Not long after Xiao Yi and others left the mall.

A heavily armed dimensional player with a gun came to the mall

"Great, I can finally replenish some supplies!"

However, when he sneaked into the mall, he was disappointed to find that almost all the stores had been"ransacked"! Snack shelves

, wine racks, jewelry stores, clothing stores, furniture stores...

It was as if they had been swept by a typhoon, with no items left at all. How many things to lay down!

"Grass! Who did it?!"



Xiao Yi wiped his nose and muttered

"Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?"

It's noon now.

He spent the whole morning emptying out the remaining supplies in the mall.

He also packed away the useless jewelry, gold, silver and gems.

Even if they can't be used as materials, he returned to Blue Star Finally, you can also sell them to recover a sum of funds.

Xiao Yi has many connections in Blue Star, and it is very convenient to sell these jewelry.

Otherwise, he would not be able to earn enough funds to sleep peacefully at such a young age.

Buzz buzz......

The sound of a propeller turning came from the sky.

It caused everyone in the team to raise their heads and look into the sky.

"It's a helicopter!"

Nakaoka Asami shouted excitedly.

Then she realized that her voice was a bit loud.

It would attract zombies.

She quickly covered her mouth and blushed in embarrassment.

"Leave it alone."

Xiao Yi just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

There are still 10 days before he can leave this world.

The main goal now is to go to the police station and complete the mission of the alien card on Miyamoto Rei.

"The Eastern District Police Station... has arrived."

Looking at the messy police station door,

Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Miyamoto-san, please be mentally prepared."

The Eastern District Police Station looks like this. It's obviously been invaded by zombies.

Her father is probably in danger."


Miyamoto Rei nodded in a depressed mood.

"My father's office is on the fifth floor……"

"At least go there first."

Unexpectedly, there are very few zombies in the police station. Most police officers should have been notified when the zombie crisis broke out and went to various areas to maintain law and order. Only a small number of police officers stayed at the police station. Here again It's not a place like a hospital, there are no ordinary people here. So after entering the police station, the team actually felt a lot safer!

"There are no weapons in the gun storage room."

Miyamoto Rei took a look and said regretfully.

"The police officers probably took them all when they went out."

"Neither do we."

Xiao Yi directly grabbed the head of a zombie at the side. He used the active anti-injury effect of the cactus suit to knock it away and fall to the ground.

The bird baby followed up to make up for the last bit of damage. He killed the police zombie directly..After activating the second effect of the cactus suit,

Xiao Yi was like a porcupine, charging all the way.

This fighting method of directly crushing the enemy was quite cool.

Although the team had a large number of people, he still killed it easily all the way. Fifth floor of police station

"Here we are... here is dad's office."

Miyamoto Rei's nervous voice trembled. She was afraid that when she opened the door, she would see her father turned into a zombie and rush towards her.

But when she turned the door handle, she found that the office was locked from the inside.

"Could it be that... there are still survivors inside?!"

Miyamoto Rei was stunned for a moment, and then she felt great joy in her heart.

She didn't care so much and just smashed the door with her fist.

"Dad, it's me! I'm Li!"

"Is there anyone alive inside?"

However, no matter how hard I knocked on the door, there was no response at all.

Others looked at Miyamoto Rei, not knowing what to do.

"Miyamoto-san, calm down."

Xiao Yi stepped forward and took the female high school student's arm.

"Leave it to me to break down the door."

As he said that, he took out the copper ax and chopped directly at the door of the office.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a few blows, a hole was opened in the weak wooden door.

Xiao Yi put his hand through the hole, He fumbled to unlock the lock.

As soon as the door opened, Rei Miyamoto couldn't wait to rush in.

There were no zombies in the room.

There were no living people either.

There was only the body of a neatly dressed middle-aged policeman sitting quietly on a chair.

It's suicide


Seeing the appearance of the corpse, Miyamoto Rei couldn't help crying.

After a while, the girl's sobs continued.

"Let her vent."

Marikawa Shizuka knew a little bit about psychology.

She walked over and gently patted Miyamoto Rei on the back to comfort her.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi stopped interrupting casually and left space for Miyamoto Rei.

From then on. After coming out of the room, he found Busujima Saeko leaning against the wall, looking at the city in the distance.

"Teacher Xiao."

Bujima Saeko nodded slightly to Xiao Yi and continued to look out the window.

"Missing home?"

Xiao Yi asked casually


The tall girl with dark purple hair lowered her eyes

"I just wonder where this world will go."

After the zombie crisis broke out, the order of human society fell apart in an instant.

Not only Bedlord City, but also the entire island country was estimated to have fallen.

Such a world can be called"the end of the world".

The people who survived can only Struggling to survive in endless disasters.

Wanting to return to the peaceful and peaceful life of the past is already a luxury.

Xiao Yi doesn't care about this problem.

Because he is not from this world.

Speaking of which...he comes This world is still about protecting Blue Star

"If Busujima-san is worried about the future……"

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi took the opportunity to extend an olive branch

"I do have a place to go"


Bujima Saeko smiled slightly and asked calmly.

"Does Teacher Xiao have any plans?"

"You know, I have some magical powers, like spells."

Xiao Yi coughed lightly and explained as much as possible without revealing the dimensional game.

"Even if this world is destroyed, I can go to other peaceful worlds"

"If you want to start a new life, consider coming to me"

"At least you can leave Bedlord City and this world occupied by zombies"

"A new life?……"

Busujima Saeko seemed to have some thoughts.

But she didn't agree immediately

"Please allow me to think about it for a while, Mr. Xiao"


Xiao Yi nodded with regret.

"But I won’t stay in bed host city for too long"

"In 10 days, I will leave here"

"Before that... I'd like to hear from you."

Hearing this, Busujima Saeko was silent for a moment.

"I will."

At this moment, the sobbing of the girl in the office finally stopped.

Miyamoto Rei finally calmed down and accepted the news of her father's death.

At least, her father did not turn into an ugly zombie.

Instead, he died as a human being..For most people in this world, this is an extremely lucky thing.

And in front of Xiao Yi, several expected prompts also popped up.

【You have completed Cards from Another World: The Road to Find Your Family!】

【You get 1000 points and 1 attribute point】

【You got the character card"Miyamoto Rei""!】


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