Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 54 Shooting Condor + Divine Condor (3)

It was a cloudy day. Xiao Aotian had just gotten a haircut and was squatting in the yard to play. When the sun appeared at noon, Xiao Aotian raised his head and looked at the sun and said, "Huh? Father Sun, are you up?"

After thinking for a while, she turned back and shouted to Yun Lan: "Mother, look, Father Sun has shaved his head too!"

Xiao Aotian's childlike words always make Yunlan laugh and cry, and bring a lot of joy to her life. Although she has taken care of children before, this one was conceived by her herself and was born through hard work. She can really feel the feeling of blood connection, and she can't wait to give her baby the best things in the world. Come.

Every few days, Yun Lan would pick a sunny day to take Xiao Aotian for an outing in the countryside to feel the magic of nature and experience the elegant and free-spirited skills of the free and easy style. Once she met Qiu Chuji, Yun Lan was a little curious, so she followed him from a distance with Xiao Aotian.

Letting go of his consciousness, he saw Qiu Chuji standing in front of Bao Xiruo's tomb, looking quite troubled. It turned out that he and the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan had made an agreement to accept the descendants of the Guo and Yang families as their disciples for eighteen years. Then let the two disciples compete to determine the outcome between them.

After Qiu Chuji and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters parted ways, he started looking for it from the government offices, but there were still no clues. He passed by Niujia Village and wanted to try his luck, but unexpectedly he saw Bao Xiruo's grave outside the village. Bao Xiruo was just an ordinary peasant girl. No matter what he did, he would never have thought that the tomb was a fake.

Now that Bao Xiruo is dead, he can no longer accept Yang Kang as his disciple. He was the one who proposed the agreement. If he goes back on it now, it will inevitably damage his reputation, which makes him feel a little embarrassed for a while.

Qiu Chuji saw that there were no weeds around the tomb, so he thought someone must have taken care of it, so he hurried to Yang's house in Niujia Village. Sure enough, he saw Yang Tiexin with a haggard face, shabby clothes, and a drunken man lying on the bed. It looked like the house was also in ruins. It had not been cleaned up for a long time, and there were more than a dozen wine jars thrown on the ground. At first glance, it looked like a beggar's den.

After pouring cold water on Yang Tiexin, Qiu Chuji said with hatred: "I thought that after you were one of Marshal Yue's subordinates, you must have a strong heart, but I didn't expect that you are like this now. It was in vain for me to be friends with you sincerely. Came here to find your child."

Yang Tiexin lay paralyzed on the bed, her eyes moved when she heard him mention her childhood, and she suddenly burst into tears. Bao Xiruo was gentle and beautiful, so the teacher saw that he had some literary talent and was willing to marry his daughter to him. He married Bao Xiruo back. After that, I felt very sorry. After two years, I finally expected my wife to be happy, but unexpectedly, she suffered such a catastrophe. Now, we will never see each other again in heaven and earth.

Yang Tiexin cried bitterly and vented his anger. With Qiu Chuji advising him from the side, he felt much better. Qiu Chuji also persuaded him that a man should not be homeless and should find another marriage, but Yang Tiexin firmly shook his head and said that he could not forget Bao Xiruo.

Yun Lan raised an eyebrow on the roof. He didn't know if Yang Tiexin was really infatuated or feeling guilty for the death of his wife and son. Now that he saw Bao Xiruo's tomb, he wondered if he would still be single for more than ten years like in the original novel. Year. She glanced at the son in her arms. If Yang Tiexin was really single, she couldn't cut off their relationship. When her son grew up, she could let her son recognize him, but she didn't want to have any contact with Yang Tiexin. .

Without listening any more, Yun Lan took her child back home. The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan went to Mongolia. So Mei Chaofeng and Chen Xuanfeng should be pretending to be dead and hiding in the mountains of Mongolia, using living people to practice the Nine Yin White Bone Claws. These two people are obviously not What a good thing, let's destroy them first, otherwise more people will become their experimental subjects. After arriving in Mongolia, you can also find something for Temujin to do.

There was space, and there was nothing to pack and prepare. After putting the toys and food in the space, Yun Lan took Xiao Aotian on the road to Mongolia the next day. During the day, the two of them sat in a comfortable carriage and drove slowly. At night, Yun Lan put the carriage into the space, hugged Xiao Aotian and used the light body technique to drive.

Along the way, Yunlan told Xiao Aotian a lot of strange people and customs, and bought a lot of specialties and gadgets from various places. Xiao Aotian was very excited every day and curiously observed this unknown world.

Half a month later, the two arrived in Mongolia. Yun Lan didn't know the specific location of Mei Chaofeng, so she found a cave and arranged it as a temporary residence. Every night after Xiao Aotian fell asleep, Yun Lan set up a barrier for the cave and went out alone to look for the Black Wind and the Twin Evils.

Mongolian nights are very windy and sandy, and there are wild animals out and about. Ordinary people really can't walk freely. Yun Lan let go of her consciousness and carefully searched the caves in the mountains. After five days, she found three piles of skulls with neatly stacked glyphs. Each skull had five holes on its forehead, which looked like What is inserted with fingers is the masterpiece of Jiuyin White Bone Claw.

Following the traces on the ground and walking eastward for nearly a kilometer, I saw a woman with long hair disheveled and slapped a man dressed in Mongolian clothing several times. The man was obviously hopeless. Then Mei Chaofeng suddenly jumped up and flew into the air, his head down and his feet up. He grabbed the man's leather hat with his left hand, and with a pop, he inserted the fingers of his right hand into the man's forehead.

Mei Chaofeng fell to the ground and laughed. The man leaned over and fell, not even moving. Mei Chaofeng stretched out a palm stained with blood and brain matter, smiled and looked at it under the moonlight, and suddenly raised his head. Yun Lan saw that although her face was dark, her appearance was quite pretty. She was about forty years old, but who knew she was actually the famous Iron Corpse.

Mei Chaofeng stopped laughing, stretched out his hands, sneered several times, and tore the dead man's clothes apart. It was cold in Mongolia and everyone was wearing leather jackets. She tore through the tough leather jackets as effortlessly as tearing cloth and paper. Then she reached out and tore open the chest and abdomen of the dead man, taking out the internal organs one by one, and exposed them in the moonlight. Examine carefully, look at one piece, and throw one away.

Yun Lan saw that the heart, lungs, liver and spleen that were thrown to the ground were all broken into pieces. This was Mei Chaofeng's intention of using a living person as a target to practice. She hit the person nine times without even noticing the broken bones. The sound was loud, but the internal organs were shattered. She inspected her internal organs, obviously testing the progress of her skills. It was too cruel.

After Mei Chaofeng finished the inspection, he smiled slightly and seemed quite satisfied. He sat on the ground, breathed evenly in front of the moon, and started breathing in and out. Seeing that she had no intention of looking for the bronze corpse, Yun Lan was unwilling to wait any longer and flew towards Mei Chaofeng's back.

Mei Chaofeng suddenly heard a slight rustling of leaves behind her, which seemed to be no ordinary wind. She quickly turned over and threw herself to the side. She suddenly turned around and saw Yun Lan attacking her. She raised her head and let out a long roar, and stepped forward to meet her. The palm was shot out like wind and lightning. Before the palm could reach, the wind came first, extremely fast and violent. His right hand bent into a claw and clawed towards the top of Yun Lan's head.

Yun Lan was not afraid of her. She turned around and was behind Mei Chaofeng. She came out with both palms and slapped Mei Chaofeng on the shoulder. Mei Chaofeng stumbled and stabilized her body. She felt the pain in her shoulder bone. He forced himself to turn around and attack Yun Lan fiercely, but missed with one blow. Suddenly he let out a strange roar, the sound was high-pitched, but he was full of energy and was sent far away. Immediately a long roar came from the distance, the sound was just like Mei Chaofeng's roar just now, the sound was weird and creepy.

Yun Lan curled up her lips, she was afraid that if you didn't come, then you would have to go underground and become a ghost couple! He paused his attack and turned to look down the mountain, only to see a black figure speeding past a galloping horse, roaring as he ran. At this time, Mei Chaofeng stood tight and stopped attacking, only waiting for her husband's bronze corpse to come to the rescue.

Bronze Corpse Chen Xuanfeng's lightening skills were extremely fast, and he had covered a long distance in a matter of seconds. Looking at his body skills, it seemed that he was even more powerful than his wife.

Chen Xuanfeng shouted loudly: "Mother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

Mei Chaofeng held on to the big tree and screamed miserably: "She hit me on both shoulders. You thief. If this thief escapes, I will fight you to the death."

Chen Xuanfeng replied: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, I won't let her run away. Are you... in pain? Stand still and don't move."

Having said that, Chen Xuanfeng quickly attacked Yun Lan. His "Nine Yin White Bone Claws" for grabbing people with his ten fingers and the "Heart-Destroying Palm" for hurting people's internal organs were about to be perfected. At this time, the heat was already at the tenth level, and he left He used his right claw to attack Yun Lan's vital points.

He was concerned about his wife's injury, and called out: "Mother-in-law, how injured are you? Will it kill you?"

Mei Chaofeng said angrily: "Kill quickly, I can't die."

When Chen Xuanfeng saw that his wife was holding on to the big tree but did not come to help, he knew that although she had a tough talk, the injury must be serious. He was anxious and hoped to kill the enemy as soon as possible so that he could save his wife.

Yun Lan used the Tianshan Liuyang Palm and the Tianshan Plum Blossom Hand to fight with him. Suddenly, Chen Xuanfeng's arm joints clicked, his arm suddenly grew several inches longer, and a big hand reached his eyebrows. Yun Lan frowned, what kind of skill can lengthen arms? Without wasting any more time, he used a small lightning technique to strike at Chen Xuanfeng's wrist.

Chen Xuanfeng was shocked and backed away, screaming in pain. Before he could react, the surroundings suddenly burst into flames, and a circle of fireballs suddenly shot out in front of him. Mei Chaofeng heard her husband's screams and rushed to help without caring about his own injuries. The two were trapped in hundreds of fireballs. Although they would not be burned to death at once, they were burned in many places. They wanted to escape but had nowhere to start. .

Yun Lan seized the opportunity to cast ice arrows, supplemented by strong winds, to shoot at the two of them. Chen Xuanfeng and Mei Chaofeng were just ordinary people with first-class martial arts skills. How could they cope with the spells cast by Yun Lan? Within a quarter of an hour, the two of them were stabbed directly to death by ice arrows.

Yun Lan looked at their corpses, cremated them with fire magic, and scattered their ashes into the river. These two people are cruel by nature, and all they study are some sinister moves. When the couple first achieved their magical skills, they encountered no opponents in the world of martial arts. Although ordinary martial arts masters were invincible, even famous heroes fell into their hands. There are also countless.

The author has something to say: 14430091 threw a mine

④The uncle threw a landmine

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

14430091 threw a rocket launcher

Yunqi threw a landmine

Thank you everyone, love you! (^3^)(^3^)(^3^)

Black wind and evil spirit ~ Poor people must be hateful!

How many people find the name Yun Aotian offensive? If there were more, I would change them when I got home. I just picked one at random, but I didn’t expect that there would be quite a few diving ones! It's so sad to use a mobile phone to modify something_(:з)∠)_What is it called? Yun Xiuze, Yun Ziqian, Yun Mufeng, Yun Yifeng, Yun Junhong, Yun Jingyu... Dear friends, please give me a suggestion

Cute little Aotian: Pretty sister, are you here? Want to comment~ Want to comment~(=^.^=)

If I want to comment every day, will a long comment appear? (*^﹏^*)

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