Chapter 396 Journey to Xumi

"Sir Nuo, do we really want to take that Liyue man back?"

"Since Liyue has agreed to our unreasonable request, this matter will naturally be nothing. If the great sage has any opinions at that time, I will be responsible for it."

After hearing that Saino was responsible for the responsibility, the discipline officer finally felt relieved. He wanted to talk to Zhong Rui on the way and asked about Tian Rui's eyes and Pokémon. However, after finding that the other party completely ignored him, Hei Left with a face.

"Sorry, you have to walk with us."

Saino, who knew Zhong Rui's distinguished status, originally wanted to find a carriage for Zhong Rui to sit in, but Zhong Rui refused, and Liyue did not provide any means of transportation.

"It's nothing. Besides, this rocky abyss road is not suitable for carriages in the first place."

Zhong Rui didn't care about the walk at all, just treating it as a walk, and this walk was originally used to torture the criminals.

"I said, can we walk slower!"

"My feet hurt! Damn it! Why don't we wear shoes! Uh-huh! The chains suddenly became tight! I was wrong! I was wrong! Stop shrinking or you won't be able to breathe..."

Those Xumi scholars who committed crimes in Liyue had their necks and hands tied with golden chains, and their feet were also shackled, and the soles of their feet were cursed to burn as soon as they put on their shoes.

Of course, it was not Zhong Rui who provided this curse, but the resentful immortals, who also imposed various weird curses on them.

For example, drinking water will turn into pepper water, eating will smell like feces, skin contact with liquid will feel like being scalded by hot water, and other very vicious but not fatal curses.

Hiking to Sumeru requires passing through a huge rock abyss, and the environment here is relatively dry. Even in autumn, the sun is still very poisonous, and the rock surface is baked hot by the sun. Once you step on it, your feet will be hot and uneven. It’s simply double torture!

Hearing the screams coming from behind, Zhong Rui silently increased the firepower of the sun in the sky and trimmed the rock surface in front to make it more concave and convex.

Although Zhong Rui promised that the group of scholars would arrive at the Order Academy in Xumi alive, Zhong Rui didn't mind giving them one more difficulty on the way.

After they have experienced the tribulations of Nine-Nine-Eighty-One, Zhong Rui will kindly send them to the Western Paradise.

"Lord Seno, should we slow down our journey? Those scholars seem to be unable to hold on any longer..."


There was a hesitant expression on Seno's face. He wanted to rush back to the Order House as soon as possible to stop the great sage's plan that might touch the taboo.

But if they don't slow down, those scholars who are already weak may not be able to enter the Sumeru Realm at all.

Several people had already passed out, frothing at the mouth, and were only being carried forward by others' chains.

"I happen to know some medical methods, leave it to me."

Zhong Rui took the initiative to help Sai Nuo out of the siege, and waved a green light into the bodies of the scholars to heal them.

Of course, this was not a sign of kindness, but they noticed that the nerves on the soles of their feet were almost necrotic, and their sense of pain had decreased a lot.

"Is this okay to move on?"


In the eyes of those scholars, the smile on Zhong Rui's face was no different from the devil crawling out of the abyss.

Soon there was another pleasant cry of pain. After the sounds subsided slightly, Zhong Rui healed their wounds again.

In this way, it took them a day just to cross the giant rock abyss.

In order to continue to torture their spirits, Zhong Rui helped them force their minds to wake up, while curing their physical fatigue and urging them to continue their sleepless journey.

This was nothing to Seno, who was accustomed to long-distance travel, but to these pampered scholars it was almost fatal.

"We...are finally back..."

Looking at the rainforest in front of them, these scholars had tears in their eyes. They had never missed their hometown so much. The hot and uneven rock surface under their feet was no longer hot, but dirt and lawn!

According to Rock God's promise, when they arrive at Xumi City, the chains on their bodies will be untied, and then they will truly be free!

As for whether they would be imprisoned by the Disciplinary Officer later, their behavior in Liyue was originally something that was tacitly approved by the Teaching Council or the Great Sage. At most, they were secretly transferred away the next day after entering for one day.

However, their excitement did not last long. Poisonous insects appeared out of nowhere and suddenly attacked their group of mushrooms. Tigers with long sideburns were hiding in the trees and preparing to hunt.

Even if they want to drink water, a crown-crocodile will suddenly appear, ready to bite their heads off.

"This is the nectar bug. This kind of poisonous insect is very rare. It is said that even the scholars of the Biophysics School who wanted to study this kind of poisonous insect searched for three whole months in the rainforest but could not find any trace of it. Its poisonous It’s very troublesome, and if it’s not treated as soon as possible, I’m afraid I won’t survive for a few days.”

Seno looked at the scholar's purple-green left leg and shook his head helplessly.

The poison may have penetrated deep into the bone marrow. Even in the case of emergency amputation, the insect poison has already entered the blood circulation.

"Ah? This, Lord Liyue, can you help me cure this?"

The scholar suppressed the feeling of nausea and vomiting. Not only did he have a headache, but he was also almost losing consciousness in his limbs. He could only look to Zhong Rui for help.

"Sorry, I can only heal physical pain, but I can't do anything about this kind of poison."

Zhong Rui naturally had no intention of treating him, and was still looking for poisonous insects in the rainforest, although the immortals had placed a curse on them that would easily attract poisonous insects.

However, the range of activities of most poisonous insects is very limited, so Zhong Rui can only help them relocate.

Zhong Rui discovered the nectar plant insect in a small hidden tree hole. Looking at its colorful appearance, he knew that it must be highly toxic. The result was as powerful as he imagined!

"But don't worry, I can give you some relief. At least there will be no problem in surviving to Xumi City."

Zhong Rui patted the scholar's shoulder comfortingly and assured him.

"Then, what happens after that?"

"After that? Without my treatment, you would have been completely corroded by the poison and died."

The scholar also heard that Zhong Rui was not prepared to continue hanging his life at all, and looked at Sai Nuo next to him for help.

"...I know a ranger who is familiar with the rainforest. He might have an antidote to this poison. Let's change the route a little. We also need to replenish supplies."

Sai Nuo looked at Zhong Rui and found that he had no objection, then he proposed to go to Huachengguo for supplies.

I hope the "bad luck" of these criminals will not be brought to Huachengguo...

Chapter 397 Kelai: Amber’s friends are my friends!

"Huh? Seno? What are you doing?"

Tinari, who was communicating with others, noticed the large crowd arriving in the distance. When he saw Seno walking in the front, there was an expression of curiosity and confusion on his face.

"If you want to hear some more complicated situations, I can tell you."

"No, eh? Are these people poisoned? Why are they still tied with chains? Forget it, let's unchain them first and treat them."

Seeing what Seno said, Tinari understood that this was a troublesome matter, so he was naturally unwilling to get involved, and instead focused on the poisoned Sumeru scholars.

"The treatment is okay, it's just a chain..."

Sai Nuo subconsciously looked towards Zhong Rui and saw that he didn't express anything, so he shook his head at Tinari.

"Okay, let's carry those who are relatively sick first. It's a shame they can continue to walk like this."

Zhong Rui glanced at Tinari's big furry ears for a few times, then noticed the green-haired girl in the crowd and walked towards her.

"Are you Kelai?"

Although I have never seen Kelai in person, her green-haired and purple-eyed beauty is still very obvious in the crowd.

What's more, she still has the aura of the devil's remnants in her body, and she also has more death energy than ordinary people...

Combining the above characteristics, Zhong Rui was almost certain that the girl in front of him was Amber's good friend, Kelai.

"Eh? you know me, this gentleman?"

Ke Lai looked at the foreigner dressed in Liyue and suddenly called out his name, subconsciously feeling nervous.

Although she also knows some foreigners, among the people in Liyue, she only knows one Xiangling...

"I have a letter here that Amber asked me to help deliver."

"Amber's letter! Thank you!"

Hearing that Zhong Rui had sent Amber a letter, a surprised smile appeared on Kelai's face.

In the past, she suffered many experiments and tortures due to the Solstice Kingdom. Later, she experienced some things in Mondstadt and was rescued by Amber and everyone in the Knights. Now, Xumi was brought back to her hometown for medical treatment. Receive academic instruction and treatment from Master Tinari.

"I, um..."

Just when Kelai was about to say something, he suddenly felt dizzy and the deathly aura on his body became a little heavier.

"Ke Lai, are you okay?"

Tinari, who was checking the poisoning situation of the scholar, also noticed something strange about his apprentice. Originally, the person he was quietly observing was Zhong Rui, but when he saw Kelai's appearance of demon scale disease, he immediately asked with concern.

"I, it's not a big problem. Master Tinari, please save those who are poisoned first."

Kelai shook her head, but her body would not obey her will and get better. Instead, her strength was gradually drained away and her limbs became numb.

Hmm, was it because I was so excited to hear the news about Amber that I got the magic scale disease...

During this period, the symptoms of Demon Scale have been getting worse, and the intervals between attacks have become closer and closer. Is she about to die?

Just when Kelai was about to fall, his body was caught by Zhong Rui in time.

"Let me take care of her. Where is her home?"

Zhong Rui held the unconscious Kelai and looked at Tinari and asked.


"Tinari, this gentleman is very good at healing. Maybe it would be better if Kelai leaves it to him."

Tinari looked at Seno with confusion, then at the scholars who were seriously poisoned, and decided to believe Seno.

"Her home is over there, near the house on the edge of the village."

After watching Zhong Rui leave with Kelai, Tinari looked at his friend. Originally, he was not prepared to get involved in this troublesome matter...

"Tell me about the situation after Seno."


On the other side, Zhong Rui carried Kelai to the bed, put down the leaves that served as door curtains, and unbuttoned Kelai's upper body clothes.

There were marks on her body that looked like snakes had crawled over her. Where those marks appeared, the skin showed what looked like black scales.

"The scientific name of this thing seems to be magic scale disease? But this is more like a curse than a disease..."

It's interesting. Let's go back and give those scholars a set, so let's start the treatment for the demon scale disease.

Zhong Rui's fingers traced Ke Lai's skin, and the black scales on the surface quickly faded away where his fingers touched.

Ke Lai on the bed also opened her eyes and looked at Zhong Rui with a red face, but she did not accuse Zhong Rui out loud, but covered her eyes in silence.

When Zhong Rui started the treatment for her, Kelai's consciousness had already awakened, but she still couldn't control her body.

When she first discovered that Zhong Rui was helping her take off her clothes, Kelai was very scared and wanted to cry out for help.

However, Ke Lai discovered that Zhong Rui was actually helping her treat her magic scale disease, and she began to feel ashamed that she had misunderstood Zhong Rui.

In the words of her Liyue friend, this is to use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman.

It's just that this kind of treatment is still too shameful for her!

If there was a tree hole, she would want to get into it right away!

"The muscle mass is less than that of ordinary people. I am afraid it is related to the magic scale disease. There is no problem with your development. It can be seen that someone is helping to give you food supplements, and there is no malnutrition."

Zhong Rui withdrew his fingers from Ke Lai's fair skin and spoke to her with a very calm look and tone.


After being faced with such an attitude by Zhong Rui, Ke Lai's shame calmed down a bit.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, she is just a patient, so he will not treat her as the opposite sex.

"Okay, turn over and let me help you treat the magic scale disease on your back."


Kelai turned over obediently and buried his red face into the pillow. He felt his fingers gently scratching his back, and a strange feeling arose in his heart.

However, after the demonic scale disease gradually disappeared, Ke Lai also felt that his body was lighter than ever before.

"Signs of recurrence? Sure enough, this is a curse, and its root is in the body..."

When Zhong Rui was wiping off the last black scale on Ke Lai's back, he saw a small black scale suddenly appeared on Ke Lai's back, and he frowned. It seemed that just purifying the surface of the body was useless.

As a gentleman, he would not allow such a strange thing to grow on the beautiful girl's jade-white back.

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