"The hateful step-kingdom Yuan Yi has been dead for so long, and there are still small flames left in the world. Forget about that bastard, even such a place! Unfortunately, this flame was finally extinguished by me! Wu

Miserable looked at the corpses in the house, and the people also showed a sneer.

And at his feet, Tanjiro, who wore sun earrings next to his ears, also fell in a pool of blood.

He had already been disemboweled, and even his intestines were flowing out.

Although there is still gas, it is already not far from death.

His eyes were already in tears when he looked at his dead mother and younger siblings.

This happy family has also come to an end today.

"Boy, I'm scared, after all, it's death, it's something that makes people fearful. It's a pity that anyone can live, but not people like you! But...... Maybe there will be surprises. I injected blood into your family, and as long as the physique is excellent enough, you should be able to survive. I also want to see what kind of ghost will produce if you inherit that guy's earrings if you are eaten? If you can overcome the sun, it will be much more interesting! Hahaha..." Wu

Miserably laughed happily, and the person also turned to leave, and then disappeared into the snowy night.

He was surprised to meet the successor of Jikokuichi here.

And being able to kill that successor also made Wu Miserable very happy.

Unfortunately, the person who died was not Ye Feng.

If it was Ye Feng, it would be even better.

Over the years, he has also arrested several members of the ghost killing team and secretly collected intelligence.

When he learned that Ye Feng did not join forces with the Ghost Killing Team, but instead formed a grudge with the Ghost Killing Team, Wu Mi was also relieved.

He didn't want the breath of the sun to spread among the ghost killing team, especially like Ye Feng, but if the pillars of the ghost killing team reached Ye Feng's level, then even if he was not miserable, he had to weigh his ability.

And over the years, Wu Mian has also been secretly looking for Ye Feng's whereabouts.

It's just that since Tong Mo's death, Ye Feng and her women have been missing.

Although this made Wuxian very happy, he was also afraid that the other party was secretly plotting something and was ready to disadvantage him.

Therefore, it has always been very careful to prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter.

Even if it was a trip, it was a good contact with Naruto.

In the event of a sudden accident, he immediately opened the entrance to Infinity City and teleported him back to the other space.

It can be said that with the appearance of Ye Feng, although the strength of Wu Miserable has not improved much, the degree of timidity has risen several notches...

"No misery!"

"Master, found the crow of the Ghost Killing Team!"

"It seems that the abnormality here has been discovered by the ghost killing team, and soon, there will be members of the ghost killing team here to check the situation!"

"Susei, Kanae, Shinobu, how is the situation of the Stovemon family?"

"No, except for You Bean and Tanjiro, there is still breath now, Madam Stove and the other children are dead!"

"yes! That guy is really too careful. Unfortunately, if he grabs someone to eat, he may overcome the sun. However, it is cheaper for us. Give them first aid, clean up this place, and we can go down the mountain too! "


Seeing Ye Feng say this, the several women who followed him up the mountain also nodded one after another.

In this regard, Tanjiro and Youdouzi, whose consciousness has already been completely blurred, are naturally not clear...

One day, two days, three days....

I don't know how long it was, but when Tanjiro opened his eyes and came to his senses, the whole person was in a state of confusion.

[What, I this is... So heavy!

Looking at the iron chains that bound his limbs, Tanjiro was also a little confused.

But when he saw the blood stains around him clearly, the memories of that snowy night immediately rushed to his mind.

"Ahhh... Mother, you Bean, Takeo, Shigeru, Rokuta, where are you?

"Tanjiro, great, you're finally awake!"

Sushi opened the door of the house and saw that Tanjiro had sobered up, and the person also showed joy.

"Miss Zhu Shi, where is this? What about my mother, and you beans...,"

Tanjiro asked with tears in his eyes, he was more concerned about his family's safety than his current situation.

In this regard, Zhu Shi also couldn't help sighing and said: "Tanjiro, in fact, there are some things that you should also understand. A week ago, when Kaede from the morning exercise went up the mountain to return the bamboo basket, he found your family lying in a pool of blood. Your mother, as well as your younger siblings, have been..."

Susei didn't finish his words, and Tanjiro, who already had a premonition, was also crying, crying like a child.

Of course, he is only 13 years old at the moment, and he is indeed a child.

"By the way, Miss Zhu Shi, I should have been seriously injured that night, why did I survive? And..."

Tanjiro licked the corners of his mouth, and although there was no mirror, he could feel the fangs growing in his mouth.

Even the nails of his hands turned into claws and became quite hideous.

"That's something else, Tanjiro, I'm actually a doctor. After sending you down the mountain, I found that Your Bean's body seemed to have undergone some miraculous changes. Because you are brothers and sisters with the same blood type, you can get blood transfusions with each other. At that time, you lost a lot of blood, and in order to save your life, I could only collect your beans' blood and pump it into your body. It's just that I didn't expect that after the blood transfusion, you would have a strange change. Not only went crazy, but also became extremely aggressive. There were even several villagers who helped you, all bitten by you!

"I, bite everyone!"

When Tanjiro heard Zhu Shi say this, the whole person was also a little unbelievable.

Just in the next second, the words that were miserable suddenly sounded in his mind.

[I injected blood into your family, as long as the physique is excellent enough, you should be able to survive. I also want to see what kind of ghost will produce if you inherit that guy's earrings if you are eaten? If you can overcome the sun, it will be much more interesting! 【

Ghost? I became a ghost!

Tanjiro was stunned, and although it was difficult to accept this fact, he knew that this was most likely the case.

"By the way, Miss Suzu, I'm like this now, then, you beans..." Seeing

a flash of hope in Tanjiro's eyes, Sushi sighed and said, "Tanjiro, your mother, and those young brothers and sisters are all dead. "

You bean, how is she doing?"

"Your beans are in a similar situation to you, but worse than you. When she fell into madness, she directly gnawed at the corpses of your mother and younger siblings! Hearing

Sushi say this, Tanjiro's whole person was also stunned.

He couldn't imagine that that gentle and considerate sister, You Bean, would actually eat his mother and younger siblings.

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