Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 53 Shooting Condor + Divine Condor (2)

Yun Lan lay weakly on the delivery bed, with cold sweat all over her head. Giving birth is definitely the most intense pain in the world, bar none!

With the help of spiritual power, it took Yun Lan another half an hour to give birth to a fat boy weighing eight pounds. Since Yun Lan used her spiritual power to nourish the fetus every day during pregnancy, the baby was white and tender when she was born, making her very cute.

Yun Lan named the baby Yun Aotian. In this way, mother and son have completely changed their names. They can just watch and be spectators in this world of divine sculptures. It's just that everyone will have regrets of one kind or another when reading the story, and hope that there will be a chance to reverse it.

Although Yun Lan cultivates immortality, she cultivates the way of sentient beings, and the seven emotions and six desires are not eliminated. Naturally, she also has her own preferences and dislikes for the characters in the story. The one she feels most regretful about in "Shooting the Condor" is Lin Chaoying, a great master of the generation. Such a great person died in depression in an ancient tomb in obscurity.

For some reason, whenever she thought of Lin Chaoying's experience, Yun Lan felt a lump of depression clogging her chest, feeling that she was not worth it and she wished she could pour cold water on her to wake her up. It's a pity that now that we are here, Lin Chaoying has been dead for many years. Yun Lan can only help curb the unfavorable rumors about him, but his impression of the Quanzhen Sect is getting worse.

In the past, her identity in time travel was mostly closely related to the characters in the plot. As long as she followed the development of the plot and settled the people around her, she would be fine. This time when she arrived at the Condor, she broke away from her original identity and became an onlooker. But if Aotian walks around in the world in the future, she will inevitably come into contact with these people. It is better to establish a good relationship first when there is a chance. , Make Aotian's future journey easier.

Now that the Song Dynasty is over and cannot be saved, the Jin Kingdom is so arrogant that it is not worth mentioning. As for Temujin, it is difficult to survive in Mongolia. If you just give them some trouble, they will have no energy to attack the Central Plains. It would be better for the next emperor to come from the rebel army of the Han people in the Central Plains.

After wearing it twice in a row, she was busy revolting. She was a little tired. These were the historical development tracks. Even if she improved for a while, it would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. From the feudal and backward ancient times to the open scientific and technological society, What is needed is comprehensive development and social balance, and some things are bound to happen.

What's more, one general's success will lead to thousands of bones being withered, and no one can avoid the casualties caused by the change of dynasties. There are also soldiers in the enemy army who do not understand politics but only know loyalty. Whenever she sees those innocent people dying in vain in the war, she feels extremely sad. ?? Time and Space Experience 53

In this life, she just wants to imitate those people in the world and take revenge, raise her baby well, and live a free life. It is impossible for her to run to revolt again, but she can still cause trouble to foreigners such as Mongolia and Dajin.

Yun Lan has finished her confinement, and it is quite interesting to take care of the baby every day. The most fun time is for children under three years old. There are always many amusing behaviors, and you will never get bored no matter how you watch them. After her son's bones grew stronger and he started crawling all over the floor, Yun Lan began to pay attention to things in the world. The first thing he investigated was the rumors about Lin Chaoying.

Since Wang Zhe changed his name to Wang Chongyang and became a Taoist priest many years ago, Lin Chaoying lived in seclusion in the ancient tomb in despair and never appeared again. The world gradually forgot about this chivalrous and righteous man who fought bravely against the Jin Dynasty. There are only a few villages where Lin Nvxia exists. People are grateful for Lin Chaoying's kindness to them and built a Jade Girl statue in Huashan Jade Girl Peak as a memorial to her.

After some investigation, Yun Lan determined that the rumors first came from the mouths of the chief disciples of the Quanzhen Sect. Most people in the world found it very credible when they saw what the Quanzhen Sect said. It is not easy for a single woman to travel around the world. Lin Chaoying was a kindhearted person and did a lot for the people during the anti-golden war. But what people in the world know now is her deep love for Wang Chongyang.

Now that Lin Chaoying and Wang Chongyang have passed away, Qiu Chuji and other Quanzhen disciples talk about the past events of Lin Chaoying and Wang Chongyang with others, but they do not shy away from it. They often lament that their master rejected Lin Chaoying for the sake of justice, which is really a heroic act.

According to Qiu Chuji, Lin Chaoying was very affectionate towards Wang Chongyang and wanted to marry him. The years of quarrels and fights were just to deliberately get close to Wang Chongyang. However, Lin Chaoying was arrogant and refused to express his feelings first. Seeing that Wang Chongyang was still unwilling to express his position, he became resentful and proposed to compete in Zhongnan Mountain to win.

Wang Chongyang knew her friendship and tolerated her many times, but Lin Chaoying had a weird personality and forced Wang Chongyang to compete with her. The two fought thousands of moves. Wang Chongyang believed that his martial arts was superior to Lin Chaoying's and refused to use heavy blows. Therefore, it was always difficult to determine the winner. Finally, Lin Chaoying proposed a literary competition, and even said that if she lost, he would kill himself on the spot. If she won, Wang Chongyang must marry her or become a monk and stay with her in the mountains for ten years.

Wang Chongyang had never considered marrying her. He couldn't bear to see her "commit suicide" and he didn't want to stay with her here for ten years. It was so embarrassing. After hesitating for a long time, he finally decided to sacrifice himself and follow others. No matter what the competition was, he would just lose to her. Unexpectedly, Lin Chaoying used a trick to write on the stone tablet and won the game. Wang Chongyang had no choice but to become a Taoist priest.

Although Qiu Chuji, Sun Buer and others made some exaggerated remarks to praise Wang Chongyang, even Zhou Botong looked troublesome when he mentioned Lin Chaoying. Presumably Wang Chongyang himself was somewhat troubled when he told them these things. Take a hint. Being admired by a stunning woman with the best martial arts skills and intelligence in the world, even Wang Chongyang can't help but feel a little carried away.

Yun Lan felt that they were really inappropriate. Both of them were martial arts prodigies. They became famous at a young age, but they were very conceited. They were always competitive and found it difficult to live in harmony. And no matter whether Wang Chongyang had any feelings for Lin Chaoying or not, after all, they They also fought against the Jin Dynasty together, but he completely ignored Lin Chaoying's reputation and told these love affairs to his disciples, causing his disciples to talk nonsense in the world. This kind of person is really not a good match.

It's a pity that Lin Chaoying always believed that the only person in the world who could match her was Wang Chongyang. If Wang Chongyang was not a good match, then the others would be even less worth mentioning. Therefore, after Wang Chongyang became a monk, she had been depressed, living alone in the ancient tomb and never appeared again. This is not only because of the sadness of love and frustration, but also because of the desolation and loneliness of being in a high place without a confidant.

Lin Chaoying was extremely talented, and even emotional injuries could not destroy her pride. She had created an exquisite vagina on her own, and Wang Chongyang could not crack it until his death. He could only use the Nine Yin Scriptures to maintain his face, saying What "Chongyang will not be weaker than others in life".

When did such a unique woman become a troubled and unlovable woman? Yun Lan was quite unhappy about this. Even though Wang Chongyang was dead, she still hoped that the world could understand the truth of this matter. At least Wang Chongyang was indeed inferior to Lin Chaoying in martial arts.

She selected a few talkative people in the world and used hypnosis to make them spread the word about Wang Chongyang's shameless behavior. Of course, Wang Chongyang was a righteous man who fought against the Jin Dynasty. She did not completely deny his merits, but only highlighted his respect for Lin Zhongyang. How Chaoying's unkindness ruined Lin Chaoying's life.

In this way, the people who were saved by Wang Chongyang still appreciated his kindness, while Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong and other Taishan Beidou in the Jianghu looked down upon him, especially Huang Yaoshi , he once cracked the secret of Lin Chaoying's writing on the boulder and informed Wang Chongyang. ?? Time and Space Experience 53

At that time, Wang Chongyang always lamented that Lin Chaoying used a trick to win the competition. As a result, the penis he created completely restrained the Quanzhenxin method. Huang Yao, a teacher and a student, has an arrogant nature. One is one, and two is two. They hate this kind of inconsistent people.

Wang Chongyang took face and reputation very seriously throughout his life, and even went so far as to carve the Nine Yin Scriptures into ancient tombs just to defeat the penis created by Lin Chaoying. This shows that his competitive character has never changed. Pass. Now if he knew anything underground, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood!

Yun Lan has no good impression of the Quanzhen Sect. As for their resistance to the Jin Dynasty, Wang Chongyang at least led thousands of troops and saved many people when he was alive. After Wang Chongyang died, the Quanzhen Sect only had a few disciples carrying out assassinations. Corrupt officials do things without thinking at all, and are brave and foolhardy without considering the consequences. They always harm others.

The Quanzhen Sect prides itself on being a righteous person who likes to meddle in other people's own affairs. They have an awesome personality and often offend others without realizing it. In addition, the news broke that Qiu Chuji caused the death of two good families in Niujia Village. The Quanzhen Sect's His reputation plummeted.

After doing these things, it took three months, and the baby was already one year old. Yun Lan felt that the depression in her heart had dissipated, so she put her hands away and stopped caring. Now the Nine Yin Manual is in the hands of Zhou Botong, who had just been imprisoned on Peach Blossom Island by Huang Yaoshi not long ago.

Yun Lan didn't intend to save him specifically. Zhou Botong's character was really annoying, but it still couldn't change the fact that he was a mistress, or more appropriately, an irresponsible adulterer. Ignorance is not an excuse for making mistakes. Even if you are really ignorant about the world, you should at least know how to apologize after making a mistake. But he just blindly avoided Yideng and Yinggu and refused to even listen. This makes people unhappy. , let him receive some punishment from Huang Yaoshi.

Aotian's aptitude for practicing martial arts is very good. When he was one and a half years old, Yun Lan used spiritual power to open up his meridians and led him to do some basic martial arts movements every day. It's very funny for little people to practice martial arts as if they were playing, but if you persist every day, you can achieve some results.

Yunlan ordered slides, turntables, seesaws and other amusement facilities to be installed in the yard. She also made various toys for Xiao Aotian, hoping to make his childhood richer and more exciting.

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By the way, why don’t the girl who worked so hard to write a few hundred words make up a thousand words and turn it into a long review~

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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