Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 75 Forensic Pioneer 3 (8)

Bu Guodong did not agree to give up Wenwen's custody rights, and Bu Shunxing also hoped to keep Wenwen. After all, he had always been taking care of Wenwen. Yunlan informed them that the court would decide Wenwen's ownership rights.

As a result, Wenwen has been living at Yunlan's place, and Yunlan hired a reliable nanny to take care of Wenwen when she was busy. I also called my parents who had immigrated to Canada, hoping that they could help take care of Wenwen. Since she traveled through time, she has been on the phone with her original owner's parents twice a month, and occasionally video chats on the computer. Because Zhou Yifei has been very independent and excellent since she was a child, they are not worried.

Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou were naturally very angry when they learned that their daughter was getting divorced, but Yun Lan didn’t look sad at all when she video-recorded with them, so they let it go. This time they were asked to take care of Wenwen, and they agreed immediately. , and said that he would buy a ticket to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible.

Bu Guodong was in a bad mood because he was about to go to court to compete with Yun Lan for custody rights. When he was dating Zhong Xuexin, he seemed to be preoccupied and often distracted. Zhong Xuexin is actually secretly happy about this matter. Wenwen doesn't like her as a new mother. If she gives up the custody rights to Yun Lan, she will have less resistance. After all, although Uncle Xing doesn't like her either, he For Bu Guodong's sake, he wouldn't embarrass her too much. However, although Zhong Xuexin thought so in her heart, looking at Bu Guodong's appearance, she would not be stupid enough to say it.

Zhong Xuexin witnessed the tragic death of her parents when she was a child, and her personality was actually quite withdrawn. Later, when she grew up, she gradually learned to use her smile to close the distance with others, but in her heart, she still refused to let anyone get close to her. For so many years, only Bu Guo Dong was the only exception, and even Ling Qianer kept a distance and rarely talked about privacy. She entered the profession of forensic medicine and spent most of her time in the autopsy room every day. If she hadn't always had gatherings with her colleagues from the Major Crime Team and Forensic Department, her interpersonal relationships might have been even worse.

So Zhong Xuexin doesn't know how to get close to a child at all. The last time Wenwen cried and begged her after losing her temper, she was really at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it. She is usually rational, but perhaps the only thing she was emotionally involved with was the incident with Bu Guodong, but she immediately felt the pain, so she made up her mind to handle things rationally in the future, and she could no longer let her emotions dominate her. decision.

Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou rushed back to Hong Kong two days before the trial, and Yun Lan let them live in her own house, because the original owner had very little time to spend with her parents after getting married. It has been more than ten years, who cares? There will be some changes in her personality, not to mention that she has just been divorced, so she is not afraid that she will reveal her secret.

In court, Bu Guodong hired lawyer Ma to represent him, while Yun Lan applied for self-defense. Both the judge and the jury knew her, a rising star in the legal field, and had some knowledge of her affairs. Therefore, before the trial began, people's hearts were first in favor of Yun Lan.

Yun Lan's purpose is of course not to fight for custody. She just wants to make the deeds of Bu Guodong and Zhong Xuexin public through the court, a place of justice. Although there were many newspapers and magazines reporting on the last time they were in the hospital, it was just ordinary gossip. Readers It is impossible to confirm its authenticity, but this time it will be different. The remarks made in court will be reported as facts.

When the court hears such cases, it will compare the personalities, financial resources, living environment and other aspects of both parties. Finally, the children's wishes will also be considered. When Lawyer Ma pointed out that Bu Guodong had a stable income, but Yun Lan was uncertain about taking the case, Yun Lan submitted a real estate certificate to the judge. It states that she has real estate in several high-end properties and prosperous areas in Hong Kong, totaling fifteen units in total.

Yun Lan looked at Lawyer Ma and smiled and said: "I think that even if my lawyer profession does not receive a case, it is impossible to lose money. Even the law firm is my property and does not require additional expenses. And this certificate The rent alone from the fifteen real estate properties is enough to provide our mother and daughter’s living needs.”

Lawyer Ma lowered his head and glanced at the document and said: "Child Bu Jiawen has been taken care of by Mr. Bu Shunxing since she was a child. If she is raised by her father, she does not need to change her living environment. This will better ensure Bu Jiawen's physical and mental health. And Ms. Zhou, you You are busy with work, and even before the divorce, you didn’t have much time to spend with your daughter.”

Yun Lan looked around at the jury and the audience, smiled bitterly, and said: "In the past, I had a happy family, my husband and wife had a stable relationship, my father-in-law was very loving, and my daughter was also very well-behaved, so I would let go and fight for my life." career, but obviously, my father-in-law and husband have nothing to do with me now, so I naturally have to adjust my working hours. I have no financial pressure. After Bu Jiawen joins me, I will put my daughter first and my career. Secondly, my parents will also help take care of Bu Jiawen."

"The reason why I sued for custody is because Bu Jiawen's current life in the Bu family is very worrying. When her parents divorce, the children will be most affected. But Bu Guodong gets along with Bu Jiawen every day, but he doesn't Discovering her daughter's abnormality. After Bu Jiawen made a mistake, she not only did not reflect on her carelessness, she even claimed to beat Bu Jiawen and said that if Bu Jiawen continued to disobey, she would not go home. There is a saying that "there is a stepmother." There is also a stepfather. I didn't believe it before, but the current situation makes me believe it. This is the first time Bu Guodong has reprimanded Bu Jiawen so severely, and the meaning of his words has already changed. Bu Jiawen caused great harm."

Lawyer Ma frowned and said: "Ms. Zhou, my client has no plans to remarry at present. It is too early for the stepmother and stepfather to talk about it. What you just mentioned is just a single incident and cannot explain What."

Yun Lan smiled and said: "My daughter Bu Jiawen once clearly expressed her rejection of Bu Guodong's girlfriend, but Bu Guodong did not give any explanation or comfort for this. Bu Guodong's girlfriend is thirty this year. They are five years old and have never had children, so I have enough reason to believe that they will get married in the short term. Children who have experienced their parents' divorce and have to accept their parents' new partner will have a great impact on them, not to mention this person. She didn't like it very much."

Lawyer Ma said: "As far as I know, Bu Jiawen had been getting along well with Bu Guodong's girlfriend before. She just couldn't accept the change in this relationship all of a sudden."

Yun Lan said: "No, the reason Bu Jiawen didn't accept it was because she couldn't forgive the third party who destroyed her family."

Lawyer Ma glanced at him and said to the judge: "I object! Your Honor, I object to Ms. Zhou's baseless random speculation about the relationship between my client and his girlfriend."

The judge looked at Yun Lan, who raised an eyebrow and submitted new evidence, a recording, to the judge. After the judge ordered professionals to examine it, it was played in court.

P: "Mandy, can't you sleep too? I originally planned to go to your ward to find you, but I was afraid that you would fall asleep."

M: "Me too. I was afraid of disturbing your rest, so I didn't go to your ward to see you."

There was a period of silence, and then Zhong Xuexin's voice appeared again, "You...don't you have anything to say to me?"

P: "I... just discovered this afternoon that my wedding ring is really tight."

M: "Well, I saw that the second joint of your ring finger is red and swollen, and there are traces of strain on your finger. You must have injured it because you used too much force when you took off the ring."

P: "Yes. Yesterday, when I saw you about to be pushed downstairs, my heart ached. At that moment, I could hardly breathe. Only then did I realize that I had you in my heart. I don't know when it started. There is no way I can lose you. So, I told myself that I must take off the ring before I see you again. I can no longer face you with it on."

M: "When I was about to fall down the stairs, you grabbed my hand and said you would never let go. I was so scared. I didn't want you to die. I just wanted you to live well. Jim and I broke up before. At that time, he said it didn’t matter how many times I fell in love, because I already had an ideal man in my heart, and now I know that this person is you.”

P: "Mandy, when Eva comes back from her business trip, I will go through the divorce procedures, and then we can be together."

A crying sound came from the stereo, and then Bu Guodong's voice said, "What's wrong, do you still have concerns?"

M: "Yes, I have concerns. I could let go of my previous boyfriends after they broke up, but you are different from them. If we were together and ended up breaking up, I know I would be reluctant to let go. I really would." I’m reluctant to let go, I’m afraid that we won’t even be good friends or good partners by then, and I really won’t be able to bear it.”

P: "Mandy, we have common hobbies and common beliefs. Believe me, we will never break up. I will never let go of your hand again."

The recording ends abruptly here. In the audience were Zhong Boshi and Zhong Xuexin, Bu Shunxing and his old neighbor for many years, colleagues from the Crime Unit and Forensic Department, two reporters and some onlookers. Their expressions were all strange, and Zhong Xuexin's face had completely darkened.

The court was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Yun Lan looked at everyone's reactions and said, "Your Honor, it was because of their confession in the hospital that I finally decided to marry Bu Guodong. My husband is divorced. This incident was widely circulated in the hospital, and I believe many people have heard about it.”

Lawyer Ma frowned and began to wonder if he had taken the wrong case.

The author has something to say: Did the court confrontation fail? _(:з ∠)_

Yunqi threw a landmine

Ah Mo threw a mine

I threw a mine as I passed by

Yueyue threw a mine

Mo Moyue threw a landmine

Yinmanni threw a mine

Thank you to these girls for the mines, okay~╭(╯3╰)╮

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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