Comprehensive Manga: I Am A Member Of The Discipline Committee At Juwang Academy

Chapter 69 The Fire Phoenix Weeped In Minutes To Become A Water Phoenix

Listening to Leville's series of begging for mercy.

Nangong Yu's face didn't even change.

Still so calm and laid back.

I don't mean to feel distressed at all.

He even spoke in a leisurely tone.

"Leville, proper discipline is beneficial.

It will make "you change your mind and be a good devil who is positive and uplifting from now on."

There are no such good demons!

Watching the lock of sky approaching step by step.

Huang Weier was so frightened that she was speechless and cried.

Bai Zhe's face became soggy, very pitiful.

The two little feet also struggled in mid-air again.


In the next second, the lock of the sky flicked like lightning.

Passing quickly in the air, there was a clear sound.


Her eyes widened in an instant, and Levi snorted.

A scorching sensation also spread quickly from the place where it was attacked.

I actually...

He was really punished by Feng Ji!

Still in this way!

The azure blue eyes suddenly widened.

There was an unbelievable look in Levi's eyes.


She hasn't waited for her to get over.

Another clear sound fell to the ground.

The wound that had been uncomfortable enough just now was suddenly painful.


The tone changed suddenly, and Huang Weier was about to collapse.

It's endless, why do you want to fight!

Even if she did something wrong, these few strokes are enough!

Doesn't the person in front of me mean to pity and cherish jade at all!

Thinking indignantly, Lei Wei'er's watery eyes also looked at Nangong Yu.

There was a deep grievance in his eyes.

"Enough, enough!"

"Do this to the ladies of the noble family."

"Aren't you ashamed!"

"Well! Enlightenment!--

"Don't fight! I tell you to stop, stop!"

Regardless of whether Levi's begs for mercy or threatens.

The sky's lock skimmed through the air without hesitation at all.

The dull sound kept ringing in the lounge.

Asia, who was watching, was shocked.

The whole person shrank in a corner.

Looking at Levi's face that was completely red.

Eyes with constant tears.

She couldn't help feeling sincerely again.

Fortunately, she is a good boy!

Otherwise, she would be punished by Feng Ji!

We have to make persistent efforts in the future to be a good child!

Asia made up her mind.

The two Loli who were bound by the lock of sky were small, but their eyes were about to fall off.

Sister Huang Wei'er, the punishment is so miserable!

Next, the next one, it won't be them anymore!

Don't take it so many times.

Can it still be used?

They won't be able to sit on stools anymore, they can only live on their stomachs!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two little Loli were horrified.

Did not dare to struggle anymore, and was honestly hung in the air by the lock of heaven.

I'm afraid that the young man will turn around in the next second, and give them a wave of discipline and punishment.

I don't know how long it took, the muffled noise in the room finally stopped.

The lock of the sky was once again suspended in the air in a regular manner.

"Huh, huh--"

"Ahem, eh..."

With blood dripping all over her face, Huang Wei'er was soaked with sweat all over her body.

The lovely Lolita clings to her pitifully.

What has been tossed is all wrinkles.

The injured place was even more numb, without a trace of sensation.

Bai Zhe's face was washed clean with tears.

Facing the golden magic circle, there was a little reflection.

The whole person looks miserable.

I don't know, I thought she fought a powerful enemy for 300 rounds.

Consciousness seems to be in chaos.

The lock of the sky stopped for several seconds.

Levi's came back slowly.

"Knot, it's over?"

Blinking her eyes in confusion, she murmured.

In the next second, the lock of the sky that was entwining her was slowly released.

Even with a touch of tenderness, she put Levi'er on the small bed in the lounge.

Then, Nangong Yu's voice also rang.

"Asia, can I trouble you to treat her?"

This sentence was like a thunder, exploding in Levi's ear.

She was stunned for several seconds before she looked at Nangong Yu.

I saw the other person standing by the bed with a gentle expression.

And Asia responded, and came over after a trot.

The healing green light flickered in her hand, pasting the injured part of Huang Weier.

"Don't worry, it will be better soon.

The gentle words fell in Huang Wei'er's ear.

But it made her eyes suddenly complicated.

Just now, Nangong Yu was completely able to let Asia leave first, and then be disciplined.

At first she thought that the other party kept Asia.

It is intended to recover to a certain extent during the battle with her.

Now it seems…

This ability to heal was actually left to her specially!

Although it shouldn't be, but at this moment.

Levi's still felt a touch of gentleness in this behavior.

There was an expression of indignation and dissatisfaction on her little face.

It also melted a lot and turned into a trace of grievance.

If you think about it, both she and Rissel are doing something wrong!

(Zhao Qian is good) Suddenly came to the door, and it was normal for the opponent to attack in self-defense!

Everything should have been well communicated.

The matter of discipline...

It's not too late for her to sneak back in revenge when she turns around!

Thinking constantly in her heart, Levi's eyes kept looking at Nangong Shuo.

That handsome face that was a bit hateful just now.

Suddenly it was pleasing to the eye a lot.

At this moment, Asia's treatment had also ended.

Feeling the second half of the body that has regained consciousness.

Levi snorted softly, and some Tsundere spoke.

"You are the first to do this to a noble lady!"

"But, my lady, I have a big heart, just--"

"Send, wait, what are you going to do!"

"Stop, stop it!"

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