Directly pressing his palms on Ke Lai's back, he didn't care about the demonic remnants sealed in her body, and directly activated the purification power!


The surge of comfort made Kelai subconsciously want to make a strange sound, but she stopped him abruptly.

Then she quickly noticed something unusual. The sealed demon remnants in her body... disappeared?

"Well, you have recovered and Amber's commission has been completed."

When Zhong Rui used his fingers to treat Kelai, it was definitely not for welfare, but to accidentally purify the demonic residue from her body.

After all, the commission given by Amber was only to cure the magic scale disease.

"Eh? Amber's commission? Do you know Amber?"

Hearing Amber's name, Kelai sat up from the bed and looked at Zhong Rui curiously.

"Well, she and I are friends. Amber just happened to come to Liyue now. When he heard that I was going to Xumi, he entrusted me to deliver a letter to her and treat your magic scale disease by the way."

"Are you Amber's friend too?! How is Amber doing lately?"

After hearing that Zhong Rui and Amber were friends, Kelai also treated him as his friend.

"She is enjoying life in Liyue now. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Zhong Rui."

"Hello, I'm Ke Lai...Eh? Zhong Rui?! Could it be the rock god mentioned in Amber's letter?!"

Kelai quickly thought of the rock god Amber mentioned in her letter. He heard that he helped solve the dragon disaster in Mondstadt and also acted chivalrously for Amber's other friend Yura. He was a very righteous person. The good god.

When she read the letter, she exclaimed that Amber was really amazing. She could actually make friends with the god. She never thought about the possibility of meeting him.

However, I am afraid that only the gods can cure a terminal disease like Demon Scale Disease.

"Remember to keep my identity secret from others. After all, I am coming to Xumi this time as the envoy of Liyue."

Originally, Zhong Rui had no intention of revealing her identity, but the treatment even purified the demonic remnants in her body, so she couldn't hide it, so it was better to show off her cards directly.

"Oh, okay! If you need my help, please don't be polite! Ah, although I may not be able to help much, but I will try my best!"

"Then Kelai..."

"I am here!"

"Please cover the front first, the treatment is complete."

"Yes!...Eh? Eh! Yeah--!"

Chapter 398 The Arrogant Great Sage

"What did you say?"

After providing emergency treatment for the poisoned scholars, Tinari dragged his tired body and listened to Seno's explanation.

After hearing the ridiculous instructions from the Order and the handwriting of Lord Grass God, Tinari had already realized that this was a trap set by the Order for Seno.

That oracle was probably a forgery. After all, if the God of Grass wanted to deal with Dai Oh Seno, he wouldn't need to use such roundabout ways.

Tinari was actually aware of some of the recent anomalies in the Apostolic Academy, but as a ranger, he did not want to get involved, thinking that it was another dirty side of academia.

Coupled with the sudden increase in dead areas recently, he doesn't have that much free time.

What really surprised Tinari was what happened next. That Liyue native with noble temperament turned out to be the Rock God of Liyue, Emperor Tianrui! ?

Wait, Emperor Tianrui held Kelai before and said he wanted to treat her. Is it possible that he can cure the magic scale disease? ?

"I can understand your mood. After all, when I first met that god, I also experienced a feeling of fear. Fortunately, the god's temperament is not bad. He put away the pressure of the god and allowed me to wake up in time. come over."

Tinari's thoughtful expression suddenly froze, and she looked at Seno speechlessly.

"Huh? Didn't you hear it? My mood is related to..."

"We're talking about business, can you stop telling those ridiculous jokes?"

Tinari stopped his friend's joke in time. He didn't want to understand Seno's joke now.

"I've been holding it in for a while, please understand."

It seems that even Seno doesn't dare to tell cold jokes in front of the gods, but in the end he is the one who suffers...

Tinari let out a long sigh. After knowing the identity of the Tianrui Emperor, he was now worried about the Imperial Academy.

Although this was also because of the provocation from the Imperial Academy to Emperor Tianrui, where did they get the confidence to dare to challenge Liyue's Rock God?

Do they think this newly appointed god will be easy to bully?

Sometimes he really couldn't figure out what those sages from the Order Academy were thinking...

How about writing a letter to his teacher to ask about the situation?

Based on Tinari's understanding of his teacher, the other party should not be involved in this matter.

However, Huachengguo is not far from Xumi City. If I write a letter now, it will probably be too late by the time I receive a reply.

Now Tinari only hopes that the evil intentions of Emperor Tianrui will only be faced by the sages of the Order Academy, and it is best not to affect other innocent people.

In the temporary residence prepared for the discipline officers, one of the discipline officers quietly left the tent and put on the void link device issued by the Order.

[Lord Azar, Seno has returned with the prisoner. Liyue has sent a Liyue envoy who is suspected to be an immortal. The other party may ask to meet the Little Lucky Grass King. 】

[Immortal... huh, he's just an elemental creature with brute force. When the time comes, the Order Council will find an excuse to send him away. No, wait, if the computing power of an immortal is added to the system, hehe, this immortal will come. Now is the time, let him contribute to our revival of the Great Kind Tree King. 】

[So Lord Azar, what should we do here? 】

[According to the original backup plan, I didn’t expect that Liyue actually let Xeno come back... Huh, it seems that the new god is not very powerful. Sure enough, the new god is unreliable. 】

"What are you doing?"

The sudden sound behind him startled the discipline officer, and he quickly disconnected from the great sage.

"Ah! Mr. Sai, Mr. Saino, I am reporting the situation to the Disciplinary Officer Headquarters. After all, we have to bring so many prisoners into the city. It may cause some unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles. At the same time, let my colleagues be prepared."

"Really, thank you for your hard work."

"No, no, it's all what my subordinates should do."

Sai Nuo looked at the back of the discipline official as he left. Although he had already been prepared, it turned out that there were also those sages among the discipline officials.

But if his whereabouts were exposed, it would be exposed. He had no intention of hiding it anyway.

The next day, Zhong Rui came out of Kelai's room and stretched out subconsciously. He was forced to chat with Kelai about Amber all night last night.

It's just that his action has another meaning in the eyes of some people...

"Good morning, sir, how is Kelai's condition now?"

"It has been cured. Strictly speaking, the disease is a curse. I happen to have some experience in removing curses. She is now in unprecedented health. I have solved all the hidden dangers in her body. She is no different from a normal person. She was with me yesterday. She talked about Amber all night and she is catching up on her sleep."

Hearing that Kelai's body had recovered enough to stay up late, Tinari had a smile on his face. Tinari had always been concerned about the health of this disciple from Senosai.

However, in the face of the demon scale disease that countless Sumeru scholars have racked their brains to solve, even if Tinari made a lot of efforts for this, it could only help Kelai slow down the development of the demon scale disease.

Even in the face of terminal diseases that mortals are helpless to deal with, he can find solutions. He is truly worthy of being a god!

It's just... Liyue's Rock God can do this, but Xumi's Grass God can't do this?

Did the Grass God who lived in Jingshan Palace not be able to do it, or did he not do it?

Having said that, it turns out that Lord Rock God knows Amber, no wonder he can cure Kelai's magic scale disease.

In the past, he had always heard great things about Amber from Kelai, but he never expected that this girl could actually get acquainted with the Rock God and ask him to help treat her illness. She was really an amazing person.

"Thank you for your help. These are the pocket cookies I made. You can eat them on the road later."

Tinari expressed his gratitude to Zhong Rui, and at the same time, he was relieved that Zhong Rui would cause trouble in Xumi City. From his current behavior, it can be seen that this god is a good god.

Although his methods of punishing evildoers were somewhat cruel, those Sumeru scholars also brought their own fault.

Taking advantage of the chaos in Liyue to add insult to injury, and collectively attacking young children, this is an unforgivable felony even under the laws of Sumeru.

The conversation between Zhong Rui and Tinari did not deliberately lower the volume, which shocked the accompanying discipline officials and Sumeru scholars that Zhong Rui could actually cure the Demonic Scale Syndrome.

Sure enough, he is the legendary immortal in Liyue!

Some scholars were ready to step forward and ask questions, but the chains on their bodies prevented them from getting close.

These suddenly tightened chains reminded them that they were still sinners, not scholars of the Order Academy. The closer they got to Zhong Rui, the tighter the chains on them would become.

Chapter 399: The Attack of the Gilded Brigade, the Dead Zone and the Demon Scale Disease

"Huh? Something's not right around here. Get ready for battle!"

Walking on the main road to Sumeru City, Seno suddenly smelled the burning smell of sand and fire slime in the air, and quickly reminded the discipline officers behind him.

"Tsk, what a dog nose."

Seeing that the ambush failed, the gilded brigade that had been waiting here for a long time also walked out from both sides of the rain forest. These mercenaries looked at Seno with fiery eyes.

As long as you can cut off his head, you can get three million molas!

Such a huge sum of money, if it were placed in the past, these mercenaries would not have dared to think about it. Even if they save for a lifetime, they may not be able to earn so much money!

But now the commission given by the sages of the Order gives them the possibility to get rich overnight, and they don’t have to worry about being wanted by the Order afterwards!

"Gilded Brigade? Are you going to hinder the Disciplinary Officer from performing his official duties!"

Seno took out the weapon from the Eye of God and looked coldly at these mercenaries who had no bottom line for money.

Because of his job as a disciplinary officer, Sano often had to deal with these mercenaries who licked blood at the tip of their swords.

Many scholars who violate taboos will use Mora to entrust mercenary groups to protect themselves and flee to the desert outside the rule of the Order.

But even so, Seno and the discipline officials would not let go of the pursuit of those scholars.

Not only to bring sinners back for judgment, but also to warn future generations of scholars not to think that they can escape judgment by fleeing to the desert.

"Gaefeng Disciplinary Seno, I have always had a little doubt about whether you are really stronger than me."

The mercenary with an eyepatch on his left eye made a gesture that was extremely hateful to men from the Bangzi Kingdom towards Senobi, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

In his opinion, Sano was just a vain person. This lucky man who had not experienced the blood and conspiracy of the desert was no match for mercenaries like them who had been baptized and tempered by the desert.

As for the mercenaries killed by Seno, after all, they were just weaklings who couldn't survive in the desert, unlike them who controlled many Erlings!

Zhong Rui in the crowd took a few glances at the weapons of the mercenaries sealing Erling, and quickly lost interest. Such inferior and unstable power had no reference value at all.

The scholars who were tied up in chains suddenly felt a chill running down their spines, and their bodies instantly became much weaker.


Feeling the abnormal movement of the earth veins under his feet, Zhong Rui did not expect that his small movement would actually cause the abnormality of the earth veins.

The two waves of people who were about to fight also felt that something was not right around them. The green lawn died instantly, and thorns with an ominous aura emerged from the ground.

"Ah! My wound hurts so much!"

"I feel dizzy and my body feels so uncomfortable..."

People who are not protected by elemental power show a certain degree of discomfort when faced with this sudden change in the new environment.

"Is this a dead zone?! We must get out of here quickly!"

Seno recognized that there was a dead zone here. Considering that most of the Disciplinarians were not protected by the Eye of God, they would not be able to move around in the dead zone for long.

And once they fall down in the Death Realm, they will turn into a pile of dead bones like those withered vegetation.

"Hmph! Take a break and leave!"

Seeing that Sano wanted to leave, the Gilded Brigade endured the discomfort caused by the Death Zone and surrounded Sano and the discipline officers.

Although they could also tell that something was wrong with this place, for mercenaries who kept their heads tucked into their waistbands at all times, it was impossible to leave the millions of Mora they were about to acquire!

"You take the prisoners and leave, and I will deal with these mercenaries."

Seeing these mercenaries who wanted money rather than their lives, Seno was ready to let others retreat to a safe place first.

"Lord Seno, we can't let you stay alone!"

"obey orders!"


Suddenly, a ray of light entered Sano's body, and the influence of the Dead Realm completely disappeared. At the same time, he could feel the elemental power in his body continuously rising up.

"I'm not good at fighting. I can only do auxiliary things. Come closer to me, and I'll help you suppress the impact of the dead zone as much as possible."

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