————What a dazzling scene...!

Elsa, who had already been transferred to safety by Li Ziqing, was looking at the white pillar of light in front of her standing on the grassland with a shocked face, and she couldn't help but have a new understanding of Li Ziqing in her heart... She didn't think that such a terrifying scale of magic could be performed by her mother, but it could only be another "insignificant" display ————————————of strength by her new master, right?


In the territory of Mezas, located in the territory of the kingdom, in the Rozval Mansion surrounded by the Lost Forest of Kremarti, I saw a man with indigo hair, a pair of heterochromatic pupils, purple eyeshadow decoration, and although his face was a little pale, it was not difficult to see that a very handsome man pushed open the window of the study, looked at the white pillar of light in the distance with half puzzled and half shocked, and said with a solemn face: "What happened?" How is it that one after another anomalies have occurred that are not even predicted in the Gospels?!"

L. Mezzas.

And the pink-haired red-eyed maid who was always waiting by his side, Ram, the sister of the twin maids of the Rozval Mansion, also looked at the white pillar of light with an extremely solemn face and said: "In the strong wind blowing, there was an extremely violent fire element Mana reaction, there is no doubt that this is the effect of some kind of fire element magic. As for the intensity... I already have the limit of what Master Parker can do without lifting the restrictions!" "

'Judging from this Mana reaction, I even have nearly a quarter of my heyday, or even more strength!'

At the same time, Ram thought to himself.

On the other side, Rozval also looked at the white pillar of light in the distance with a sad face at the moment, and remained silent.

With the size of his line of sight and excellent calculation ability, he easily judged that the location of the pillar of light was near the avenue of Lyfaus, and the sense of urgency caused by the successive prophecy errors made him almost plan to fly over directly to find out the truth about the multiple errors in the prophecy... But in the end, the sense of prudence that the plan was about to come to an end still made him forcibly resist this undeserved impulse!

I saw that after he finally glanced at the white pillar of light with a complicated face, he turned to look at Ram, who was standing quietly next to him, and his tone was not like the clown-like yin and yang weirdness he usually showed, but

asked in a normal tone: "Ram, have you checked it out?"

and Ram also replied very respectfully:

"Although there are still some doubts, the ins and outs of the general anomaly have almost been investigated———— first of all. More than a month ago, Wang Du opened a special weapon shop that openly sells powerful meteor weapons, and the owner of the shop is said to be a magician with good strength, and two of the clerks are also suspected to have the level of a top knight.

"Two meteor weapons have been sold, one for the Chosen One and one for Anastasia, the Chosen One. At present, the Kurxiu camp is still trying to prepare for the crusade against the Moby Dick, and the recent anomalous behavior of the Anastasia camp is precisely because of the impact of that meteor weapon, the current meteor weapon called the Spear of Longinus, which is held by Ricardo Wilkin, the leader of the Iron Fang mercenary group, and the meteor weapon, the Sword of Victory of the Oath, is worn by Kurxiu. "

The second anomaly has to do with the whereabouts of the Gut Hunters. Although the assassin's level of concealment was quite good, intelligence agents still inquired about her whereabouts... Let's start with the conclusion, some slum dwellers saw that the sausage hunter had indeed gone to the stolen goods as commissioned, but this was also the last time she made a direct appearance. Later, although we learned through the grapevine that she was still alive, we also lost the ability to talk to her, and the other party seemed to be deliberately avoiding our intelligence agents, and suspected of betraying us. "

The third anomaly is also the strangely dressed boy who suddenly appeared on the street of the royal capital, Lord Rozval, who has important me investigating, and has recently had some information———— According to the investigation of the intelligence officers, the young man did appear in the royal capital, but strangely did not bump into Lord Emilia according to the records in the Gospels, but as if he was hiding from some terrifying thing, he was finally discovered by the kingdom's sword saint Rheinharut, and is currently being taken in by the sword saint in the Asterea's mansion, as for more detailed information, for fear of being discovered by the sword master, he did not go further. "


Ram pondered for a moment before continuing:

In the end, the three anomalies do not seem to be directly related, but according to our investigation, we still found a connection, that is, Lord Rozval, your judgment is correct, the recent anomalies that do not conform to the prophecy of the Gospels are indeed planned by someone, or a certain force, and the only member of this mysterious force that is currently revealed to the outside world is the owner of the weapon shop!".

"In the first anomaly, the owner of the weapon shop was in the store when the two Chosen Ones got the Meteor weapon. In the second anomaly, the weapon shop owner and the sausage hunter were seen heading to the stolen goods store, almost one after the other. And the third anomaly, if you look at the path of the young man's dodging in reverse, you can find

that the weapon shop is exactly in the opposite direction of dodging, which means that what he is dodging is likely to be the weapon shop!" I have to say that during the period of reporting to Rozval, Ram's performance can be said to be quite in line with the standard of a maid, and also in line with the unusual physical quality of the ghost clan, not only did he not slip of the tongue during the whole process, but his tone was also quite calm and fluent.

During the debriefing, Rozval no longer continued to pay attention to the white pillar of light that gradually dissipated in the distance, only to see him turn around and sit down in front of his desk, his eyes fixed on the painting hanging on the wall of the original head of the family, Rozval. Portrait of A. Mezas, with his fingers constantly tapping on the desk, making a clicking sound...


And while Rozval was unconsciously tapping on the table to think, Ram also folded his hands in front of his abdomen, straightened his body and quietly looked at his back without speaking.

Time passed, and the study was silent.

The silence between master and servant until the percussion that kept echoing inside the study suddenly disappeared... Ram came back to his senses, and continued to stare at Rozval with his eyes stupid, and the other party suddenly stood up, as if he had finally made a decision.

I saw Rozval and he said

, "Ram, draw up an invitation for me, and the time will be set for three days." The place of invitation is this mansion, and as for the person I invited... Oh, of course, it was the owner of the weapons shop who broke the prophecy of the Gospels three times and twice, and also broke my plans. "

“...... I see, Lord Rozval.

After a moment of silence, Ram bowed slightly and left the study.

Perhaps she thought that Rozval's calculations had too many fatal flaws, or perhaps she had intended to stop the other party. But until Ram left the study, she still couldn't voice her concerns. On the one hand, she knew that Rozval had understood her own concerns through her hesitation... On the other hand, she also knew that her master was not the kind of person who was easy to persuade, he was stubborn, he was stubborn, and he would only go to the end of the path he chose, even if it was too tortuous.

With a crisp sound of the door closing, Ram's walking in the aisle grew softer and quieter, and finally disappeared. And Rozval also walked to the window again, picked up the red wine glass he had just picked up from the desk, took a slight sip of the red wine in the glass, and then shook the red wine glass while observing the red clear liquid shaking in the glass, and his mouth seemed to ask himself, as if he was asking a figure that did not exist, and muttered to himself:

"Does a person who does not have the record of the Book of Wisdom and the memory of the world really exist? "

“...... "

It's obviously a questioning sentence, but it's a definite tone.

At this moment, Rozval thought a lot.

He also thought very complicated, complex like the seemingly regular, but in fact chaotic red liquid in this glass.

But no matter what conjectures he makes, the only person who can confirm these conjectures will show up in 3 days, so he's not in a hurry... After all, 400 years is a long time, he Rozval A. Mezas waited for the past, so why bother with just three days?


except for Rozval and Ram who noticed that this seemingly miraculous phenomenon was actually the result of the use of magic by a certain magician, there were also many talented people around the world who discovered the important changes that could be brought about behind the strange sight of the white pillar of light. And this must be attributed to the fact that the world from zero is not a planetary structure, but a structure similar to the horizon theory proposed by scientists close to the ancient earth.

Therefore, when the white pillar of light stands on the earth, whether it is in the center of the world or at the ends of the earth, people can observe the appearance of this scene at the same time.

Among these perceivers were the ruling classes of four countries, such as the 77th Emperor of Flaccia, Vincent Brown. Abarcs, the Philosopher's Guild of the Temporary Leader of the Kingdom of Lugnica, the city representatives of the Kalaraki Metropolitan State, the Gustico Holy Order of the Gustico Holy Kingdom, and the sage on the Sage Tower, the soul of a witch hidden in the Sanctuary, and other large or small power organizations, but no matter what they think of this situation caused by super-level magic, they are either jealous, excited, or have some small calculations, but these "trivial matters" have nothing to do with the current Li Ziqing, and he never cares. Only the Witch Cult's Great Sins, or their deaths, are the things he cares about.

To develop your own power in this world?

No, that's too superficial.

If you don't leave here and continue to enjoy the power brought by the Bone King?

No, it will be even more superficial.

Just like the famous line in the Japanese writer Yoshiki Tanaka's novel "The Legend of the Galactic Heroes", which was first published in 1987, "My journey is the sea of stars". For Li Ziqing, who has Eden and can continue to travel through other worlds, the zero world is just a stop on his journey, and choosing to stop and stop for a beautiful scenery he sees by chance is the biggest waste.

"Are you right, Capella?"

Under the ultra-high temperature of the "Super Magic: Sky Fall", which was comparable to the surface of the sun, all the plants in the area within a radius of about 500 meters were burned up at this moment, and even on the flat ground, a charred black crater with thick smoke appeared, and within the giant pit, there were even large crystallizations!

It stands to reason that in this place with lethal heat, which can be called a forbidden area for life, there can be no life surviving... As long as the creature is still at the level of carbon-based lifeforms.

————But the unexpected still happened.

I saw Li Ziqing use the [Flying] magic to float his body to the center of the giant pit, ignoring the pungent smell of sulfur and thick smoke on his face, and let out an exclamation at the piece of blood-red flesh on the ground that was still wriggling his body

"Should it be said that there is inertia in history, or do you want to praise the witch power, is this thing really worthy of being the special power closest to the origin of the world in this world?


seems to have been poked in the sore spot, and I saw that the piece on the ground that was constantly trying to recover her body but couldn't do anything about it, and she didn't care about recovering her body first, only to see her flesh and blood constantly changing, first into a miniature version of the dragon's beak, then an unknown bird's beak, and then a suspected wolf's beak———— looking at it, it was not only her recovery ability that was consumed by the sky falling, but it seemed that even her logical thinking function had been severely hit

And Li Ziqing watched her struggle so quietly, and her right hand was still maintaining a magic array, until the other party finally simulated a human mouth, and then opened his mouth and scolded angrily:

"Who the hell does you know who Shatiya is talking about! And how old do you dare to slander Miss Ben? If I weren't what I look like now, I would definitely tear your stinky mouth alive! You don't know etiquette, and you are still full of vulgar words, don't hurry up and let Miss Ben recover!" Otherwise, Miss Ben won't let you go!" "


As he expected, as soon as he spoke, it was a classic in the canon.

Li Ziqing suddenly felt that these guys

with the adaptability of the witch factor were naturally lacking in their heads? Whether it was those problematic children's sin witches in the previous generation, or these great sin priests who were now incarnated as cult forces and wantonly trampled on the rules of the world, they were more or less a little wrong with their brains?

The other personality of the jealous witch directly destroyed half of the world.

The Witch of Lust's thirst for knowledge is enough to make her ignore everything.

The Witch of Wrath seems to hate fighting and tries to use her power to heal the wounded, but at the cost of distorting the laws of the world, it has caused even greater disasters and pain elsewhere in the world.

The Sloth Witch is a disaster in itself.

The original intention of the Gluttonous Witch was to eliminate the hunger in the world, and then created the Warcraft to solve this problem, but she did not consider the power of the Warcraft, resulting in the Warcraft has become one of the most important threats to human beings in the world, among which the three Warcraft she created are as terrifying as natural disasters everywhere they go.

The arrogant witch is the most childish, and she is also the most uncommon sense of all witches, she will ignore all the laws in the world, and judge whether others are sinners or not, and the basis for judging whether they are sinners is actually hurting others———— simply put, hurting you, if you feel pain, then you are a sinner.

It's the same thing that the church used in the Middle Ages to identify sinners, they would tie you to a cross and burn your body with flames, and if you were burned to death, then you were a sinner, a heretic, a witch, and you deserved to be burned, and if you were lucky enough not to be burned, then you were a blessed lamb from God.

But the question is... Who wouldn't be burned to death?

Li Ziqing's earth does not have the so-called superpowers, and human beings are not Autobots who immigrated from Cybertron, not to mention that the Autobots can't withstand constant burning, so at that time, the church was actually equivalent to a hall of words, as long as you were unhappy, you could tie those ignorant people to the cross and burn you with flames with righteousness, and then declare that you are a sinner.

And the future generations of the Great Sin Priests are not good stubble.

The Lazy Priest was originally a good person, but he was driven crazy due to his lack of adaptation to the witch factor, and finally became a deranged [madman] who indulged in the so-called diligence and love all day long, constantly plotting crimes, and trying to resurrect the jealous witch.

As one of the oldest Priests of Mortal Sins and the strongest Priest of Mortal Sins, the Priest of Lust is the culprit of many brutal massacres and extermination tragedies over the past hundred years, and was the leader of the radical faction within the Witch Cult 100 years ago, the embodiment of the desire to be recognized and self-revealed, and an extremely conceited [murderer].

The Gluttony Priest has inherited the character of the Gluttonous Witch, except that one is determined to create food to satisfy herself, and the other is a [Blasphemer] who constantly hunts humans for food.

In her view, the best way to express love is to become one, to be one, to see the same things, to feel the same emotions, to live the same life, to die at the same time. And playing with other people's feelings and arbitrarily forcing each other to love each other is [weirdos].

And finally, it is the Lust Priest who is now the mass of flesh on the earth, who spits and tramples on all morality, who declares that all the love and respect in the world should belong to her, and therefore changes her appearance and that of others so that all love her, making her a monster who plays with the dignity and worth of others, creating her signature insults all the time, which is [monster].

It can only be said that although the witch factor is the most powerful in the world, it is also the most original, and even the wall-hanging sword master cannot be aware of or even stop the origin power, but at present, although this power is terrifying, but the essence is distorted, from the good-natured Shatila who does not adapt to the witch factor and goes berserk to become a jealous witch, from the same good-natured Petyrchius who goes berserk because he does not adapt to the witch factor and becomes a lazy priest, it can be seen that only people with extreme personalities or abnormalities can perfectly integrate the witch factor, and the forcible use of the witch factor by righteous and kind people will only lead to a rampage, which distorts the originally kind character, and even produce an evil personality!

, so even if all the witch factors are sent to Li Ziqing, even if he doesn't have the power of the Bone King, he will only stay away from this power and won't touch it.

Instead of planning these sugar-coated shells, he should fantasize about what kind of reward he can get after killing these great sin priests, isn't the reward given by Eden more fragrant?

So seeing that Capella's dog mouth couldn't spit out ivory, and he really couldn't say anything worth hearing, Li Ziqing directly used the ninth-order magic that he had been preparing for a long time: < million lightning strikes> plus the magic enhancement effect of the triple most powerful > of < magic to give Capella a good experience of Professor Yang's punishment, and after completely making her power unable to recover on her own, he stretched out his index finger at Cape, who was already dying, and then said the name of the nirvana magic: "Black hole< Black." Hole>"

I saw that a seemingly inconspicuous small black dot suddenly appeared on Capella's remnant body, and then the small black dot continued to expand, slowly becoming a huge hollow, sucking everything in! Capella

seemed to be aware of the desperate situation, and he didn't care about continuing to insult Li Ziqing meaninglessly, but began to multiply wildly before he died, and continued to multiply small arms trying to grasp the land that had already been crystallized, so as not to be sucked into the hollow.

But her series of actions are all stubborn resistance.

The suction power of

the black hole is gradually increasing! The crystallized ground does not give her a gap to grasp! Seeing

that she is about to be sucked into the black hole, Capella, who knows that she can't live anymore, also looks at Li Ziqing again, and she directly tries her best to mimic a tentacle long knife, intending to kill Li Ziqing before being sucked into the black hole, which is considered revenge! But she didn't notice the pity in Li Ziqing's


The speed of the tentacle long knife was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it broke through the air and stabbed at Li Ziqing's eyes, but at the moment when it was about to achieve its mission, the tentacles suddenly straightened its body, even though it was still trying to prolong, but it still couldn't go further!

A feeling of despair gradually rose in Capella's heart.

She couldn't remember the last time she had a similar mood a long time ago, maybe five years, maybe ten years

, she wanted to beg Li Ziqing for mercy, but it was too late.

The black hole eventually engulfed her body.

She was banished to another space inside the black hole, and there was no longer her in this world, maybe from a certain point of view, Capella was already in a state of death, right? Even power is useless, in that place where there is no concept of time and space, immortality is the greatest torture, she will go crazy there, then regret, and then her consciousness will be silent until she dies.

It's a chilling ending to think about~

As the "culprit", Li Ziqing thought so in his heart.

At the same time, Elsa's figure gradually approached from a distance, her expression was indescribably excited, and it could be seen that the moment she saw the white pillar of light, she concluded that her mother, that is, Capella, must be dead. With a dark cloud overhead, she would naturally feel good.

After all, she didn't join the assassination organization voluntarily, but was threatened by Capella with people close to Elsa to force Elsa to become her subordinate, and Elsa agreed.

As soon as she came to Li Ziqing's face, Elsa saw him smile calmly as always, and then said to herself:

"Elsa, let's make good use of your intelligence network to announce this matter to the world." Let's just say that Capella Amelalda Lugnica, who is the mother of the assassination organization and is also the Witch Cult's Lust Priest, has been successfully defeated!"

Suddenly made Elsa think of Li Ziqing a day ago who also spoke to herself in such a tone and sentence structure, although she believed that her mother would definitely die at the hands of her new master, she would never believe that the process would be so easy!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile slightly, and then...

"Yes, my master~".

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