What is a weapon?

Is it a tool that can defeat the enemy and cause more damage to the opponent than fists and kicks?

This was the last thing that came to mind before Izo Motobu closed his eyes.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw an old and skinny old woman squatting in front of him, her head reaching down, her wrinkled lips pouting, and she was about to......No, it was already attached to his mouth, and while he was breathing in the air, Izo Motobu's pupils shrank.

He jumped up directly from the ground.

Rolling backwards along with the thrust, Tokugawa Hanzi rubbed his old waist, looked at the lively Izo in front of him, and said:"What? It's okay to fight against that monster. The body of a young man That's good."

After belatedly realizing it, Izo then recalled who the woman in front of him was:"You are the mother-in-law I saw in the arena before......."

"uh-huh. Tokugawa Hanzi raised his head and was very satisfied with the fact that the other party recognized him:"Yes, the person standing in front of you is none other than the most powerful psychic on the planet, Tokugawa Hanzi, boy." , do you crave power?"

【First-class proficiency +73 in two days%】

【The skill has reached 1v5 in two days. Congratulations to the host for unlocking the talent: No knife is better than having a knife.】

【No sword is better than having a sword: The secret of Ertian's first-class. After reaching the state of no sword, you can perform slashing attacks with bare hands, which are sharper than real swords.】

【Strength: 48-49】

【Agility: 52-53]

After adding two attribute points at once, Chen Xiao showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Looking at the new talent, Chen Xiao put his palms together and swung a knife forward. The sharp knife light shot out directly along the fingertips, drawing a beautiful semicircle in the air, and shot towards the moon. It slowly dissipated along the way. Chen Xiao roughly estimated with his naked eyes that it was enough to spread a hundred meters away.

In other words, within a hundred meters, there is a space for Chen Xiao's sword energy to be displayed, which is even faster, stronger and bigger than when he tried to swing it with a real sword.

"Invincible, so lonely as snow."

With emotion, Chen Xiao opened the door. The time was nine-thirty in the evening.

Doma and Mashiro did not stay in the room, but lay on the sofa. The two little hamsters sat side by side watching the TV. When I heard the sound of the door opening, Doma jumped up from the sofa:"Senior, welcome home!"

Chen Xiao nodded:"I'm back."

Shiina Mashiro seemed to have remembered something. She picked up the snack box on the table, walked to Chen Xiao who was still wearing slippers, and said:"Onii-chan...The final Baumkuchen...For you to eat."


Chen Xiao paused. This is Baumkuchen. Mashiro's favorite food so far. Finally, the child has grown up and knows that he thinks about geigei in everything. Chen Xiao nodded and took it out. The last piece of Baumkuchen wrapped in brown sugar and topped with flaked sugar was chewed.

Akekubo Momo's Baumkuchen was still very delicious even after eating it for a few days.

Watching Chen Xiao swallow the Baumkuchen, Shiina Mashiro looked like He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Chen Xiao:"Mashiro still wants to eat."

Looking at those big eyes, Chen Xiao paused and put his palm on the other person's head:"Okay, if Zhenshiro wants to eat, I can ask someone to make more Oni sauce. Next time I want to eat, I can just make it." Call me,"


Chen Xiao turned on the light in the living room, and the room quickly became brighter. In the kitchen, two leftover Baumkuchen boxes and a Kenji Keki set meal for two were very eye-catching. It seemed that they had eaten it. Chen Xiao He didn’t say anything about fried food being unhealthy.

Instead, he asked the two of them strangely:"Usually at this time, you should have already got into the game. Why did you think of it today and went outside to watch TV?.?"

Xiao Mi returned to the sofa, wiped away her previous cuteness, became a girl, scratched her butt, and said:"The New World has been updated again. Since the release of the 3.0 trailer, the server has been suspended for updates every three days. , that new map is said to be the largest in history, surpassing the current New World map by more than five times, which is quite exciting."

According to the theorem, the bigger the map, the more bugs, so it is quite reasonable to update it from time to time.

"What's the name of the new map? I'll see if I want to go back and play it."

Tsuchima opened the mobile browser and quickly found the previous browser record:"It seems to be called Aincrad, I'll look for it....The introduction is...Ahem."

Moistening his throat, Toma Mi stood up from the sofa, like a good student in school, and began to recite with great emotion:"Once upon a time, the earth was protected by the two sacred trees of black and white, and all things were preserved. In Balance, the night elves who worshiped the Great Holy Tree of Black established the Kingdom of Sausra, and those who worshiped the Great Holy Tree of White......"

After some narration, a continent with countless civilized races, swords and magic came to mind. In the end, the continent fell apart and became countless fragments. It was divided into a hundred layers. Players need to conquer each layer step by step before they can enter. On the next level, this setting is the same as before the new world was updated.

But the difference is that the new world has less than ten floors so far, and the map of Aincrad has one hundred floors. The map volume has increased ten times.

However, I always feel that this setting is so familiar.

"Finally, the producers sincerely invite Mr. Innocent Gao to expand the background story for Aincrad, New World 3.0."Tsuchima kept reciting to the end, looking at the last row of small words in surprise:"I didn't look carefully before, senior, they are inviting you!"

"When I think about it, if the seniors expand the background story,......Hiss, forget it."Tsuchima Mi, who was enjoying himself, suddenly had a picture of Xiao Chengzi facing a knife.......Suddenly, I don’t want my senior to write the book. Reality is enough. Don’t go to the virtual world.

"Jingle Bell!"

Chen Xiao raised the phone and said that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived. Cao Cao is really the fastest man in history.

The caller showed that it was Machida Enzi. Thinking about it carefully, it has been a month since Chen Xiao last published a book. He answered the phone:"This is Chen Xiao, Editor Machida, what’s the matter?"

Machida Enoko, who had just lost her deputy position and officially became the editor-in-chief not long ago, was lying on the bed. She was watching videos, playing games, and enjoying the joy of not being in a 996 anymore. Suddenly, Kotaro Amon, who was promoted to the editor-in-chief, called from her. After a while, I returned to work, and bang, my happiness was gone!

"Well, we just received this from......"

Before Machida Enzi finished speaking, Chen Xiao took the lead and said:"It's the world background expansion of the Aincrad game, right?"

"Yes, have you received their message over there?"

"Not really, I just saw news about them in the game’s official update of the expansion pack."Chen Xiao said truthfully:"I'm not interested in this. I just want to write my own things. This kind of restriction is not free at all."



You can no longer use the account of Innocent Male High School! It will be reopened!

When sterilized cats were popular before, no matter how fast Chen Xiao deleted them, there were still a lot of fans around. Although it is happy to have more fans. , but it affects Chen Xiao’s daily life, and Chen Xiao is unhappy.

"So, let me tell the editor-in-chief, Mr. Chen Xiao, you have the biggest opinion."Machida Enzi said, regardless of whether Chen Xiao still writes or not, justWith the first volume of Neutered Cats, Immortal River has become the strongest library in the neon industry.

No one can fight!

It has been on sale for one month and has already sold 18 million copies! It has become the number one on the list, and this number is still rising rapidly. It will even be introduced into the must-read books for primary school students. The current number two also has a sales volume of 16 million, but that is 18 volumes. , serialized over twenty years of success.

Seeing Machida Enzi about to hang up the phone, Chen Xiao said:"Although I won't write anymore, I have a friend who is very interested in this matter.......Don't worry, his writing skills are only better than mine. I would call him the best!"

Classic I have a friend.

Machida Enzi's face was filled with joy. This was introduced by Chen Xiao, and he was praised to this extent. The discovery of Chen Xiao has made him become the editor-in-chief from a small editor. If there is another one who can compare with Chen Xiao Even stronger, what the hell, in the second half of this year, I will invest in Immortal Sichuan!

"Please introduce it to me!!!"

In a resolute manner, Machida Enko directly sent various information about Aincrad to Chen Xiao's 1ine. The continuation requirement is one hundred articles. Basically, every level requires Chen Xiao to write stories and fill out the world view. , even down to every kind of monster. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If it were a normal author, it would be a million-word project from the beginning, and it would take at least half a year, but Chen Xiao......One hundred thousand words in one hour, isn’t that just a matter of skill? If the computer couldn't keep up with Chen Xiao's speed, Chen Xiao could even reach a speed of 200,000 per hour.

Don't underestimate the martial arts master's hand speed!

Martial Arts Master:"???"

"Please be sure to ask your friends!"

Hang up the phone, Chen Xiao entered the e-sports room that he had not entered for a long time without looking back, turned on the desktop computer that had been under the 24-hour 16-degree air conditioning and the graphics card was frozen, created a new document, and started typing. He picked up the keyboard.

Listening to the constant typing sounds in the room, Mi Toma and Mashiro Shiina looked at each other. Sure enough, Chen Xiao's friend was himself. The background of the story is the two sacred trees of black and white, and then race The war between the two countries caused the continent to split into a hundred layers.

Chen Xiao began to write based on this main framework. The two holy trees were actually the eyes of an indescribable thing. After coming into contact with the knowledge of the holy trees, the black elves and the forest elves Falling into madness, in order to worship the unspeakable evil god......

As Chen Xiao writes, the page has passed and the number of words has reached a million.

The indescribable evil god of the virtual world, the forest elf who was bewitched into a sarcoma aggregate that is good at charming, the black elf who wanders in the ruins and repeats the same day. clan.

The dwarf blacksmiths, whose lower bodies are rooted in the earth, unable to move as they lose themselves, and the goblins who capture the saint......The holy tree keeps the world from completely collapsing. This is the mercy of the evil god. He still wants to swallow this piece of cake slowly.

The player, on the other hand, decides whether to continue to maintain this hard-won stability, or to overthrow it and let the world be reborn amidst destruction.......

Chen Xiao looked at the words he had written with satisfaction. Unlike the disgusting sterilized cat that took him five minutes to come up with before, Chen Xiao spent ten minutes thinking about the expansion of the story this time!

So, you don’t write anything normal!!!

The sky was getting brighter, Chen Xiao opened the door, and Doma Mi and Shiina Mashiro slept directly on the sofa, curled up like two kittens. Chen Xiao did not disturb them, but walked to the kitchen. Packed the leftover garbage on the table and started cooking

【Cooking proficiency +1%】

【Cooking proficiency +1%】

【Cooking proficiency +1%】

【Cooking skills (good)......】

【Cooking 1v3 (56%)】

The progress bar has reached halfway again. As expected, Chen Xiao will be able to understand the cooking pressure in two days.

The cooking heart combined with the meat pressure and Qi can aggregate into large light waves. What if the cooking pressure is added as well?

"`Unfamiliar ceiling......"

Below the big arena, in the underground hospital, King Liehai opened his eyes faintly, and what he saw was the pure white ceiling, and the pungent smell of disinfectant around him. It turns out that this is a hospital. Before he fell into coma, he should have been with Miyamoto Musashi. Fight.

What is the final result?

King Liehai recalled the scene, and took advantage of the assistant beside him to slowly sit up. But as soon as he took advantage of it, he felt that his arms seemed to be much heavier than usual, but he didn't think much about it. He finally sat up and put the His back was leaning on the hospital bed.

He saw, right in front, a man wearing diapers staring at him intently. On the diapers, you could still vaguely see red blood stains. The man was none other than the opponent in the previous battle. Gong Benmusashi

"Even though he was injured like that, he could still survive.......It's really awesome."Miyamoto Musashi said sincerely that his attacks were all aimed at the weakest point. He was sincerely impressed by the man who could withstand his attacks head-on and defeat him.

Especially the final few kicks, What a stroke of genius!

Liehai King:"?"

King Liehai was praised, his face turned slightly red, and he was about to scratch his head and say something modest, but as soon as he raised his arm, the luster of metal was reflected in his eyes.

Liehai King:"???"

(End of chapter)

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