Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 12 A curtain of dreams (3)

A curtain of dreams (3)

Wang Zhanpeng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard Zi Ling's words. How did this child's brain circuit develop? She stared at Zi Ling with a calm face and said: "Lu Ping is indeed our pride, but she is not born that good. You can't see her rehearsing dances every day and forgetting to eat and sleep, and you can't see how busy she is when she leaves early and comes home late. Don't make any high-sounding excuses for yourself. What I just said are very real issues. No matter you are a white swan or an ugly duckling, you have to dress and eat. Do you understand? You are nineteen years old and you are still the youngest in the family. Princess, you haven’t been exposed to society and you don’t know many things. Your parents will teach you bit by bit. What you have to do is not to resist, but to learn with an open mind.”

Seeing Zi Ling's indignant look, Wang Zhanpeng raised his eyebrows and said, "We will no longer force you to do anything, but you must know what you want, such as...Chu Lian."

Zi Ling suddenly raised her head and widened her eyes. She was really frightened. She had never told anyone about her love for Chu Lian. Even Chu Lian himself didn't know. What did her father mean by suddenly mentioning Chu Lian? Did dad actually see it? Did she show it so obviously?

Wang Zhanpeng took a sip of tea and then said slowly: "Chu Lian is young and promising, with a bright future. He and Lu Ping were childhood sweethearts. Everyone thinks they are a couple. But you have been secretly in love with her. My sister’s prospective fiancé, right, Zi Ling? In fact, whether it’s Lu Ping or you, I don’t intend to marry Chu Lian. That kind of man who swings around and has no sense of responsibility will never be my Wang family. son-in-law."

"Zi Ling, you are actually very smart, but you have been immersed in dreams and don't want to wake up. Please carefully think back to Chu Lian's behavior when he got along with your sisters. Was he very excited when he saw you? Did he see you? Was your sister obsessed with you? Did he say anything unclear to you? What do these mean? If you look at this matter outside of your own identity, you will definitely have an answer. "

Zi Ling didn't know how she got back to the room. Her father said a lot, saying that she only had a little girl's dependence on Chu Lian and a vague affection for Chu Lian, not love at all. He also said that Chu Lian was attracted by Lu Ping's perfection, and that she was attracted by Lu Ping's perfection. Curious about her liveliness, hesitation between the two sisters, ambiguity, and many, many more. The impact she received today was too great. She felt that her mind was in chaos and she could not figure out all her thoughts. Almost all of them were denied by her father. She didn't know what to do, so she could only lie in the quilt and cry silently.

Shunjuan followed Wang Zhanpeng back to the bedroom, still in a state of shock. Ziling actually liked Chu Lian, and Chu Lian, the child she had always been optimistic about, actually wanted to have two interests with her daughter? Shunjuan looked at Wang Zhanpeng who was about to take a rest. This husband also surprised her today. She didn't expect that he would understand these things clearly. It seemed that he really cared about this family, so he noticed that There were so many details, which made her feel a little touched. Thinking of what happened just now, he asked, "Zhan Peng, is everything you said true? I usually see Chu Lian as a very good child, and we have a good relationship with the Chu family. Is there any misunderstanding? And Zi Ling , How can she like her future brother-in-law? This is too hard to accept!"

"Shunjuan, everything I just said is true. Ziling is just a little girl. She has just grown up. She still doesn't understand many things. She is a little dreamy, a little naive, and even a little lost in love. In my opinion, This is not a big deal. As for falling in love with my brother-in-law, I think it is just the little girl's vague affection. After all, the boy she has been in contact with the most since she was a child is Chu Lian. I accidentally saw him getting along with Zi Ling. The way he looked at that time, his eyes were focused, his words were ambiguous and had deep meanings, and sometimes he was tactful and did not shy away from suspicion. It was completely normal for Chu Lian to have a crush on him every time he saw Lu Ping. You know the look on his face, he is obviously obsessed with it, and he is not sure who he likes in his heart. Can we give our daughter to such a person? "

Shunjuan frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "Then what should we do? Luping has been very affectionate to Chu Lian as her boyfriend for so many years. If she knew the truth, could she bear it? And Ziling, just now Her face looks ugly, oh, I'm really worried."

Wang Zhanpeng turned off the light and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Luping is very strong. After losing Chu Lian, she still has her career, friendship and family support to support her. She will not be knocked down. As for Ziling, she is just experiencing There are too few things. We need to enrich her life so that she can’t be sad for the time being. As time goes by, she will naturally understand. "

After Shunjuan and Wang Zhanpeng made a plan, they began to intentionally or unintentionally prevent Chu Lian from approaching Lu Ping and Zi Ling. Every time Chu Lian came home, he would not stay for dinner. On this day, when Lu Ping finally took a vacation, Shun Juan When he went to Luping's room, he hesitated to speak to Luping.

Lu Ping said in a funny tone: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Just say it if you have anything to say. Has Zi Ling made you angry again in the past few days?"

Shunjuan touched Lu Ping's hair lovingly and said, "Lu Ping, mom is going to tell you some bad news about you and Chu Lian. You must stay calm and don't get too excited, okay?"

"Mom, what is so serious? I just promise, please tell me quickly." Lu Ping was a little nervous when she saw Shunjuan being so serious.

Shunjuan looked at Lu Ping and said with some worry, "You, Chu Lian and Zi Ling all grew up together. Originally we thought you and Chu Lian would be a couple, but you didn't make it clear. Now your father has discovered that Chu Lian also likes Zi Ling and has been hesitating between you sisters. Lu Ping, marriage is not a child's play. Your father and I have decided to exclude Chu Lian from the candidate list of the Wang family's son-in-law. Not someone you can trust for life."

Luping went through what Shunjuan said several times in her mind, and finally reacted and shouted: "Mom, I don't believe it. Chu Lian is just a brother and sister to Ziling. How could..." Before she could finish her words, Lu Ping could no longer speak, because she suddenly thought that in so many years, Chu Lian had never said that he liked her, nor had he done anything intimate to her. People around him had always believed that the two of them were the same. That’s right. If Chu Lian likes Zi Ling, it is not impossible! Luping raised her head and looked at Shunjuan: "Mom, what about Ziling? She also likes Chu Lian, right?"

"Yes, Chu Lian has always been very ambiguous towards Zi Ling, and Zi Ling also has a good impression of Chu Lian, but your father thinks that Zi Ling is just a little girl's illusion. After all, she has never been in contact with any men except Chu Lian. "Son, we decided to arrange something for Zi Ling to distract her, and hope she can gradually mature. We also hope you can give up on Chu Lian, be stronger, and not be knocked down by this matter."

Luping didn't want her mother to worry, so she put on a forced smile and said, "Mom, I understand, can you leave me alone for a while? I need to think carefully."

Shunjuan felt very distressed when she saw Lu Ping's forced smile, but she didn't know how to comfort her. She could only hug Lu Ping and retreat gently.

Luping knew that her parents would not joke about this kind of thing. After all, they had always been satisfied with Chu Lian's son-in-law, but for her to suddenly accept the fact that Chu Lian was half-hearted and might have never loved her, she really Some can't accept it. Luping made an appointment with Chu Lian to go to the cafe, wanting to give herself and Chu Lian one last chance.

When Chu Lian arrived, Lu Ping had already finished two cups of coffee. She looked at the familiar smile on Chu Lian's face and didn't know what to say. It wasn't until Chu Lian looked at her with a confused face that she made up her mind. Asked: "Chu Lian, I heard that you don't plan to go abroad. Is it true?"

Chu Lian smiled and said: "Yes, Lu Ping, Zi Ling must have told you! I already have a job I like, so what if I go to study abroad? It's just to satisfy my mother's vanity. I want to be a traitor, I don’t want to follow the route set by my mother anymore, I want to live my own life!”

Lu Ping's hand holding the coffee spoon trembled, and she whispered: "What about me? The adults have always hoped that we can get engaged as soon as possible. What are your plans?"

Chu Lian's eyes widened in surprise and said: "Lu Ping, why did you suddenly ask this question? Who said what? Have our parents decided to get us engaged?"

Luping heard the tension in Chu Lian's words, and her heart sank little by little. She raised her head and looked at Chu Lian, "No, it's just what I wanted to ask." Then she heard Chu Liansong The voice took a deep breath: "Oh, Luping, please don't scare me like this again. I'm really fed up with my life being arranged by my parents! We are still so young, and it's too early to get engaged. It feels like a trap." It’s like being splinted. Besides, in this era, everyone is free to fall in love. Isn’t it wonderful to get married naturally when the relationship is over?”

Lu Ping looked at Chu Lian's somewhat evasive eyes. If her mother hadn't told her before, she would have thought that Chu Lian just hated being restrained by his parents and refused to get engaged. In fact, he kept talking and didn't answer what he wanted at all. He didn't want to be with Lu Ping. He must have been so easily misunderstood when talking to Zi Ling. So what did he want to do? Choosing carefully between the two sisters? Lu Ping felt angry, but she was proud after all and didn't want others to see her jokes.

Lu Ping calmly called the waiter to pay the bill, saying that she had something to do and had to go to the dance studio, so she would stop here today. Then Chu Lian took the bag and left without waiting to ask questions.

Don’t you all like Yilian Youmeng? The number of book reviews has dropped sharply. How about I shorten the first chapter and move on to the next story earlier? But this way there are fewer details... tangled~~~

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