"As a princess of the mermaid tribe, I will never give in to a dirty and ugly guy like you!"

Although her delicate body was trembling, the mermaid princess still glared fiercely at the enemy in front of her. Her nobility and dignity would never allow her to show weakness in front of her enemy.

At the same time, the princess was also praying in her heart.

Who can I ask to help me?

Chapter 620, Shino’s Cat Tail

"Huh, I finally managed to sneak in."

"Thanks to the rare equipment "Hades' Helmet" obtained from the previous mission."

"Yeah, rare items are the best."

The three members of "Mermaid Princess Rescue Team" successfully sneaked into the Sea Demon Clan's castle. Bai Ge, Shino, and Silica took off a helmet prop from their heads.

"Helm of Hades": Ancient rare equipment, its function is that after equipped, it can become invisible, that is, become a transparent person.

Without powerful see-through skills or enemy-finding skills, players equipped with this item cannot be detected. It is because of this item that Trio 3 has not been discovered until now.

"But even if no one discovers the territory, it seems that this item cannot be used when entering the castle."

"There's nothing we can do about it. If there are invisibility items that can be disabled, we have to rely on ourselves. This is a covert operation. Let's try our best not to be discovered."

"Well, it would be really troublesome if you were discovered."

"Well, indeed, this is the enemy's base camp."

The timid Silica broke into a cold sweat.

If they were discovered, let alone saving Her Highness the Princess, the three of them would probably be buried here together. After all, there are at least several hundred sea demons in the Sea Demon Clan's territory.

No matter how powerful Bai Ge is, this is not reality, but a virtual world. Otherwise, he can directly transform into the state of the White Dragon King, spray a puff of monarch flames to burn the entire sea demon territory, and then roast the North Sea giant monster. "Be careful and alert around you." , don’t be discovered by the sea demon, try to avoid fighting, if that doesn’t work, use assassination.”

"Humph, it sounds quite interesting. Don't worry, the cat fairy's footsteps are very quiet, and my bow and arrow will not miss."

"Dark, assassination, wuwu, so nervous."

Unlike Sinon who was full of confidence and eager to try, Silica nervously clenched the dagger in her hand. Pina the Winged Dragon also looked around vigilantly. Her familiar also had the ability to seek out enemies.

The corners of Bai Ge's mouth rose slightly. To be honest, it was his first time to fight using assassination techniques, and he was a little excited now.

"I've also changed my equipment."


Sinon and Silica, who were about to move forward, were stunned for a moment.

In front of their eyes, Bai Ge actually put away the "Sword of the Flower of the Other Side" and equipped a bow and arrow from his backpack. "Hey, bow and arrow, what's wrong with you!"

"Humph, when it comes to assassination, the most convenient way is long-distance sniping. My bow and arrow proficiency is not low. This..."Bow of the Flower of the Other Side" was also made by Liz for me."

Appreciating the surprised expressions of Shino and Silica, Bai Ge said slightly proudly.

After finishing the one-handed sword, there were still some forging materials left, but Bai Ge said he should leave it alone, so he asked Lisbeth to help make individual weapons.

When choosing, he naturally chose a bow and arrow that could make up for his weak long-distance attack.

Bai Ge: "So now Sinon and I are sniping at enemies from a distance. If there is a need for close combat, I'll leave it to you, Silica."

"Hey, please leave it to me"

"Uh-huh, that's it, start sneaking in!"

Ignoring the exclamation of a dragon-wielding fairy, the three of them began to explore the black castle, looking for the room where the mermaid princess was imprisoned.

The walls of the dark castle are illuminated by red light. If the Mermaid Palace is a dreamy building, then this Sea Demon Castle is like a prison-like building.

Three persons 3 carefully stood on tiptoes to prevent the sound of movement.

However, just at the corner of the stairs ahead, a sea demon holding a spear and wearing armor was standing there.

"There's no way, it's necessary. Shino, let's go!"

Bai Ge issued the order.


Shino's response was concise and reliable.

Hold up three fingers and then withdraw them one by one.

When the last finger is withdrawn.

Shino and Bai Ge leaned out from the corner at the same time, their fully drawn long bows loaded with arrows. Their eyes were also emitting ice blue and blood red light respectively.

The sudden appearance of the two men successfully attracted the attention of the sea demon, but it was already too late.


As if with will, the two arrows hit the left and right eyes of the sea demon together.

Critical hit 2! The sea demon's body returned to zero for an instant, and then turned into fragments and dissipated in front of the three of them along with himself.

Silica: “It’s amazing”

The girl who was a dragon messenger stared at the two people in front of her in stunned silence. What a precise attack it was. In this dim environment and with a distance of more than fifty meters, both Bai Ge and Shino accurately hit each other's weakest eyes.

It's simple and neat, without any unnecessary movements. From aiming to shooting, it takes no more than three seconds3.

Sinon is a fairy and the strongest archer in the country. This is very famous and everyone knows it, but Silica did not expect that Bai Ge's bow and arrow skills are so powerful. He is obviously a fairy and the strongest swordsman in the country. .

"Am I really qualified to join a qualified guild?"


Silica couldn't help but begin to doubt herself. She looked at the dagger in her hand and saw that she didn't even have a chance to take action. These two probably didn't need the support of a weak teammate like her.

Even the Winged Dragon Bina groaned softly, as if she was sighing at the strength of those two people.

"Nice work, Shino."

"Yeah, but you are the one who surprised me. I didn't expect Bai Ge that your bow and arrows are so powerful."

Shino said in amazement.

She had never seen Bai Ge use a bow and arrow. No, probably most people in the guild didn't know that. Only Lisbeth, who forged the "Bow of the Flower of the Other Side" for him, had some possibility.

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