Blazing black flames instantly erupted from the mouth of the black dragon Capella, and then swept towards the location

of Li Ziqing and Elsa like a mountain torrent! But Li Ziqing's reaction was also very fast, after equipping the staff of Aziwurgong at the speed of light, I saw him tap the ground with the tip of the staff, and at the same time chanted a magic spell:

"Wall of Skeleton>< Skeleton!".

In an instant, the bone wall composed of countless skeletons holding weapons broke through the ground and blocked the two of them, and the skeletons in the wall held weapons and sent out various moves such as slashing, stabbing, and horizontal slashing, and actually successfully intercepted the black sea of fire that rushed towards them with an astonishing momentum.


Capella was slightly startled by the sudden appearance of the wall of bones!

That meat scrap is actually a

magician?!And it doesn't require a chanting process, and it can release this extremely expensive magician with a large amount of Mana reserves!

'... '

Capela is just a bad character, but she's not an idiot.

She knew very well that a huge creature like herself was a living target in front of a powerful magician, so she decisively chose to abandon the original idea of Li Ziqing to launch a surprise attack, and instead spread her wings and flew into the air, actually using the high mobility of the dragon species to condescend, and spit out burning black flames towards the ground again!

"Roar ————!

". This time, the black flame was no longer a flash flood, but turned into a pouring black rainstorm, its scope was so wide, even the blue sky in the original line of sight turned into a dark night under this trick, it is conceivable that if you want to dodge these black flames, it is no less difficult than dodging every drop of rain in a raging storm!

And the real ability of black flame is not just ordinary burning.

Looking at the bone wall that resisted most of the black flames, you can see that even though those bones are constantly beating and trying to extinguish these black flames, this terrifying black flame is not affected by the air at all, and even gradually spreads with the slapping action of the bones, and finally directly turns the original wall of bones into a wall of flames.

Listening to the painful clicking sound of the bones, Li Ziqing also lifted the magic, and the bone wall disappeared, and successfully took away the black flames attached to the wall.

And Li Ziqing also judged another nature

of black flames: that is, they cannot be extinguished on their own! I

am afraid that not only the walls of bones, but even burning on rocks and water streams, these black flames may not be easily extinguished! This can't help but make Li Ziqing think of the weapons that have long been banned by international conventions on the earth: white phosphorus bombs, napalm bombs, etc., as well as the signature ninjutsu Amaterasu of the two pillars in "Naruto".

'It's kind of hard... But not much!'

At the same time as Li Ziqing made his decision, Elsa, who was standing beside him, also silently approached him, because at the moment his side was the safest place, and Elsa did not think that this little flame would pose a threat to her master.

In fact, just as Elsa thought, the black flame released by Capela can indeed incinerate all tangible substances, but it is precisely because of this that it cannot burn those invisible things, such as...

Li Ziqing raised his hands slightly, and then ————

"Sharks cyclone<> "Sharks cyclone!"

At the moment when he finished speaking, a huge tornado with a height of one hundred meters and a diameter of fifty meters suddenly appeared above his head, and the black tornado that swept the earth was like a lion with its mouth open, and it instantly burst out with extremely terrifying suction, actually sucking all the black flames all over the sky into it!

Capella: "!!"

At the same time, because of the simple truth that the wind helps the fire, the black flames that were already burning at a terrifying temperature when they were sucked into the tornado became more intense!

The climate temperature that had already entered autumn was also blown by this flame tornado in an instant, like a hot summer, and the green grass on the ground that had survived the attack of the previous wave of black flames became yellow.

In front of this black tornado, even the huge black dragon Capella couldn't help but sigh, comparing the size of the two sides, it was simply an outrageous difference between a giant and a dwarf, not to mention that this "giant" was now preparing to use his three hundred and eighty yards big foot to trample the dwarf on the ground to death!"

With a whisper from Li Ziqing, the black tornado that had evolved from a giant jaw tornado to a black flame giant jaw tornado began to move "slowly" towards Capella, who was flying in the air...

But although it is moving slowly, it is viewed from the perspective of the volume of a 100-meter tornado.

In fact, whether it was Capella in the air or Elsa's perspective on the ground, the speed of this black tornado was not slow, but extremely fast, at least the speed of a cavalry cavalry charging with all its strength, or even faintly exceeding.

Coupled with the fact that the Giant Jaw Tornado was suddenly summoned and formed without a forward swing, this caught Capela off guard.

And the tornado itself has an extremely strong adsorption ability, so even though Capella has noticed that this magic tornado containing part of her black dragon breath power has been coming towards her, but in the end she still can't escape the attack range of the tornado, even if she wields her wings with all her might, she is still sucked in!

... And the next picture is the most easy-to-understand live demonstration of the idiom of self-inflicted evil.

"Roaring !!"

above a hundred meters in the air, a roar resounded in the sky again.

It's just that compared to the previous roar, this roar always feels less neutral, and there is no arrogant mood in it.

Instead, there is an embarrassing feeling similar to being bullied by dogs in Pingyang, giving people the illusion that she is not roaring, but wailing... You

know, she is also the most notorious and the worst [lust] sin priest in the witch cult where the demons are dancing, and she is also the leader who controls the assassination organization that secretly operates in four countries, making many nobles and those in power

jealous! How can such a crouching dragon and phoenix chick let out such a shameful wail

? Do you believe it? Then will you believe it? Will everyone believe it? "Poof! I don't believe it~

" Elsa listened to Li Ziqing's meaning in front of her, and was even afraid that someone in the sky who was "bathing" in the tornado would not hear it, and deliberately magically expanded his voice after the mocking words, and she couldn't help laughing, and after laughing, she also expressed her opinion very much with Li Ziqing's words.

And her voice did reach the ears of a certain black dragon through magic... Then, the movement inside the tornado became more intense, and at the same time, the words of a certain dragon that fell into a complete madness were faintly heard: "Ah... Ahh!!h



Her black flame was burning her skin.

The wind blades inside the tornado were slicing her muscles.

The shark hidden in the Jaw Tornado is tearing at her flesh.

Capella wanted to escape, but the suction inside the black tornado was constantly pulling her huge dragon body and refused to leave, and she didn't want to wait for death to be eaten by the sharks, so she could only frantically proliferate her own flesh and blood to resist the black flame, wind blade, and shark bites.

But doing so is just chronic suicide.

With the recovering power of lust, she can recover her body over and over again, but even the strongest recovery ability has an end, although Capela doesn't believe that the meat on the ground can maintain this magic forever, but the status quo of being hung in the air like a doll and unable to move is unacceptable to her!

———— because of the opposite position.

Yes, that's right! Her identity should be the one who stands on the ground and tortures the enemy in her head, not the ridiculous character who can only watch the two meat scraps on the ground laugh at herself, but she

can't do anything and looks embarrassed!' No!

But then again, although the tone of the male meat is too annoying, but the appearance is still very appetizing to me~ He must have also taken a fancy to the figure of Elsa's cheap meat before he chose to do it with Miss Ben, right?

'The compassionate and gentle Miss Ben can also be a woman who makes most people fall in love~ Although Miss Ben monopolizes all the love and respect in this world, but in order to be loved, hard work is indispensable~ Since it is to be loved, become the person you like! Elsa I want to become your appearance in front of you, and then rape this scum you fall in love with in front of you! In the obscene sound of our intercourse, leave tears of regret! Not only that, but I'm going to turn Elsa, you, into an ugly monster that everyone hates, and then manipulate your bodies to enjoy this last pleasure in front of Miss Ben!'

" In the midst of the giant jaw tornado, Capella, whose mind is worthy of being taught by lust, directly ignored the pain in her body, and kept thinking about how to punish Li Ziqing and Elsa when she became the winner, and at the same time, she also began to exert her power to a greater extent, and the speed of frantically proliferating her own flesh and blood even exceeded the speed of black flame burning, wind blade cutting and shark gnawing flesh, and then continued to expand, gradually turning into a huge ball of flesh made of flesh and blood, which actually counteracted the power of the giant jaw tornado!

"Good guy, is this a clever skill?"

Seeing that the hideous ball of flesh formed by Capella's flesh and blood was gradually breaking through the range of the giant jaw tornado, Li Ziqing sighed for her powerful vitality while not forgetting the work at hand...

The first is to send Elsa away.

Considering that the scope of the battlefield may expand to the point that even Li Ziqing has no time to protect her, Li Ziqing also explained the situation to Elsa, so he decisively used the seventh-order < upper position transfer magic > to send Elsa to a place about ten kilometers away from here to hide.

Then———— it's time for the usual Bone King to pretend!


"Bard's Blessing

"Infinity Wall> "

Magic Ward Holy<> Magic Ward Holy

"Life Essence

" Advanced Ability Enhancement< Greater Full Potential

> "Freedom< Freedom

> "False Data Life> Life "See

Through <>

< Paranormal Intuition>

"Advanced Resistance Enhancement< Greater resistance>

"Cloak of Chaos< mantle of Chaos

> "Indomitability> Sensor boost

>< Sensor

boost<> "Higher Luck<

"Magic boost>

"Dragonpower< Dragonic Power>

"Higher Hardening

< > "Heavenly Aura

>< "Absorption >< Absorption",

"Penetrate Up><< Penetration Up", "

Greater Magic Shield>

"Mana Essence< Mana Essence

>" "Triple Magic Boost: Critical Strike Mine< Triplet Maximize Magic Explode> "

Triple Magic: High Magic Seal<

Triplet Magic Greater Magic Se> "Triple Magic Boosted Magic Arrow< Triplet Maximize Boosted Magic >

". In the words that seemed to be rapping rapper, almost dancing and basketball, Li Ziqing also activated all the magic buffs that could be provided to himself, and he took out a red orb that should have been placed on the chest of the Bone King and put it in his hand, and then held a world-class prop that was nicknamed flying squirrel jade by the audience in his hand, holding a seemingly small hourglass prop in his right hand, his eyes were staring at Capella, who was about to break the magic of the giant jaw tornado, and his expression suddenly became expectant, as if he was about to do something that he had been looking forward to for a long time but could not do for some reason

Then he saw a huge dome-shaped three-dimensional magic array, with Li Ziqing as the center, spreading out in a radius of about ten meters.

The magic circle glowed white, revealing translucent patterns that resembled words or marks, which were constantly changing and dazzling, and each second took on a different shape.

And the name of this magic

is "Let's start

!" "Fallen Down>< Fall

from the sky!" The next moment, with a sizzling sound that seems to be caused by throwing a match that ignites a flame into the water, the moment the super magic sky falls and activates, it is as if the sun above your head rises directly from the earth, and the vision in front of you is completely white...

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