Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 76 Forensic Pioneer 3 (9)

Yun Lan glanced at Bu Guodong and Zhong Xuexin, and was very satisfied with their expressions. She said, "As a lawyer, I always carry a tape recorder with me. I went to the hospital to deliver supper that day. If my bag hadn't been zipped properly, The tape recorder fell out and delayed the time. I was afraid that I would not be able to hear such an affectionate confession. What was most difficult for me to accept was that I had already filed for divorce. It was Bu Guodong who said to me that we could still go on together. I promised to give him a chance, but he confessed to his confidante after I was on a business trip!"

Yun Lan looked at the judge and said: "Your Honor, I cannot agree with the moral values ​​of Bu Guodong and his girlfriend. If Bu Jiawen is allowed to continue to live in the Bu family and face such an example, I will deeply feel for her. I implore the judge to consider the guardian’s character as a key consideration.

Lawyer Ma stood up and said: "Ms. Zhou, please don't make such comments about my client. As a senior laboratory technician of the Forensic Department, my client has solved countless difficult cases and has made undoubted contributions to the people of Hong Kong. This It is the result of his insistence on justice, and his moral values ​​are absolutely correct. It can only be said that his handling of this relationship was not mature enough. After all, it was just a single incident."

Yun Lan said: "Your Honor, in order to prove the misconduct of the other party, please allow me to call a few witnesses."

After getting permission from the judge, the first witness to appear in court was Simon, the waiter at Happy Bar. Yun Lan asked after he took the oath: "Does the witness know Mr. Bu Guodong and Ms. Zhong Xuexin?"

This was the first time that she had spoken out Zhong Xuexin's name completely in court. Zhong Boshi frowned and sighed. Zhong Xuexin was sitting next to a group of colleagues, already a little restless. She had a hunch that what happened next would definitely happen. Not something she was happy to see.

Simon replied: "I know that Pro Sir and Dr. Zhong often come to the bar to have fun with their colleagues."

Yun Lan nodded and asked again: "Please describe the situation between the witnesses and the things that impressed you deeply."

Without thinking, Simon said directly: "Pro Sir and Dr. Zhong have a very good relationship. They always talk and laugh every time they come to the bar. They seem to have endless topics to talk about. Even the others play darts. , dancing or anything like that, the two of them never participated, they just sat on the sofa and chatted while eating. I heard that they are good partners and have a good understanding. "

Speaking of this, Simon scratched his head and smiled, and said: "Speaking of which, several of us waiters secretly speculated whether the two of them were a couple, but later I heard that Pro Sir seemed to have a wife. As for the impression, I was deeply impressed. The thing about me is that every time Dr. Bell arrives late, Pro Sir will order her favorite food and drinks in advance. He knows the time very accurately. Every time Dr. Bell arrives, the food will be freshly prepared. It’s just right for hot food.”

Yun Lan asked again: "Did the two of you have any intimate behavior in the bar?"

Simon looked at the judge, thought for a moment and said: "There is no particularly intimate behavior, but they will eat a bowl of snacks together, and if the other party gets dirty, they will wipe it with a tissue."

Yun Lan nodded and said with a smile: "Your Honor, I have no problem."

The second witness is Professor Fang. Yun Lan said: "Please give the witness a detailed account of what happened before and after the encounter with Mr. Bu Guodong at the happy bar on October 23."

Professor Fang glanced at Bu Guodong awkwardly and said, "I went to the bar with my friends that day. I saw Pro Sir from a distance and wanted to go over and say hello because I had seen him behaving with a woman next to him before. So I mistakenly thought that the woman was Mrs. Bu, but I made a big mistake. Later, the pro sir introduced me to the woman sitting on the other side of him, that is, Lawyer Zhou. You are his wife. I admit my mistake. I was embarrassed, so I left first.”

Yun Lan asked: "So, is the Mrs. Bu who you admitted wrong that day present at the scene?"

Professor Fang looked around, pointed at Zhong Xuexin in the first row of the auditorium and said, "Here, that's the lady."

The third witness is Li Jialu, a female police officer from the serious crime team. Yun Lan said: "Please tell the witness what happened at the airport on November 3."

Li Jialu looked at the auditorium, then at Bu Guodong, and hesitated for a while before saying: "That day, I went to the airport with several colleagues to see off the Sky Eye girl... The Sky Eye girl said that Pro Sir is Dr. Zhong's boyfriend. At that time, the pro sister-in-law, uh, lawyer Zhou, told her that the pro sir was your husband, but the girl with Tianyan insisted that the pro sir and Dr. Zhong were a couple. She said that she saw it, and then Dr. Zhong took her into the airport. Later, Lawyer Zhou and Pro Sir had a quarrel because of Dr. Zhong, and everyone dispersed. "

Yun Lan said: "So, let me ask the witness, did Bu Guodong and Zhong Xuexin explain their relationship to everyone at that time? Did they refute the words of the Sky-Eyed Girl?"

Li Jialu thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "No."

After Yun Lan waited for Li Jialu to exit, she said: "Your Honor, the testimony of several witnesses can prove that Bu Guodong and Zhong Xuexin's improper behavior is definitely not a single incident. Bu Jiawen's character and thinking have not yet matured. If she follows them life, I think it will have a bad impact on her.”

Lawyer Ma frowned, looked through the documents in his hand, and said, "We have discussed before that Bu Jiawen cannot accept her parents' new partner. From this point of view, although Bu Jiawen cannot accept my client for the time being, girlfriend, but after all, they knew each other before and got along very well. There is still a great chance that they can successfully get along in the future. But Ms. Zhou, if you have a new partner in the future, then Bu Jiawen will have to accept a complete stranger. A man being her new father may make her suffer even more.”

After Yun Lan waited for him to finish speaking, she bowed to the judge and said: "I, Zhou Yifei, hereby declare that I will never remarry in this life, nor will I have any feelings beyond friendship with anyone, and I will remain single. Although the single mother brought The child will be a little lonely and inconvenient, but I believe my parents can fill this gap for Bu Jiawen.”

Everyone in the audience whispered, and the judge knocked on the table, "Quiet!"

Lawyer Ma was also surprised. He pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at the documents in his hand, and sat back. Obviously, there is nothing left to say in this lawsuit. All the points he raised were cleverly blocked by Zhou Yifei. Regardless of financial ability, character, and living environment, Zhou Yifei completely defeated Bu Guodong. It seems that this He was destined to lose in this battle, but fortunately, it was not a shame to lose at the hands of the ever-victorious general, Attorney Zhou.

Finally, Bu Jiawen was asked for her opinion. Bu Jiawen was a little nervous seeing such a big scene for the first time, but she still made it clear that she wanted to live with Mommy. Yunlan won Wenwen's custody with an absolute advantage.

At the entrance of the court, Yun Lan was surrounded by more than a dozen reporters, asking her why she suddenly acquired so much real estate, but Bu Guodong had no idea about this. Yunlan replied that after the divorce, she cooperated with friends in the United States to speculate in stocks, and by luck she made a fortune, so she purchased these real estate properties. Someone also asked whether it was because of her own experiences that she had only been litigating cases for women as her first wife in the past six months.

This question has been asked in many interviews. Yunlan responded for the first time. She said: "Yes, my own family can no longer be saved. I don't want more families to be affected by a third party." As for the breakup, in the future, I will also be committed to helping the first-mover women and using the law to protect their rights from being infringed by a third party." This is equivalent to indirectly admitting that her family was destroyed by a third party, Yun Lan finished. Then he took Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou and Wenwen into the car and left.

When Zhong Xuexin and others came out, the reporter was not so gentle. Various sharp words such as "third party", "mistress", "destroying other people's families" and so on were thrown at Zhong Xuexin one by one. She could only Wearing sunglasses and covering her face with her bag, she quickly got into the car.

The next day, the story that had to be told between Hong Kong’s Chief Medical Examiner and Chief Forensic Laboratory Technologist made the headlines of major newspapers. Countless citizens have questioned the moral character of government workers. Many police officers will even be complained if they are not careful in their work. Female police officers, in particular, will be refused cooperation by housewives who claim that they are in a relationship with their husbands. Well, not just anyone can destroy it. There were complaints in the police station office. Even several staff members of the crime team began to distance themselves from Bu Guodong and Zhong Xuexin. They no longer asked them to gather together. They also advised Ling Qian'er to move out of Zhong Xuexin's residence as soon as possible to avoid being implicated by her.

Although Ling Qian'er didn't agree with Zhong Xuexin's behavior, after all, she had been friends for so long and didn't want to have a bad relationship. However, her mother reacted fiercely. If her daughter makes such a bad friend, the parents will definitely intervene. , now Zhong Xuexin's reputation as a "third party" has spread throughout Hong Kong. If her daughter continues to live with her, will she want to get married in the future?

So Ling Qian'er's mother moved quickly to rent a house and forcefully asked Ling Qian'er to move there within three days. Ling Qian'er was a little helpless, but her mother was also worried about her and the rent for the new house had been paid, so she had no objection. In addition, she was also dissatisfied with Zhong Xuexin's behavior of destroying other people's families. If she continued to live together, she would be in trouble every day. After meeting each other, maybe even the last bit of friendship was worn away, so I asked several colleagues from the serious crime team to help move.

The top police officials were very dissatisfied with the scandal caused by their subordinates. The general public had huge doubts about their integrity. This bad derailment had a serious impact on the police, so the top officials directly ordered Bu Guodong and Zhong Xuexin was suspended without pay and asked them to conduct a deep review of the incident.

Both the Bu family and the Zhong family were covered by dark clouds. Zhong Xuexin had no friends in the first place. After Ling Qian'er moved away, she felt abandoned by everyone. Now she didn't know whether she could continue her work. Gradually, she felt that she had no friends. Yun Lan's resentment, if she hadn't recorded the audio in the hospital and found those people as witnesses, how could she have been in such an embarrassing situation? However, Bu Guodong did not believe that Yun Lan did it on purpose, and believed that this incident was indeed his own inappropriate behavior, which made her vomit half to death, and her inner hostility towards Yun Lan deepened.

The author has something to say:

※Announcement Announcement※In the future, the double update time will be changed to 12 o'clock for the first update and 20 o'clock for the second update. Otherwise, I will always be late on time when there are no manuscripts to deposit_(:3∠)_

It is expected that Fa San will end tonight. The next story will be about Blue Life and Death Love. Speaking of which, Xiao Li’s Flying Knife, Wulin Foreign History, and Blue Blood Sword, do you want to read it? I haven’t written anything about Gu Long yet. It seems that everyone is more familiar with Jin Yong, Gu Long and Qiong Yao's dramas, but many of them have never watched Fa San.

Did everyone receive gifts for Valentine's Day yesterday? Be in love with your significant other!

By the way, you must tell your other half about Bu Guodong's various misdeeds and remind him to stay away from all kinds of women. [cover your mouth and laugh

Chang'an can no longer throw a landmine

Yunqi threw a grenade

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Thank you everyone for your Double Festival gifts! ! ! (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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