Bai Ge shrugged and said.

"Well, thanks to a good teacher in reality, that person can probably make the former champion cry if he participates in the World Conference."

Although the Heroic Spirit Emiya is obviously an archer but often uses the dual-sword style, but due to his profession, even the weakest archer Heroic Spirit possesses archery skills that far exceed those of humans.

The more famous one is...the self-destructing bow Arash! The three of them continue to move forward. So far, they have not found the location of the mermaid princess, but according to the routine, they know that it is in the deepest part of the castle, so just keep moving forward.

But things never go smoothly.

An accident soon happened. On the stairs leading to the upper floor, Shino stepped on the stairs in front of her and suddenly felt something was wrong.


"Oh no, there's a trap! Shino!"

"Whoa, ah, ah, it's going to fall!"

The three of them had forgotten that this castle can be regarded as a game maze, and it is natural that there are traps in it. Just now, Sinon accidentally stepped on something like a landmine.

Along with the explosion, a hole was blown in the wall. Seeing that Shino was about to fall, Bai Ge immediately.

Take action.


"You, you, you, where did you catch me!"


The girl let out a scream, which was an embarrassing sound that Shino would never make.

Bai Ge was also slightly stunned. He didn't pay attention in his panic just now, but now that he came back to his senses, he found that the touch on his hand was a little strange. He looked over to confirm and saw that what he was holding on to his hand was a soft cat tail. .

“It feels really good!”

"If you don't let go, I will shoot a flaming arrow at your head right now!"

Sinon threatened fiercely. The strange and painful feeling from her tail made her blush. If it had been anyone else, she would have shot the arrow.

"Wait, let me pull you up anyway."

"Quick, hurry up and tail, it really can't be done."

After realizing that she was being saved by Bai Ge, she became more honest. Bai Ge nodded and pulled Shino back by her cat tail.

Bai Ge reluctantly let go of the girl's cat tail, and shook hands with nostalgia. The cat's tail just felt really good.

Chapter 621, Shino Asada

"Next time I'd rather just fall down! Don't grab my tail again!"

"Hey, hey, let me rub you again."

"Absolutely! Don't!"

After returning to the castle, Shino blushed and carefully protected her tail. The warmth of someone's hand remaining on it made her a little panicked.

The cat's fairy tail and cat ears are organs that humans do not have in real life. However, for some unknown reason, the operator added a sensory system to them. If you encounter them unexpectedly, you will feel a strange feeling.

But there is no doubt that the touch is really good! All in all, it is such a part that makes people full of questions and interest.

"If you dare to touch my tail again, I will shoot a flaming arrow in your face!"

"Ooooooo, scary, but deal!"

"What a person you are!"

Shino's mouth twitched as she looked at Bai Ge, saying that her captain had this kind of personality from time to time.

"In short, absolutely no touching!"


Taking advantage of the cat fairy archer in front of him to relax his vigilance, Bai Ge raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then unexpectedly reached out to the soft cat tail and rubbed his face hard.

Under Silica's horrified gaze, Bai Ge showed an expression of enjoyment.

"Ah, it feels so comfortable, and I just want to pet the cat."

Bai Ge decisively ignored Shino's warning.

"You guy!"

"Ah! Wait, five seconds, uh, no, just fifty seconds!"

"Kill you!"

A certain lynx goblin with exploded hair blushed and glared at a certain wind goblin seeking death. He raised his hands to grab someone's neck, but of course Bai Ge dodged. This left Shino helpless.

Shino finally understood why this guy dared to take action. Bai Ge simply knew that there was nothing he could do against him.

This is simply a shame for Shino, who has always been ice-cold and has a high self-esteem.

"Wait for me, sooner or later I will take revenge! I will definitely shoot you into a hedgehog with a bow and arrow!"

"It's terrible, but before that I just enjoyed the cat's tail as much as I wanted."

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Silica wanted to say that this was the enemy's base camp, so let's not just stay at home, okay?

In the end, Shino had nothing to do with Bai Ge. The cat tail temporarily became Bai Ge's plaything. The girl who endured the humiliation was determined to make this guy pay the price one day in the future.

In fact, Bai Ge also likes cats very much in reality, but he can't keep them because there are too many non-human beings in the house. Cats will run away if they feel the slightest breath from elves, dragons, and heroic spirits.

So it was rare to see an "aqua blue cat" in front of me who was not afraid of him.

, as a result, Bai Ge couldn't control his inner impulse to play with the cat.

After ravaging the tail for about ten minutes, "Ahem, let's go, I think we will soon arrive at the room where the mermaid princess is kept."

"Shino-san seems very angry. Are you really okay?"

Silica looked at the cat demon archer worriedly. She was now worried that Shino would shoot a black arrow at someone, although in a sense, Baige deserved it.

"It's okay, it's okay, Sinon is the type...who turns anger into attack power and efficiency."

Bai Ge said completely nonchalantly.

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