other party... But think about it, although the gut hunter has a high reputation because of his penchant for cutting the abdomen of the assassination target, but at best, it is only in the assassination circle, and the outside world only knows that there is an assassin born in Gustiko in the northern country, as for her appearance, basically not many people can know, even if it is clear, it is exaggerated.

And because of Elsa's identity as an assassin, the old and frail Roma Ye failed to detect the sense of threat, but with Li Ziqing's precedent, Roma Ye did not relax his vigilance because of Elsa's appearance as a weak woman, but half-opened the door, only looking at Elsa outside through the crack of the door and asked her own question:

"Tell me, what are you here for?"

Then, Roma Ye saw Elsa smile and said:

"You are the Roma Ye of the stolen warehouse, right? I learned through some channels that the habitual thief Firut has a close relationship with you, so I want to issue a commission to the habitual thief through you, I wonder if you are interested in Master Roma? "

Wait? Another one looking for Firut's little girl?

Rom Ye looked at Elsa in front of him, and then looked back at Li Ziqing, who was tasting buffalo milk and frowning a little, and thought.

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