Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 52 Shooting Condor + Divine Condor (1)

When Yun Lan opened her eyes, she heard chaos not far away, and there seemed to be the sound of pursuing soldiers. She saw a man in front of her with a bruised face and blood all over his body. He glanced behind her and grabbed her shoulders with a painful expression. , gritted his teeth and said: "My eldest brother is dead, I have to rescue my eldest sister-in-law no matter what, and preserve the flesh and blood of the Guo family. If God is merciful, you and I will still see each other in the future. If... Oh!"

After saying that, he turned away and sighed, picked up the spear on the ground, pulled a horse, and galloped forward. Although Yun Lan was confused, she knew from the scene in front of her that the current situation was very urgent. She didn't have much time to clear her memory. The man had obviously thrown her away and ran to save some sister-in-law. The top priority was to find her first. a safe place.

Yun Lan got up from the ground and suddenly felt depressed and wanted to curse her. Who can tell her what's going on with her bulging belly? ! While cursing, she quickly pulled a horse, looked around, and rushed out in a direction with few people. Fortunately, it was night, and the pursuers everywhere were looking for people with torches. She was covered in gray. The fluttering clothes lying on the horse's back did not attract anyone's attention.

Rushing into a forest, Yun Lan turned around and walked back carefully around the road. She had already digested the memory of the original owner along the way. The original owner of this body was the weird Bao Xiruo, and the man who left her behind was Yang Tiexin.

Being abandoned by your husband when the pursuers are approaching is really a cruel thing. Even the memory of just receiving it is filled with a heart-wrenching despair. Yun Lan looked down on Yang Tiexin, but he was loyal enough to give up his wife and children for the sake of his brother's blood. There was really nothing to say about this, but it was absolutely impossible for her to run to Yang Tiexin.

After knowing what time, space and place this was, Yun Lan instantly thought of the tavern at the entrance of the village. Judging from her memory, the owner of the tavern, Qu San, had disappeared for more than half a month. At this time, Qu Lingfeng had not been in trouble yet. He went to the palace to steal treasures again. Although it was disrespectful, that secret room was undoubtedly the safest place nearby now.

Although he did not yet have the cultivation of Yun Gong fusion, cultivators themselves are sharp-sighted. Yun Lan abandoned his horse midway and walked carefully through the grass for a while before finally arriving at Qu Lingfeng's tavern. The men in black and the officers and soldiers went to the front to arrest Yang Tiexin, but while searching Bao Xiruo, no one happened to be paying attention here.

Yun Lan quickly ducked into the tavern. There was no one inside, and the tabletop was already covered with thick dust. She walked straight to the kitchen, opened the cupboard, and gently turned a few bowls in the cupboard. A slightly worn iron bowl in the corner did not move at all. She turned hard to the right, and the door to the secret room opened.

Yun Lan entered the secret room and saw a large box inside, which must be the legendary treasure given to Huang Yaoshi. She just came in to borrow the space and didn't open it to look at it. After closing the door of the secret room, Yun Lan thought that if she had a chance to help Qu Lingfeng in the future, it would be a way to return a favor to him.

She also thought of Qu Lingfeng's daughter Shagu. Yun Lan couldn't remember how old she was in the original novel. Looking at the house like this, she didn't know whether it was because Qu Lingfeng didn't have a wife or a daughter, or because his wife and daughter weren't here. Huang Yaoshi and several of his apprentices were both stubborn. If Qu Lingfeng was unwilling to accept her kindness, then she would have to pay more attention to Sha Gu in the future.

She found a corner and sat on the floor. This body was already six months pregnant. She worked hard for most of the night, was frightened and sad, and rode a horse for a long time. She was already hungry and her stomach ached. Yun Lan I checked my pulse carefully and found out that the fetus was still very stable, so I took a sip of spiritual spring water, took out a lot of food supplements from the space, and ate some that suited my appetite.

After using the technique to make the spiritual energy circulate in the body for a long time, it can be completely integrated with this body. It would be great if there is a chance to break through the foundation building stage. It can be integrated in an instant, so there is no need to do this anymore. Troublesome has to run away first every time he encounters danger.

After there was no problem with safety, Yun Lan relaxed and looked at the memory of the original owner carefully. Bao Xiruo was the daughter of a teacher in Hongmei Village. She was the most beautiful and gentle girl in the village. She married Yang Tiexin for only two years. Years later, his family was ruined and his family was dead.

This disaster did not have to be so tragic. Guo Xiaotian suggested that he go back with the soldiers first before making any plans. However, after the two of them had put down their weapons and surrendered, Yang Tiexin even held his neck high and spit on Duan Tiande, showing no sign of weakness. In the end, Guo Xiaotian Duan Tiande killed him with a knife when he tried to protect him from disaster.

At first, Duan Tiande had an indifferent attitude towards their life and death, but after Yang Tiexin refused to be humiliated and retorted, he angrily threatened to stab the two of them to death. If he went back with them honestly as Guo Xiaotian said, they might be exiled to live in a remote place. It would be better to endure hardship than to die.

Not bowing to evil forces is indeed a good character, but if you don't know how to adapt and just go on a rampage, it will look stupid. Yang Tiexin didn't know what he was capable of, and he didn't know himself yet. The consequence of his stubbornness was the tragedy of the last two families.

Speaking of which, Guo Xiaotian's family is nothing but cannon fodder. Although Guo Xiaotian is the descendant of a Liangshan hero, the couple hunt and do farm work in Niujia Village, and they are no different from ordinary villagers. This disaster is simply due to the personalities of Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo. If you are with them, you will be implicated sooner or later.

There are two people, Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo. One claims to be the descendant of a famous general, values ​​face and loyalty, has extremely high self-esteem but has no ability. They can only sit in this small village and feel resentful all day long, unable to find their place; the other She is a born mentally retarded virgin. She couldn't bear to hurt the chickens and ducks in the yard since she was a child, and even the insects and grass had to be carefully raised. However, her parents bought meat food from the market and cooked it, but she could eat it without hesitation. Knowing that her husband had just buried the bodies of several men in black, she rescued Wanyan Honglie out of compassion, without considering the consequences of the news getting out.

What's even more ridiculous is that after she rescued Yan Honglie, as soon as she saw his handsome appearance, her face became hot and she lost consciousness, and she couldn't even hold the wax stand steady! Is this the reaction a normal married woman should have? This is definitely a story about a talented man and a beautiful woman. You must have read too many stories! They never mentioned the matter afterwards, otherwise the two families would have at least been able to escape in advance if they had been prepared in advance!

Thinking of Qiu Chuji, Yun Lan felt a little sick in her stomach. This Niubi was obviously unreasonable, and the Sixth Prince of Jin Kingdom, who claimed to be infatuated but ruined other people's families, were all stubborn people!

Since several people related to this body have extremely strange attributes, Yun Lan decided to give up the original identity of this body and directly use his own name. As for appearance, the personalities and temperaments of her and Bao Xiruo are very different. Over time, acquaintances will only think that they look kind.

During the two days that Yun Lan was hiding in the secret room, officers and soldiers came to search twice more. Although the house-to-house searches were cursing, no casualties were caused. After all, Wanyan Honglie didn't want to make the matter a big deal, otherwise the Jianghu people would find out about him. His whereabouts were unknown, and his life was in danger.

In a place with good feng shui behind the village, Yun Lan built a tomb for Bao Xiruo. The tombstone was engraved with "Yangmen Bao's Tomb" and signed "Passer". Buried in the tomb was a jar similar to the ashes. The ashes and the dagger with "Guo Jing" engraved on it. In this way, even if someone is suspicious, there will be no clues, and in the end they can only accept the fact that Bao Xiruo is dead.

After Yun Lan took care of these things, she felt that there would be no traces that would affect her future life, so she left Qu Lingfeng Black Jade Intermittent Cream and a letter, which detailed the use of Black Jade Intermittent Cream. He also hinted to him that if he presented the black jade intermittent ointment to Huang Yaoshi, maybe Huang Yaoshi would let several of his disciples return to his sect.

After leaving Niujia Village, Yun Lan changed her appearance and bought a few more sets of clothes. In order to prevent anyone from tracing her, she bought the clothes together for men, women and children, with a few sets of clothes for pregnant women sandwiched in between. conspicuous.

Yun Lan planned to raise her baby in Lin'an first. Although it was relatively close to Niujia Village, the most dangerous place was the safest place. She bought a small courtyard and called herself her husband's surname Yun. She died unexpectedly more than a month ago, leaving behind She and her posthumous son lived alone.

Yun Lan applied for household registration for herself along with a group of newly settled migrants. From then on, there was no Bao Xiruo in the world, only Mrs. Yun from Lin'an County.

Yun Lan has never been married, and now she suddenly transforms into a pregnant woman who is six months pregnant. She is somewhat at a loss. Fortunately, she has traveled through several time and space before and learned a lot from the memories of those people. , and gradually adapted to the life of pregnant women.

She got rid of a few bullies who thought she was weak and could be bullied, and others no longer dared to look down on her or plot against her when they saw that she had martial arts skills. Yun Lan likes to be quiet. She doesn't buy a big house and doesn't hire any servants. She uses cleaning techniques to deal with household chores and eats what she saves in the house and what she buys on the street.

Over the next three months, Yunlan suffered from lethargy and morning sickness, could not eat anything spicy or fishy, ​​and became extremely sentimental... Even a cultivator cannot completely avoid pregnancy symptoms. This pregnancy was extremely difficult, but Yunlan Lan gradually changed from anger to love for this child. Maybe the reason why maternal love is great has something to do with the hard work of pregnancy! After all, the rarer it is, the more you cherish it.

After ten months of pregnancy, the baby was finally born, and Wen Po and the medicines that might be needed were prepared a month in advance. For three hours, the labor pains became more and more frequent and painful, and there was absolutely no way to relieve them.

The author has something to say: Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Rayla's cat threw a mine

tt1989 threw a mine

Yunqi threw a landmine

14430091 threw a mine

Su Luoruo threw a grenade

Thank you sisters for your encouragement! Mmm~?^ω^

I don’t know if the format of the sections is correct. If there are any problems, I can only wait until I get home on the 6th to modify them.

I originally wrote two chapters about saving Lin Chaoying, but suddenly I remembered that Bao Xiruo was pregnant and even Wang Chongyang died at this time! I deleted and rewritten it again, I’m so depressed t^t

We must insist on double updates every day! Dear friends, please comment~

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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