Cold winter and heavy snow.

Because of the snow, Tanjiro, who could not pull the charcoal cart, had to carry a bamboo basket full of charcoal on his back and sell charcoal at the bottom of the mountain.

Although it is hard, the weather is cold, and it is also a peak season for these charcoal sellers.

Whether it is a small town under the mountain or a nearby village, residents' consumption of charcoal naturally rises in a straight line.

On such days, the charcoal made by the stove family naturally does not worry about sales.

"Coming down to sell charcoal again, Tanjiro!"

"Mr. Kaede!"

Seeing Ye Feng greeting on the street, Tanjiro also responded cheerfully.

Since the death of his father, Tanjiro, the eldest son in the family, has taken on the burden of taking care of the family and supporting the family.

However, although life is difficult, it is not as tight as imagined.

On the one hand, every year Ye Feng would entrust their family to help pick "wild vegetables".

In addition, you can change to 1 yen for every 10 plants, regardless of the color of the wild vegetables.

Although the mountain only grows that kind of wild vegetables for a few days a year, as long as you are diligent enough, it is no problem to pick a few hundred plants.

Therefore, every year, their stove family was able to earn tens of yen from Ye Feng.

And these money alone, as long as they save a little flower, it is enough for their family to spend most of the year.

Coupled with Tanjiro's own income from selling charcoal, it can be said that their life in these ten miles and eight townships can be regarded as okay.

At least eat well, dress warmly, and occasionally buy some clothes and snacks to add some joy to his mother and younger siblings.

And for Ye Feng, who had helped their family a lot, Tanjiro naturally respected him from the bottom of his heart.

Every day when they came down to sell charcoal, they would pass by their mansion.

Whether Ye Feng bought charcoal or not, Tanjiro would say hello.

It's just that it's rare to encounter it on the street like today.

"Tanjiro, are you okay at home?"

"Home is fine, Mr. Kaede, I have to thank you for your assistance to my family!"

"Don't say that, Tanjiro, I'm just hiring your family to help pick herbs normally, paying with one hand and delivering them with the other!" Then again, in the past, when you went down the mountain to sell charcoal, didn't you only sell it once? Why did you run a second trip today?

"Because it's the New Year, I want to make a little more money, buy more delicious food, and let my family have a better life in this year!"

Tanjiro said that his family still has some savings, although it is also a heavy burden, but in this era, there is not much to spend.

And Tanjiro is only 13 years old now, he doesn't smoke, drink, or have a girlfriend, so it's natural that he can save money.

It's just money, who would have too much.

As the pillar of the family, Tanjiro also has to think about his younger siblings.

"This way..."

Ye Feng's eyes flashed, and then he took out 20 yen from his pocket and handed it to Tanjiro.

"Mr. Kaede, you are..."

"It's all the New Year, so take more time to spend with your family at home." I want all these charcoal from you, that's it!

"Much more, Mr. Kaede, even if I sell you all this charcoal, I won't be able to sell it for so much money." Moreover, didn't you just buy charcoal two days ago? Now..."

"Less nonsense, give it to you and you'll take it!" Besides, this big winter, my family has a little more charcoal. If you kid doesn't care, when the weather clears, bring your beans to my house to sit, Kana likes to play with her!"

"Yes, yes!"

Tanjiro nodded a little embarrassed, since he was in charge, others had also entered Ye Feng's mansion many times, knowing that Ye Feng's family had many female dependents.

Although Ye Feng said that those people were his sisters and sisters, Tanjiro always felt that something was wrong, but there seemed to be nothing wrong, but he just couldn't figure it out.

And Chana has also seen it, it is a cute girl who is a year or two older than Youdouzi.

At least, Tanjiro had never seen such a beautiful girl.

At Ye Feng's request, Tanjiro occasionally brings You Beans down the mountain to play. The two girls also have fun and have become very good friends.

"Then I'll put the charcoal in your mansion, Mr. Kaede!"

"No need, Tanjiro. They are soaking in the hot spring now, and it is not appropriate for you to go at this time. Give me the bamboo basket first, and I'll give it back to you the next time you go down!" "


As soon as Tanjiro answered, he put down the bamboo basket filled with charcoal, and then bowed to Ye Feng to show his gratitude.

"Then, I'll go back first, Mr. Kaede!"

"Well, be careful on the road!"

Ye Feng said, and Tanjiro also ran to the market.

He wanted to buy more ingredients while it was still dark.

With the 20 yen that Ye Feng gave him, he could buy a lot of rice, vegetables, and fish.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, raised the corners of his mouth and directly grabbed the bamboo basket and went home.

By the time he returned to the mansion, Zhu Shi and Tianyin had been waiting in the courtyard for a long time.

"Welcome back, Kaede!"


Ye Feng nodded, and then put the bamboo basket down.

Because the "master" and "master" called "master" for fear of causing unnecessary conjectures among nearby residents, Ye Feng directly asked his women to call his name.

Like the relatively small Xiannaihu, he directly called Ye Feng "brother", which can be regarded as relatively close.

"So, Kaede, what about time, is it tonight?"

Tianyin looked at the bamboo basket that Ye Feng had carried back, and couldn't help but ask.

In this regard, Ye Feng also nodded and said, "It should be tonight... Zhu Shi, is your medicine ready?

"It's already ready! It's just that although the prescription is obtained from Wu Miserable, after all, this is the first time we use it, and we don't know how effective it is?

"It's okay, the island country is so big, there are so many experimental subjects on two legs!" When You Bean completely joins us, the grudge between the ghost and the ghost killing team, let them go to fight, we can completely stay out of the matter and sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Ye Feng sneered and said, after taking care of the Stove Gate family for so many years, it was time to recover the interest....

Soon, night fell.

On the cold Yuntori Mountain, only the candlelight of the stove family shines a little light in this mountain.

The Tanjiro family gathered around the campfire, and the burning flames made the stew in the cauldron "pop". The pervasive smell of meat brought joy to this family.

"I'm sorry, I'm a traveler on this mountain, I accidentally got lost in the mountain, can I spend the night at your house?"

"Yes, okay!"

Hearing the movement outside the door, the kind-hearted Tanjiro didn't think too much, and directly got up from the campfire and prepared to open the door.

It's just that when others approached the gate, a strange smell instantly made them stop.

But he didn't think much about it, just slowly opened the door.

And the moment the door opened, the cold wind whistled into the house instantly, and the bonfire was extinguished instantly.

The swaying sun earrings in Tanjiro's ears directly caused the man outside the door to erupt into endless murderous intent.

In an instant, the entire stove family was directly shrouded in blood...

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