Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 13 A curtain of dreams (4)

A curtain of dreams (4)

Wang Zhanpeng arranged everything in the company and gave himself half a month's vacation. The family of four decided to go to France to have fun and relax first. When they arrived in Paris, Wang Zhanpeng contacted Fei Yunfan to be their tour guide. Knowing that this was his future son-in-law, Wang Zhanpeng felt no pressure to arouse Fei Yunfan.

Fei Yunfan warmly invited them to live in his castle. Although Shunjuan felt that it was not good to trouble Fei Yunfan so much, she saw that her two daughters were finally smiling again, so she did not express any opinion. After spending a few days in France, Wang Zhanpeng proposed to accompany Luping to the United States to see the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she applied, and temporarily entrusted Ziling to Fei Yunfan's care.

Wang Zhanpeng talked to Fei Yunfan in private. Fei Yunfan didn't expect that the conversation was about him and Zi Ling. He was a little flattered and immediately expressed that his admiration for Zi Ling was sincere and he would treat her well. Wang Zhanpeng said that Fei Yunfan had too many romantic histories. He could give Fei Yunfan a chance, but it would depend on his future performance before deciding whether to hand over Ziling to him. Fei Yunfan is not a young and impulsive young man. He knows what to do to meet Wang Zhanpeng's requirements. He also knows clearly that the second lady of the Wang family is not a girl he can play with at will. Fortunately, his feelings for Ziling are true. Yes, I am not afraid of any test.

After Wang Zhanpeng and others left, Fei Yunfan took Ziling to visit all the delicious and fun places in Paris. When they were tired, the two of them would study music, cook, grow flowers and vegetables, and taste wine and tea in the castle... ...Zi Ling felt that she had never been so happy in her life. She had a big smile on her face every day. Fei Yunfan always had all kinds of entertainment, so she no longer had time to be sad in front of the bead curtain.

On this day, Fei Yunfan took Ziling to a big hotel for dinner. Ziling didn't pay attention to the name of the hotel, but was attracted by the decoration of the hotel as soon as she entered. She looked around and was very curious. When she heard that Fei Yunfan When asked if she liked it here, she nodded happily to Fei Yunfan and said, "Yes! I like it very much. It gives people a high-end and comfortable feeling. It seems that you are a frequent visitor here."

Fei Yunfan smiled and said casually: "Well, I come here often because I am the boss here." Zi Ling suddenly looked at him in surprise, her big eyes full of suspicion.

Fei Yunfan said: "Why are you looking at me like that? Don't believe me? As you can see, I am neither a dragon nor a phoenix. I am just an ordinary businessman."

Zi Ling murmured: "I really can't connect you with the identity of the businessman. I thought..."

"Does this hurt your impression of me?"

Under Fei Yunfan's sharp eyes, Ziling felt that her little thoughts had been seen through, so she could only reply honestly: "Yes, I always thought that what you loved was art, and you should be engaged in art-related work. "

Fei Yunfan lit a cigarette, and his expression was obscured by the smoke. After a while, he said, "Do you think those who are engaged in art, such as painters or musicians, are more noble than restaurant owners?" "Looking at Zi Ling's confused face, he added: "You may not know how to answer, but that's what you think in your heart. Actually, I don't need to say more, as long as you are more mature and have experienced a lot. Now that you have more experience, you will naturally find that there is not that big a difference between artists and businessmen. Painters also charge fees when they sell paintings, and musicians also charge tickets when they hold concerts. So, a person is a person. Character cannot be judged by occupation.”

Zi Ling seemed to understand, and felt that what he said seemed to be somewhat similar to what her father said, but she couldn't tell what it was specifically. Fei Yunfan smiled cheerfully at Zi Ling and said: "Okay, Zi Ling, let's not worry about these theories. You are still young and you will naturally understand when you grow up. Now please taste me Food bar in the store.”

Zi Ling was very dissatisfied with Fei Yunfan saying that she was young. She was already an adult, but everyone still regarded her as a child. However, seeing that he took her to relax attentively, she didn't care about it.

Fei Yunfan would sometimes take Zi Ling to the hotel to handle matters, and sometimes he would ask Zi Ling to listen to the housekeeper's report with him. Of course, most of the time he would still take Zi Ling out to play, but it was just for hiking and he would bring very little. I use money to go to tourist attractions in nearby cities, and sometimes I have to work part-time when I don’t have enough money. He got Wang Zhanpeng's advice to try his best to guide Ziling to integrate into society. He knew that this was a good thing for Ziling, so he naturally took it very seriously. Zi Ling was a little embarrassed at first and was in a hurry at work. After a few times, she slowly let go and enjoyed the joy of self-reliance with Fei Yunfan.

Here Wang Zhanpeng and Shunjuan took Luping to visit the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, and got familiar with the environment around the school. They were both very satisfied. Luping saw that her parents were so excited about her being admitted to MIT. Confidence, she will no longer be immersed in the emotions of sadness and disappointment. She is an excellent Wang Luping, she is just falling out of love, what's the big deal! As my father said, who hasn’t encountered a scumbag man and a scumbag girl when they were young?

Shunjuan has been a housewife at home for more than ten years, spending time with her husband and two daughters every day. She has not traveled like this for a long time. Moreover, Wang Zhanpeng's attitude towards her has become much gentler recently, and he no longer looks impatient. , and even deliberately spared time to accompany their mother and daughter to relax abroad, which surprised her. She was a little worried before Wang Zhanpeng showed uncharacteristic concern for his family. But now after seeing the changes in the two sisters Luping and Ziling, She felt it was worth it no matter what.

Back at the hotel in the evening, Wang Zhanpeng said to Shunjuan: "Shunjuan, Lu Ping's performance will be after we return to China. Soon she will go to the United States to go to school. As far as I know, Chu Lian does not plan to go abroad for further study. This way The two of them can't see each other. I believe that Luping will get over the shadow of broken love soon with a new living environment. It's just that Ziling's situation is not easy to handle. I have spoiled her too much and raised her too much in these years. She has an innocent and noble temperament. If she doesn't change her temper, she will definitely still be influenced by Chu Lian. "

When Shunjuan heard Wang Zhanpeng's words, she looked at her husband and smiled and said, "I see you have a lot of ideas. You must have some ideas already, right? Don't be shy. If you need my cooperation, just ask."

Wang Zhanpeng also smiled and said: "You don't have to do anything, as long as you don't object, it's enough. Haha, I don't know if you can see it, but Fei Yunfan likes us Ziling very much."

Shunjuan became a little anxious when she heard this: "What? Fei Yunfan? I just said why did you leave Ziling alone at Fei Yunfan's place? It turns out that was your idea! How can this be done? Fei Yunfan, he He is more than ten years older than Zi Ling. According to his seniority, Zi Ling calls him uncle. Besides, he is divorced and has so many girlfriends. Oh my god, how could you have such an idea? "She really couldn't! I understand my husband’s thoughts. Who would marry their daughter to a nouveau riche with a lot of romantic debts!

"Shunjuan, don't get excited yet. Of course I didn't just hand over Zi Ling casually. I inspected Fei Yunfan. He is not as bad as you heard. He also had various problems in his past. For this reason, I can see that he loves Zi Ling, at least now, he is definitely sincere. As for whether they can live well together in the future, in addition to Zi Ling's own improvement, he also needs our support. "

"Our support?"

"Yes, Fei Yunfan's career is not small. If Ziling had not been the second young lady of our Wang family today, I am afraid she would have been abducted by him. Marriage is a good marriage between two surnames. I am not worried about relying solely on illusory love. , A well-matched partner can last for a long time, so the stronger Zi Ling’s natal family is, the less Fei Yunfan will dare to disrespect Zi Ling casually in the future.”

Wang Zhanpeng paused for a moment and continued: "Shunjuan, for my sake, you have not had much contact with your father-in-law and mother-in-law these years, which has made you miserable. Now that I have reached the age of marrying my daughter, I understand that my father-in-law and the others did not mean to humiliate me. I'm just a little unhappy that I robbed their princess. I've been thinking the wrong way. Why don't I go and apologize to my parents-in-law in person when I return home this time? "Oh, in order to make life easier, I have to be thick-skinned. If Ziling is not used as an excuse, I don't know when I can reconcile with my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Shunjuan couldn't help but burst into tears when she heard him mention her parents and thought of the pain in her heart over the years. Although Wang Zhanpeng might have done this just to make Ziling and Luping's backers stronger, he was willing to bow to the Li family and admit that he Wrong, this was something she never dared to think about before. Wang Zhanpeng hesitated for a moment, then walked over and gently hugged Shunjuan and patted her.

After returning to China, Wang Zhanpeng first went to the company to deal with the accumulated documents, and then chose a holiday to find a few bottles of famous wine collected at home, and also took a few tonics from the space that were put in when making the Queen Mother. , and took Shunjuan and Luping to Li Zhai Villa. When the doorman heard that the eldest lady of the family had returned, he quickly reported to the housekeeper on the intercom. The housekeeper ordered the doorman to open the door quickly and invite people in. He immediately came out to greet her. Shunjuan could hear the old housekeeper's excited shouts from the intercom while sitting in the car, and she felt even more uncomfortable. Wang Zhanpeng patted her hand and comforted her silently.

Wang Zhanpeng handed the gift to the housekeeper Li Bo, and took Shunjuan to kneel in front of Li's father and mother. He sincerely admitted his mistake, asked his father-in-law and mother-in-law to forgive him, and expressed that he and Shunjuan hoped to be together in the future. Show your filial piety in front of your father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mother Li wiped her tears and pulled Father Li's sleeves. The two Li brothers sitting next to her also had red eyes and clenched their fists tightly. If Wang Zhanpeng hadn't looked at his low posture, they might have rushed up and beat him. ! Shunjuan had already burst into tears. Seeing her parents' gray hair, she felt regretful.

Wang Zhanpeng, on the other hand, was calm on the surface, but he was very depressed in his heart. He had never knelt down for anyone except his master. Forget it, he should just focus on acting. In the future, if he were to dress up as a concubine or a maid, he would have to pay his respects a lot.

Lan Gui bit her handkerchief: "Let the Queen Mother kneel down, please don't shoot me!"

Yun Lan glanced sideways this way: It's so cool and domineering as promised! He actually let me wear uncle clothes! snort!

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