Bedlord City, East District, Airport.

A sassy beauty with wheat-colored skin raised her hand to salute the corpse of her comrade.

This operation should have been completed by her and this comrade.

However, during the operation, his comrades were unfortunately bitten by zombies.

In the end, Nan Lixiang could only kill his comrades with his own hands.

"Dahlia, please reply when you receive it."

The commander's voice came from the intercom.

Dahlia is Nan Lixiang's operation code name.

"This is Dahlia, one member of our team was killed."

Nan Lixiang lit a lady's cigarette and said indifferently.

"To complete that task, I have limited mobility alone."

The other side of the intercom fell into a brief silence.

"Dahlia, you should know I don't have any more people here for you."

"Of course I know."

Nan Lixiang sneered and said disdainfully

"You and those dignitaries are hiding at the airport, waiting for me to set fire to clear the environment for the plane to take off, and then escape directly from Bedlord City.……"

"Of course none of you want to be an outcast like me."

The intercom fell into silence for a longer time.

Finally, a deep voice came out

"That's an order, Dahlia."

"You must execute."

Then, the walkie-talkie disconnected communication.

Nan Lixiang spat on the ground and sucked up the cigarette.


In the smoke, she thought of her confused friend.

I don’t know if Shizuka is safe now


"It's party time!"

At night, a private house in the East District was very lively.

After leaving the police station, in order to cheer up Rei Miyamoto,

Marikawa Shizuka proposed to hold a party.

Although I don't know what the connection is between the two things... but look No one had any intention of objecting.

Xiao Yi agreed to this.

By the way, except for Busujima Saeko, all the members of the team have been conquered by him and become NPCs. They are all his own!

Conquering does not mean that Complete slavery, loss of self, and becoming a purely tool person.

Whether it is the mother and daughter of the high city, or Miyamoto, Juchuan Shizuka, and the little policewoman.

They all have independent consciousness and personality, but they must obey Xiao Yi's order. Xiao Yi did not intend to restrain them with strict rules.

In that case, what is the difference between buying a few inflatable dolls?

After more people, some things are convenient to do.

For example Bar, facilitate transportation.

Various snacks, snacks, and ingredients on the party.

"Unexpectedly, Alice and Mrs. Gao Cheng also……"

Saw two extra people at the party.

Busujima Saeko’s mood couldn’t help but be a little complicated

"Yes, they will all go to the 'new world'’"

Xiao Yi has no intention of continuing to hide these things.

"That's it……"

Poison Island's gangsters flickered, and I don't know what to think about.

The party was a success.

Miyamoto Rei's mood was originally a little low.

But after the party.

It has been restored to the usual vitality. late at night.

Xiao Yi didn't ask anyone to come over and sleep with him today.

After all, nights are also his working hours

"The goal tonight is...mining!"

Putting on the mining helmet, Xiao Yi calculated in his mind.

There are many types of minerals in the world of Terraria.

Before"Hard Mode", the highest-grade mineral was gold mine.

From high to low, they are:

Gold Mine > Silver Mine > Iron Ore > Copper Mine.

Minerals after gold mines require some special conditions to be mined.

For example, Hellstone mines require deep exploration to the lowest level of the Terraria world - hell.

Demonic mines or scarlet mines, You need to use a gold pick or above to collect it.

Therefore, Xiao Yi's current plan is to dig as many minerals as possible below the gold mine.

If you are lucky, you can collect more gems.

"By the way, you have to pay attention to whether there are shining roots."

Looking through the inventory, Xiao Yi found the bottle of night vision potion he obtained when he first opened the treasure box. He can also use it.

"Torches, ropes, bombs, healing potions……"

"All together, let’s go!"

After making all the preparations, Xiao Yi followed the tunnel in the cave and slowly explored the depths.

Terraria's geographical environment is divided into multiple levels.

The outermost layer of land is the surface, followed by the"underground""Floor.

The underground layer is basically composed of stones and soil.

Clatform, sediment, and low -grade ore and gemstones occasionally appear.

In addition, there are some other treasures.

For example", Underground huts with treasure chests, etc.

, in addition to new minerals and treasures, the underground layer is also more dangerous.

Organizations such as poison arrow darts and falling stone traps are endless.

If experience is not rich enough, it is easy to die because of this.

Generally speaking, the resources of the underground layer are not as rich as the"cave" layer in the deeper.

But on the premium of insurance, Xiao Yi intends to explore the underground layer now.

After all, his defense is very low now, and it is no different from the layer newspapers.


The mining pick hit a raised rock wall.

Behind the knocked-out stone, yellow-brown traces were revealed

"Copper mine... not bad."

Xiao Yi took a look, and the corresponding information appeared in his field of vision.

Although it was only the lowest grade mineral, it was better than nothing.

The baby bird on his shoulder also screamed twice.

It seemed to agree with his evaluation.

Dang! Dang!! Dang! Dang...

The mining pick is tapping the rock wall regularly.

Ore usually appears in the form of veins.

Once dug, it is a piece, it is just a matter of quantity.

It is rarely generated alone.

Therefore, Xiao Yi's digging is very Long time.



After knocking out the last piece of copper ore.

Xiao Yi said softly.

Because beneath the veins, there is a dark space!

But at the very bottom, there was a blue light.

It was a blue jellyfish, swimming in the clear water, emitting light

"A natural mine... and a pond!"


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