"Senior Chen Xiao, good morning!"

"Senior Chen Xiao, you look really good."

"Ohayou, Senior Chen Xiao"


As a senior, Chen Xiao's status in Sowu High School does not require words, but in addition to friendly greetings, there are also some resentful eyes. If nothing else, the entire third grade has seen Chen Xiao's essay template, although san It’s worth a lot, but the writing style is worth learning by everyone.

"Senior!"A soft drink made Chen Xiao, who was accustomed to stop and watch at the school gate, turn around. Qiu Yue Fengxia, a young and beautiful girl with short light blue hair, was rushing towards Chen Xiao's position carrying large and small bags. First of all. Rule out that the bag contains books

"Feng Xia, what is that on your back?"Qiu Yue Fengxia came to Chen Xiao and almost fell down due to the weight behind her. Fortunately, Chen Xiao stretched out his arm in time to pull the shaky girl back.

He patted the big black bag behind him. A smile appeared on Qiuyue Fengxia's face and she said:"After all, it is a band. CXG has just been established, so I borrowed these equipment from friends. It is said that they are quite expensive."

Chen Xiao pinched his chin, hesitated for a moment, and then said:"Well, actually there is no need, the school has already made arrangements."


After learning that Chen Xiao had formed a music club, Matsuda Tomoko, who is now the temporary secretary for all Sobu High School affairs, directly waved his hand and brought Chen Xiao a complete set of music equipment, various musical instruments, and a professional recording room overnight. Neat and bright activity room...

When Shizuka Hiratsuka called in the middle of the night, Chen Xiao could still hear the confusion in the other person's voice.

"Already, arranged?"Qiu Yue Fengxia was carrying the equipment behind her and was a little overwhelmed for a moment. She carried this equipment weighing 450 kilograms from home to school. She was always careful for fear of damage. She didn't even take the bus. Now actually......unnecessary?

Why is this happening? It was obviously me who came first.......Interrupting the spellcasting will make you learn everything in vain and it will only harm you.

"You can leave it with the guard first and pick it up after school."Chen Xiao gave the suggestion, and the bell just rang. Qiuyue Fengxia did not hesitate. After explaining the purpose of his visit, the guard saw Chen Xiao's smiling face and shouted,"Okay, okay, okay."

"Well, senior, I'm leaving now. Shall I go to the rooftop to find you at noon?"Qiu Yue Fengxia finished delivering the equipment and quickly ran to Chen Xiao. As she continued to walk forward, she asked sideways. The curves of her body were perfectly displayed as the body stretched sideways.

This guy, it's hard to see. Big, actually it is also a hidden type.

"At noon, please wait at the door of the club activity building. Remember to inform Xiaoxun, she is also a second grader."Chen Xiao opened his mouth and explained:"I will ask the teacher to take us there when the time comes."

As soon as he entered the classroom, the murderous intent in the classroom was revealed. Wu Yaksha stood on the podium, squinting his eyes and looking at Chen Xiao lovingly:"Classmate Chen Xiao, class is about to start. Come back to your seat quickly."


Xiao listened to what his mother-in-law said.

【History Proficiency +1%】

【Math proficiency +1%】

【math proficiency......】

【Language proficiency +1%】

"Teacher Jing, good afternoon."Just after class, Chen Xiao went directly to Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was about to return to the office after the last class:"I applied for the club activity classroom yesterday. Hiratsuka sighed and ignored Chen Xiao. He went straight to the office and took out a lunch in a black lunch box. Then he pushed the door out and said to Chen Xiao:"Well, it was late at night yesterday." The principal even called me specifically. That bad old man, I really wanted to pull out the last few hairs on his head!"

"It's great. You have wealth and freedom at a young age, you are not bad looking, and your academic performance is still the best in your grade. A current person like you will probably become the King of the Sea soon after entering college."

Chen Xiao:"......"

Listening to Shizuka Hiratsuka's casual thoughts, Chen Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth and said,"Is it really okay to say this kind of thing to your kawaii students?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka:"......"(aiea)

Laxative, after you wrote those spiritually polluting things, it has nothing to do with kawaii anymore

"It doesn't matter, the principal can't hear it anyway. Hiratsuka Shizuka waved her hands and said nonchalantly. If there were not so many students in the corridor now, she would have wanted to light a cigarette. On such a hot day, she would have wanted to smoke just one.......It's just hot~......

Passing by the classroom door, Chen Xiao greeted Hoshino Ai. Hoshino Ai, who was still dealing with her classmates, left the group behind and trotted towards Chen Xiao's position, following Shizuka Hiratsuka together.

Below the club activity building, Miyazono Kaoru, holding a lunch box in his hand, and Qiuyue Fengxia, holding a piece of fried noodles sold on sale in the school cafeteria, were waiting early. The second graders were closer to the activity building, and they even had time for Fengxia to make a trip. Buy bread in the canteen

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello teacher!"

The girl's crisp voice sounded, and Hiratsuka Shizuka glanced at the two people in front of him. Well, they are both beautiful girls. It was the same in the travel club before, and it is the same now in the music club. Don't you have any male friends around you? No, Even if I only have female friends, why don’t I even have any average-looking ones?

I’m so excited to be able to find a partner casually!

By Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was urged to get married by her mother, is so excited

"Um. Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded lightly, put her hands on her hips, and said:"I am your club teacher, Hiratsuka Shizu, you should know me too. If nothing else, when third graders like Chen Xiao graduate this year, next year It’s up to me to teach you Chinese."

Before entering the activity building, Homjo Kaede, Hakumine Risa, and Risa Honjo, who were also holding fried noodles and bread, also appeared outside the floor. When they saw Chen Xiao, they were a little surprised.

Honjo Kaede greeted happily:"Senior! good afternoon! Did you come to the Travel Research Club for club activities today?"

"Maple, the New World is still out of service today. Even if we get to the club, we can’t play."Risa Shiromine patted Honjou Kaede's little head, added something, then turned to Chen Xiao, and asked with a curious face:"Good afternoon, senior, have you seen the draft of the New World? Have you decided to write?"

New World's Invitation......

"My friend wants to write."Chen Xiao said:"I came here today for the sake of another club. After the new map comes out, I should go back to the pit for a while."

"Another society?"

Seeing the doubts of the two girls, Qiuyue Fengxia stood up, directly hugged their arms, and said extremely skillfully:"You are classmates Motojo and Bai Feng who are in Xiaoxun's class. I am in the same class. Qiuyue Fengxia, a sophomore, are you interested in joining our CXG club?"

This posture is like a pimp.

"CXG community?"

"What a strange name. What kind of club is this? Chen

Xiao sighed and said,"Well, even if I told you, you two probably wouldn't be interested. In fact, Feng Xia wanted to form a band, so I was asked to come over and help.""

Music," the two of them nodded. They really weren't very interested in this. Instead of doing music, it would be better to discuss how to defeat the new boss. If they really can't defeat it, let Xiaomi go home in the evening and log in. Get on Chen Xiao's big account and ride Negan Hogg to push directly across.

The Dragon Knight is still a T0 level profession in the new version.

"However, if you are a senior, I am really looking forward to it."Homjo Kaede said, the music that Chen Xiao had played casually on Miyazono Kaoru's violin before, even now, they would still think of it from time to time, as if it was the sound of nature.

Hiratsuka Shizuka waved his hand and stepped towards the door of the activity building. , holding the lunch box in one hand, he said:"Leave the small talk for next time, hurry up and finish reading the activity room, teacher, I am going to have a pleasant lunch break.""

A few people nodded, and all followed each other, heading upstairs.

At this point, most people were eating, and only a few people would rush here to buy bread after class like Honjo Kaede and Shiromine Risa. Come on, Chen Xiao is not worried about being recognized and blocked.

On the rooftop,

Kasumigaoka Shiyu holds the lunch made by Chen Xiao and looks around. Why is there no one today? (Read Baoshuang novels and go up to fly Lu Novel Network!)

Is this the consequence of not being gregarious?

"This is it."Shizuka Hiratsuka opened the door of a classroom, looked around for no one, walked in and leaned against the wall. Finally, she put her sinful little hand into her pocket, took out a box of slender women's cigarettes, and lit it. On the bed, he began to puff out smoke, and he did not forget to say:"Xiao Ai, open the window for me, otherwise the smell of smoke will dissipate slowly."

Several people:"......6"

The room is full of equipment. Even if Chen Xiao has only played classical musical instruments, he can still see how expensive these equipment are. There are even three large sofas with a small table in the middle. The most important thing is the air conditioner! It is equipped with The air conditioner is turned on! Qiuyue Fengxia's eyes are shining, as if seeing treasures all over the house, touching here and there.

"My mission is accomplished."After smoking a whole cigarette, Shizuo Hiratsuka's face was full of satisfaction, as if he had thought of something interesting. He sat down on the sofa nearby, unpacked his lunch box, and said with emotion:"This environment is better than the principal. The office is fine! Throwing away the cigarette butt

, Shizuka Hiratsuka closed the window, turned on the air conditioner, turned it on to 16 degrees, and said:"Since it is a music club, I, teacher, will be your first audience.""

Risa Shiromine quickly returned after going out and said,"Senior's new club is so close to the Travel Research Club. They are only separated by two classrooms."

Qiuyue Fengxia looked at the equipment, and the expression on her face gradually became serious:"Xiao Ai must be the lead singer. I can sing the chorus and be the bass player. Although it's not too good, it should be enough. Xiao Xun is the violinist, senior. if......"

It's weird having a violin in a rock band, but whatever.

Chen Xiao glanced at the brand new drum set in the corner and said,"I'll use that one."

Qiu Yue Fengxia nodded. Anyway, I don't know if it's good or bad, as long as everyone can play music happily.

"So, what song should we sing? It would be best if everyone has heard it."Miyazono Kaoru said. She was using a classical instrument. If it was an unpopular instrument, she might not be able to play it.

Hoshino Ai held her chin, she didn't know what to sing.

"《"Snowflake Fire", how about it?"When a few people hesitated, Chen Xiao said calmly, Bingwu Xiaoxue's popularity is very high among young people. Even he, who doesn't usually listen to music, has heard this song and can sing it. Let alone others

"Xiaoxue’s famous song!"

"This song is not difficult to play and can be played well on the violin"

"I just sang it a few days ago and I feel very confident now!"

Listening to the words of the three people, Chen Xiao nodded and sat down in front of the drum set. So, before playing, let's get it done first. Open the plastic bag and take out two brand new drum sticks. Chen Xiao Xiao knocked on the metal plate of the drum set

"Tongtong! Clang! DingTalk......"

Chen Xiao kept trying the sounds of the drum set. Soon, his body memorized the pitch and force of each position. The instrument is a combination of sounds. This pair of Chen Xiao, who has the talent of the king of music, Xiao, it couldn’t be simpler. Even if he just takes a bottle cap, Chen Xiao can play a piece of music with a good melody by tapping it with his fingernails.

【King of Music: Absolute sense of sound, absolute timbre. Any instrument can be quickly mastered in your hands. After playing it, any living thing can clearly feel the idea you instilled in it, and the lingering sound lingers for a long time.】

"Please start your performance."Hiratsuka sat quietly on the sofa, eating a box lunch and watching the excitement and said to several people. Beside the sofa, Honjou Kaede and Shirakine Risa also did the same.

"Dang!I searched for the song on my phone and memorized it at a glance. As soon as it rang, Chen Xiao took the lead in starting the rhythm.

After briefly beating the drums, everyone seemed to be in a snowy environment. The snowflakes falling all over the sky seemed to be telling endless thoughts.......

Wrapped in this emotion, Hoshino Ai quickly got into the rhythm, slowly opened her mouth, and started singing

"always like you"

"always like you"

"Instead of tears rising into the sky and blooming......"

(End of chapter)

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